We Support Nina and Randa 100% (vs. Unnatural Vegan… AGAIN!)

13 December 2018 [link youtube]

Eating sweet potatoes as the staple of your diet is not "extreme"; it really isn't. We support Nina and Randa on this, and within a few months, we'll probably be living on their diet ourselves.

[Title]: Clear Cystic Acne with Diet - Nina & Randa

[Link:] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aAEBxNYTwM

[Title:] Nina & Randa Promote An Extreme "Clear Skin" Diet To Teenagers

[Link:] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgkmN811atI

Get the Clear Skin Diet audiobook here (Amazon.com):


[Title:] The Clear Skin Diet: The Six-Week Program for Beautiful Skin: Foreword by John McDougall MD

Youtube Automatic Transcription

just I think what's interesting about
this is that Nina and Randa came out of their past experience with a positive and empowering message that acne is a problem you can solve if you take responsibility and you work hard and you stick to this diet which is not easy right they came out with this positive inspiring message saying this is a problem we can solve for yourself and unnatural vegan all she's got to say is no you can't go to the doctor trust what they say get on the pill I don't even know what the title for this video is gonna be yet but I'm opening by reassuring you that it is not clickbait I genuinely agree with and support Nina and Randa on this issue 100% yeah alright I don't have to like their music I don't have to like their education and career choices I don't have to enjoy their videos that involve challenges licking other people's bodies or bizarre thinly veiled pre Texas for forgetting half naked and asking their boyfriends embarrassing questions and most of the time they don't even have a boyfriend they get some actor to pretend to be their boyfriend for the purpose of the video that's that's not what we're talking about today what we're talking about today is the clear skin diet and the clear skin diet my girlfriend is become an expert in lately because it is a very slight modification of dr. MacDougall's yeah it's basically the mcdougal diet it's the same principles but I mean in the mcdougal diet some healthy fats are permitted but restricted and really they're not not emphasized in mcdougal diet it's really a low-fat diet and brutal McDougal plan but you know for example me and Randa donate avocados but mcdougal sometimes can incorporate so it's a slightly modified form of the mcdougal diet and I have the book well I have it on audiobook so mm-hmm no tell me listen to the love you a cash for the audiobook dear Anita and Randa in their dulcet tones in there well forms and the structure narrating to you the principles of their diet did you mean the cheapskate that I am I got an audio audible right audible Canada free trials so it was free free was that from amazon.com so you signed up for a free trial yeah I think this is the only video on YouTube that is not a paid promotion off the bowl that is mentioning it uh-huh so you did the paperwork and you actually got this without paying a dime I think through the the magic of capitalism somehow Nina and random will still get paid even though you didn't buy the book because you got the free trial right okay and your overall feeling is Nina and rather earn that money this is maybe one corner of their life in which they've been hard-working and showed some hustle and Verve and tenacity right yeah at dedication right definitely I mean look let's be fair we've never really seriously evaluated their contribution to music or Taco Bell advertising right not our genre of music we both just listen to rap and hip-hop but you know their contribution to the world of diet okay yeah all right so we can all appreciate that and they set out we both saw together I found it and moving an interesting video one of their presentations about thirty minutes long where they talked about the fact that they were going out and going to auditions and hustling that these terrible breakouts that this pretty brief period of their life with really extreme acne but then I think you described it as either cystic acne or hormonal acne yeah both both all the above and they managed to get under control they did manage to in effect sure their condition by modifying their diet and what makes this story even more remarkable is that they didn't do this by becoming vegan they already were vegan this is entirely about the contrast between healthy and unhealthy diets within veganism and I think that makes it more interesting that makes it more compelling and it makes it more challenging and that brings us to the top of this video professional contrarian nincompoop and hit with unnatural has decided to pick a fight with Nina yeah what is up gosh I was so upset listening to this because at the very end like right she admits unnatural weaken admits that she has not had more than 20 pimples in her life she doesn't know [ __ ] about this she doesn't know the [ __ ] heartbreak that comes with this and I do like I know what it's like to be on antibiotics for the majority of my adult years of my teen years I know what it's like to be told that you're gonna be put on accutane you're gonna have to be put on birth control pills to be on birth control pills since at the age of 14 like I have just now like you know decided to stop the