Being Vegan FOR THE VOICELESS. (vs. Kalel)

01 August 2018 [link youtube]

Don't make excuses for people who make excuses (vs. Kalel & Unnatural Vegan). Here are the links to the sources quoted:

1. *Kalel* "I'M NOT REALLY VEGAN? (4/5)"

2. *Unnatural Vegan:* "Re: Kalel "I'm Not Really Vegan?" (imperfection is failure?)"

3. *à-bas-le-ciel:* "Vegan Youtube "Activism": the Politics of Performance, the Future of an Illusion.

#Kalel #Veganism #Ethics

Youtube Automatic Transcription

bonus yen so buying meat from a grocery
from a grocery store obviously supports animal cruelty but eating someone's like chicken tenders that they were gonna throw away what how is that a problem so then she gets into the the non vegan things that she still consumes she still uses so she talks about movie theater popcorn and candy bar like very occasionally she says I think in the comments she says like four times a year or something like that I think it's a shame that someone who eats a vegan diet avoids palm oil but let's say they buy like I don't know Maybelline foundation or something every few months or they buy a pair of leather shoes every few years they can't call themselves vegan but the thing that I I really like is the thing that she says after she lists those sometimes I just feel so sick of caring about every tiny thing I do and so I feel like I'm holding onto these like few things that I just don't really care about because I'm just so sick of structuring my entire life checking every label googling every uncertainty asking the server to go in the back and pull out this big binder that has every single ingredient of everything you know it just after a certain point it just becomes exhausting this really relates to the ethic behind veganism and even the ethic behind what I'm doing here in the digital vegan demi-monde when I was walking on the street the other day things like this have happened too many times in China there was yet another car barging its way through a bunch of pedestrians right so this is like the car is basically crashing into people at low speed to break the rules and get through the intersection thirty seconds faster right not that interesting a story all kinds of people on this block on this at this intersection all kinds of people there who can't stand up for themselves there are women holding babies there are elderly people there are people from different ages and stages of life there are people there who either can't stand up for themselves or who feel that they can't stand up themselves and when a car like this basically threatens to run them over to barge its way through the pedestrians were crossing the street a lot of them just slink out of the way and I don't this particular case the other day I slammed my fist down on the hood of the car that was dead center the car was running into me just running into me at slow speed and I didn't do that to damage the car but I put my fist down on the car to make that noise because you know it's hollow gives a bigger against the drivers attention and driver was doing that thing a lot of drivers when they're doing something wrong they kind of don't want to look at you they want to pretend like they don't see you dude I'm huge I'm 6 foot 3 I'm over 200 pounds and I'm standing dead center in front of your car you're gonna pretend you don't see me and you know I made this noise but put my fist down on his car and I looked him straight in the eye the driver not gonna say he can't run me over he can but I'm not gonna make it easy for him I'm not gonna lie down and die and I'm not gonna slink out of the way I'm not gonna jump out of his way if he wants to kill me okay but I'm not going down without a fight and I know there are all kinds of people right there on that street where then who can't do that because they're carrying their baby or they're too old they're too weak or they don't have the confidence in terms of maybe maybe dealing with the cops if it happens afterwards I mean if if if that did come to a fight which I knew it wouldn't I'm gonna see I could see through the windshield this guy wasn't gonna stand up to me but if it came to a fight guess what I tell the cops yeah I crashed into me he intentionally hit me with his car what do you expect gonna happen I don't mine what I don't [ __ ] spending a few weeks in a Chinese prison either do me a world of good language immersion you know fine I'm not actually doing that out of anger I'm not doing that out of a sense of revenge I'm not doing it even under the sense of my own dignity like this driver you have to respect me I'm actually doing it because I want this driver to respect everyone I don't just want him to not run over me I don't just want him to not run over the guy who's big enough and tough and to threaten to kick his ass if he doesn't [ __ ] put on the brakes when he knows he's wrong and he knows he should just wait for the light to change I want him to respect everyone including or especially the people who can't stand up for themselves and on a really deep level I do think that's behind veganism veganism as opposed to reduce at arianism veganism as opposed to just vaguely donating money to Greenpeace or the Green Party being ecologically aware but still eating milk and animal products now on them when you say no you know if I don't stand up for the cows who live and die their whole [ __ ] lives in a world of steel and concrete who will I am so glad that she mentioned this this exhaustion and like burnout and just kind of having that like [ __ ] it kind of thing that all of us have to some extent I think we need to be aware of that within ourselves it's a very individual thing right everybody's different there are vegans who never feel like that I'm