medications that I was taking I mean I know it's only been a week or whatever but like you know I seem to be doing totally fine and you know I have been doing the mcdougal diet it's a big change in your life yeah it's a huge change in like it's from someone that has no experience with this it really seems in poor taste for her to be making these claims that the diet is dangerous to say that so let's just start with a general statement of principle mm-hmm it is true there are some people who dismiss all medication just because is medication and that's a problem right yeah so and you know what I brought this up when we were talking about antidepressants another hot-button topic with a natural vegan I have many videos on this channel and the most important ones I don't even speak in where I'm just presenting the views of experts who dedicated decades of their lives died when a depressants nad depressants SSRIs such as prozac are examples of debunked pseudoscience and they have very serious negative side effects however that doesn't mean that all mind altering drugs or all medication of this type or all so yeah drew medication has been debunked a really interesting contrast are actually the drugs given to cocaine addicts and heroin addicts and opiate addicts people have become added to help them transition without them quit without going through tremors and seizures and fits to ease the pain of withdrawal symptoms yeah something you can test empirically that is the realm of science in a sense that goes back that Sextus empiric us in ancient Rome and Athens this is really the great European tradition of let's get out our calibers calipers let's get out our calipers and measure what the difference is to observation and computation and we figure out what works and what doesn't so there are some people who in a have a blanket hostility to modern medical science and even to vitamins and even to you know really legitimate medicine that can make a positive difference in your life right yeah but at the other end at the opposite extreme and we know a natural vegan in our own personal life was like a pendulum that swung from one extreme to the other you have people dismissing really serious side effects yep SSRI antidepressants like prozac have serious side effects taking an SSRI during pregnancy has really serious side effects accutane very serious side effects that she completely brushes off in this label this is not a conspiracy theory if you've read the current labels on Prozac and SSRIs those are pretty scary too but with accutane this is really serious and I think your doctors who you never went on accutane but you were being prepared to and they were really talking through with you look you know this is life altering medication if not life risking medication yeah yeah I mean like I said at 14 years old being someone who wasn't sexually active being told that it's okay so you're starting this medication now you have to watch this informational video sign these forms that you've watched this video you need to agree to use two forms of hormonal contraception you know so you have to agree to always use pronouns and you have to be on the birth control pill as a female alright so like and you have to as you take the drug you have to be taking pregnancy tests each month like you have to go in and get your blood test on because this is a very serious drug and you know she just says the most common side effect is dry skin the dry skin is no joke with accutane I've seen photos I've I know people that have gotten addicted to use being like chapstick and like moisturizer constantly because I think there is joint pain if you like people that have chronic joint pain after taking accutane changes in your mood changes in you know suicidal thoughts and depressive disorder and it's it's it's really serious okay most people that I've you want to talk about a side effect that's easy to ignore diarrhea mm-hmm so many medications have listed those who you just remind of the other day iron pills iron vitamins among the side effects is that do you want to know a really simple side effect that can completely destroy your life completely destroy your ability to go on vacation or walk to the grocery store do anything diarrhea you think it's a joke think about the impact diarrhea is you know if you know what's worse chronic acne or chronic diarrhea I mean it's it's a real question but I mean you know one of the reasons why you lately really stepped up your game in terms of diet and health one of the reasons why you got interested in Nina andas diet looking at it as a version of the mcdougal diet was diarrhea yes and we went through this together we we thought logically we were going through a process of oh here I use the word I was gonna say process of elimination elimination is a poor where we thought we were logically deducing what the causes of her indigestion might be and it didn't even occur to us that it was actually some of the pills you were taking and that even comes down to a technical matter of the coating on the pill and when the pill is divided you don't get the coating and this kind of thing then again okay I think we did I think we were aware of the list of side effects right but you don't necessarily think of it you don't think wow you know in your case and these medications you were on related to acne ultimately both of them because of the birth control for you birth control pill you've gone to kisaki it's not the same as binge drinking and then dealing with a hangover the next morning if you get drunk once a month that's one day out of the month don't do it I'm not endorsing binge drinking I'm really not I'm a hundred percent against alcohol and I'm thinking I should drink alcohol but there is something really different about the pervasive influence of a drug that you take every day day after day after day and that causes subtle and pervasive changes throughout your whole body chemistry there's your whole hormonal system to try to achieve the effect of changing you know it's like the rate of oil going through your skin it's a very fundamental biological process to try to try to toy with right yeah so well who are you gonna say scientific optimism seems strangely misplaced and mangled in unnatural begins you know exactly and I mean as I've been looking into this more I've been so distraught and depressed thinking about the yeah you know years of my life that I would go to a dermatologist and they would never say anything about diet they would just say acne isn't dependent on diet it's just your genetics it's just what's going on with your hormones right now there's really nothing that you can do in terms of diet and I give Nina and Randa a lot of credit for get putting this information out there if it even if it doesn't help everyone I think it will help a significant number of people and honestly you're only making your diet healthier by changing to this diet I mean like the mcdougal diet is basically the ultimate human diet it's like the best all right I mean that's right there are a lot of guests there's a lot of guess work that goes into diagnosis and a man it's a really a very different thing if you're looking at symptoms you're looking at diarrhea and then trying to say well could it because by this could it be caused by that should you would should you try this drug or that drug with this or that set of serious side effects to treat it but when you're talking about adopting a diet that you already know scientifically to be healthier like okay mmm we're gonna stop eating things like chocolate bars that we already know are bad for us a dozen different ways and we're gonna see what the impacts of that then it's not really a hard sell at least on an experimental basis to give that a try and see see what you can what you can get yeah and I just want to say in defense of me and Randa you know listening to their process in their book basically like if if you want to try to introduce foods that in the vegan diet that have a higher percentage of fat like if you want to try reintroducing soy if you want to try reintroducing avocado they recommend that you you know you have the strict diet and then you add things one at a time to see if there are trigger foods for you and then if they're they don't cause any problems for you then you can keep having them in your diet if you want you know if you want to have these sources of fats in your diet so it's not like I don't appreciate that like unnatural you can just made this video by looking at some videos and looking at their website without knowing the whole process and yeah overall I think like the basics of it are really beneficial for a lot of teenagers who like it will teach them to be responsible with their diet to teach them to like learn about basic cooking because some of the stuff is just so easy I mean like you're putting to boil a potato mash right make beans learn to use a pressure cooker to make beans and so on I mean all like beans it's like how can you say that there's a problem with that I mean like what it is truth I'm eating oatmeal which has a significant percentage of fat I mean if you look at this ya label it's like so let me put you this way this is not quite playing devil's advocate is there a positive take-home message from what unnatural vegan as the sale with us well the reason is because her usual mo seems to be talked to your doctor get a prescription get be nationally yeah I mean the point of her video is to say that you shouldn't just do this diet you should listen to your doctor there's a reason why doctors prescribe accutane it's so that people can prevent themselves from having acne scars for the rest of their lives basically that you should not do this restrictive diet it should be the last diet that you choose if you're trying to alter your yeah right and her basis for that is just the fear that it's too low fat and nothing else yeah right and she's saying that it doesn't have enough scientific evidence backing it up which it can I don't know look among vegan diets isn't the mcdougal diet maybe the best it was substantiate it scientifically it's like you know yeah yeah well the other bodybuilders will say this to you but I've been thinking I think it's true enough when bodybuilders say it when people say it to um you know if you have excess protein your body converts it into fat if your body has excess fat your body cannot convert it into protein and probably I am as heavy as I am right now from excess protein I eat a very high protein diet yeah I don't burn it all I don't I don't have that act of a life whose fault is that but yeah I don't understand I mean obviously unnatural vegans to some extent just