sure okay if I eat a candy bar with a tiny bit of milk in it am i like 99.99999% vegan like how does it work is it based on like the number of non vegan products that I eat the reality is that you know for kal-el those little indulgences the popcorn the the candy bars just even though they seem so stupid to her and like why can't she let them go just having those little moments where she can go [ __ ] I don't care and how and she can just have a candy bar that could be what's just kind of keeping her saying keeping her grounded and allowing her to be vegan the vast majority of the time so I think the big one for a lot of people is restaurants right like dining out that's where people just go oh my god it's it's frustrating you feel like you have to dictate where you're gonna eat so I think knowing that about yourself and maybe just going you know what maybe right now I don't worry about restaurants like I'll just eat what I eat at restaurants and I I'm an at-home vegan right I think that would make veganism or vegetarianism or whatever a lot more palatable for people and third to kal-el like you are doing so amazing having four candy bars a year having popcorn when you go to the movie Jesus even if you go to see a movie every week you are doing such an incredible job it honestly makes me so sad that [ __ ] Puri vegans have made you feel bad and have made you feel like you aren't doing an amazing job I've met people I've talked about this before I've met people who are physically disabled and they've got to eat whatever the nurse in the hospital gives them I've met people I know people now who are in hospital with different conditions and they got to eat whatever the hospital they don't have a choice either that or they try to find a new hospital right there are people who are on military service in a submarine and they got to eat whatever food the military gives them in the submarine whatever okay there are people I'm not any of people if I don't stand up there are other people on that block crossing that Street who can't step if I don't stand up who will okay and I look at all you look at all you [ __ ] and ask that question I look at the other people in my school the other students I look at my teachers say why don't you stand up for what's right if you know if you can pull this is right and that this is a meal I don't know compared to compared to punching a car that's trying to run you over refusing to eat Dairy Milk refusing to eat yogurt it's not that much to ask it's not it's not that much of a risk you don't have to be that tough a guy to say even if I'm going to go hungry I'm not gonna compromise I'm not gonna eat this [ __ ] that I know is bad for the ecology of the planet it's bad for the animals even to have known health alright you don't to take that stand in the grocery store or the restaurant it's not asking that much I just think vegans have made this lifestyle looks so [ __ ] restrictive then nobody even wants to take the first step people are literally terrified to even call themselves vegan because they think they're gonna be attacked for not following rule number 16 properly you know it is so detrimental to the movement for us to have this like militant view on how things should be these critics are making veganism harder if somebody wants to be 10 percent vegan we should be alright let's do it you're doing such a good job that's amazing that you're making those changes if somebody is plant-based and wants to call themselves vegan who gives a [ __ ] who cares why are we on our high horses about these labels but even more important than that I want to fight the stereotype that you have to follow all of these rules perfectly in order to call yourself a vegan you really don't most of these people who are conformists are [ __ ] cowards and with that example with the car when I looked into the eyes of the driver he had his girlfriend or his wife next to him in the next seat and I could read his face like a book I've lived in Chinese culture for a long time so I'm very used to reading expressions trans people's faces the expression on his face was exactly one of fear and in a sense guilt because knew he was in the wrong terms what he was doing with his car and of not wanting to let his girlfriend ce o-- of not wanting to let his girlfriend seat that he was terrified of me and of what I was gonna do next if I was gonna come over to his window or what and of course he stopped he stopped he stopped his car I mean he stopped [ __ ] slow-mo whipping people over that's this [ __ ] intersection and you know just say I mean it's connect this is not experience if I once experiences like this you know roughly similar many many times all have been in China and I've I've had I've had some experience that were worse in Canada actually you know but here here in China now a couple of weeks ago there I really got emotional hit by it because it's linked to this it's linked to this kind of normal not quite daily struggle as part of my life but you know I just saw a guy walking down the road actually one of the same roads you guys have seen on camera on this channel you know really messed-up road where you got a you got motorcycles almost crashing into you and it's it's just a messed up road here this construction going on is if there was a blind man walking down that same road no I walk all the time he had the walking stick and he had another walking stick coming out of his backpack with a red flag on it you know to try to make him more visible try to prevent cars and motorcycles from just barging into and you know you know as modest and miserable and ineffectual as our little ways are of standing up for what's right not everybody can do it I can can you [Music] evolution