traumatized by her own negative experience with high carb low fat diets yeah that definitely ends that includes she was saying that like people on these kinds of diets will stop menstruating like stop ovulating like that was her experience she annamaria while she was doing a low-fat high-carb meal plan but obviously she wasn't doing this she wasn't doing like lots of beans lots of potatoes lots of vegetables lots of cream and each meal is a cook through yeah buddy gonna rock oh yeah it's not raw everything that issues right now but that doesn't mean it also includes raw food raw fruit vegetables and so on so yeah I mean overall I do think yeah that you're right that she's you know a little bit scarred and that she's just I think what's interesting about this is that Nina and Randa came out of their past experience with a positive and empowering message that acne is a problem you can solve if you take responsibility and you work hard and you stick to this diet which is not easy right it's not an easy diet as they said themselves this is not a magical cure-all this is this is science this is hard work this is a kind of self-discipline of eating this getting on this narrow path they came out with this positive inspiring message saying this is a problem you can solve for yourself and unnatural vegan all she's got to say is no you can't go to the doctor trust what they say get on the pill yeah get on the pill but I know and I mean I'm not one of these people that has grown up being anti medication anti doctor you know I was my first line of reasoning was to get to the doctor and see what they say but I have legitimate reasons to be skeptical about this for multiple reasons and you know also what is some ways I owe you a turret yeah some tight ways now you're looking back and wondering how much kind of damage you did yourself is how many years of your life you lost within the last six months within the last six months I've seen really the very negative side effects of the drugs you're on they're not serious they're not I mean they're kameen they're not good they're not considered even serious medication yeah but I've seen the impacts that said in your life in the last six months yeah and terrible and if if you can solve this problem I mean it's not far-fetched I'm sorry why does it seem improbable that you can deal with look I lived through rato for also I live through you know high carb low fat is taking on these crazy connotations because crazy people advocated for it durianrider claimed that you could cure schizophrenia through diet okay naturally you should be skeptical about that he claimed you could solve you could cure bipolar disorder and Crohn's disease and all these things okay but if someone tells you you can impure you could improve acne you can improve or cure acne through diet you're telling me that's so wildly far-fetched that know that no you should go to your doctor and trust them as as opposed to there are other doctors we're in a free market of idea one thing really you can't imagine I can't imagine presenting a sweet potato based diet which is what nina raedo specifically they live on sweet potatoes yeah presenting a sweet potato based diet is so dangerous that you dare not even try it except as a last resort I was so so frustrating to hear her saying Nina and ranter were born on a vegan diet so they've never tried other diets like yeah I swear natural vegan is really just catering to like people who are not even vegan you know like she's I think most reviewers are not even begin anymore I can tell it a lot of people in the vegan YouTube you know yeah not one last word I just want to say I really appreciate that Nina and Randall also in their job in their book they talk about cutting out alcohol they kind of talk about cutting out smoking they talk about cutting out caffeine these are all things that are so commonplace that right really people don't even think about their effects on their health on their skin on and you know the skin is the largest organ in your body it's going to be affected by everything that you put on it and put it into your body and being aware of that is it's worth putting this you know putting this message out all right we're past 20 minutes are you okay no no no so I'm gonna wrap this up you know I'll just say this all of us have to deal with the question of what is healthy and what is healthy enough if you are not an Olympic athlete if you are not a competitive bodybuilder than like me you may make the choice to include some unhealthy food in your diet and you may not need any particular excuses for it it just doesn't matter that much because there are things that are objectively healthy and then there's a lifestyle that's healthy enough acne especially cystic acne especially to have extreme acne Nina and Aranda struggled with it is a serious disruption it's a disruption that makes you stop everything go back to the drawing board and say okay I got a redesign my diet I got a redesign my lifestyle I can't live with this I have to get this one to find a way to live without it and that's a challenge that's a challenge millions of people face and although I have my criticized Nina and Randa again I respect them for bringing forth this positive message no I really do and like I read I have no respect for our natural vegan on the other side [Music]