Insane Communist Admits She's Afraid of the Revolution After All.

29 October 2019 [link youtube]

It's Mexie! Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you MEXIE, the darling of the heavily armed left-wing revolutionary vanguard of Communism who… it turns out… doesn't have so much faith in the future of the revolution after all! Her channel:

Link to the particular video quoted: "Strategies for Post-Capitalism Continued"

And THE OTHER source quoted, for the sake of juxtaposition, can be found here: "The tragedy of China's liberation" [Frank Dikotter interviewed by The Economist]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

this is what I avoided seeing last time
I guess I'll be more explicit about it now and you want to know why I avoided saying it because I'm deeply uncomfortable and we've created a situation where people can't talk about this without being decried as not a real leftist and just a baby and an idealist and a liberal oh no I don't fine with that I'm totally good with that yeah mass murder cool yeah let's keep talking about it yeah I'm totally fine I'm not saying everyone in leftist spaces or everyone who's into capital our revolution is being toxically masculine but I am saying that we've created spaces unconsciously or not where people are forced to be the metaphorical cool girl which typically means accepting capital our revolution as the only rational way forward and often indulging people in jokes or serious talk about lining everyone up who is profited off the system against the wall there's a definite revolutionary bravado in many of these spaces that seems to valorize spectacular eyes violence more than morph em coded activities of building relationship in trust and this is not to say that there's something inherent in this white man people are thinking that I'm saying a white male bad bad bad bad no there's nothing in hearing most of my best comrades are the most fiercely compassionate empathetic humble deeply humble sis white dudes but my biggest issue is that most of these sis men typically would come at me not from a position of humility and wonder and hey I'm curious why do you think that this framing is patriarchal I'd like to learn more and let's have an open dialogue about this it's listen you here's all the reasons that you're wrong and you need to be quiet you need to just shut up now I have many friends who are non men who are Marxist Leninist or trots or whatever and they may disagree with me but they would never come at me with that kind of a posturing they would never do that that is such a violent way of speaking to you another human and of engaging with them you have to just sit there and then join the posturing and be like no no I don't find with that I'm totally good with that yeah mass murder cool yeah let's keep talking about it yeah I'm totally fine and from that standpoint you're not open to learning this isn't just an intellectual exercise all of these systems exist within us and they are perpetuated through us we have to examine deeply what it is within us that is yearning for that stuff even jokingly in my last video I had people saying you know the climate strike or mass protests or Food Not Bombs these are not revolutionary movements right for people critiquing the yellow vest in France well that's not a revolutionary movement didn't didn't overthrow capitalism did it well no [ __ ] didn't know [ __ ] these aren't gonna overthrow capitalism but the deepening environmental crisis the austerity crisis crushing people making life unlivable automation increasing putting people out of work I mean there are going to be so many resistance movements and people getting fed up and that all of that together coupled with the fact that capitalism is eating itself I think will coalesce to force a revolutionary change let's all go to the lobby let's all go to the lobby let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat the rural areas tend to be a lot more conservative a lot more libertarian a lot more fascist so yeah what's that going to mean for organizing going forward how are we going to organize in these rural areas we should be focusing on that especially if we can't actually make our livings in the city anymore maybe by the time we do clash with the state it will be much weaker and maybe actually people in the millet or the police will look around and say hey everyone has come together and has done a pretty good job building this new society that looks a lot better than what the state and capital is offering so maybe I refuse to shoot unarmed civilians who have done nothing wrong maybe not probably not we're probably like how many times do I have to repeat in my video that things will likely not be nonviolent when I say defense community defense against a militaristic state I don't see how people thought that I was saying that this would be passive and nonviolent we don't actually have to rehabilitate images of Stalin or even Lenin to get people on board all we have to do is convince them that change is coming and let's get out ahead of this and build the world that we want to take care of us all it will be way easier to get people here excited and energized about building the new then it will by telling them yeah come with us and get organized into a militia with the ultimate goal of violently usurping the state the state that happens to be directly adjacent to the most powerful military the world has ever seen I'm sorry but the days of a scrappy vanguard taking their muskets into battle are over this is what I avoided saying last time I guess I'll be more explicit about it now and you want to know why I avoided saying it because I'm deeply uncomfortable and we've created a situation where people can't talk about this without being decried as not a real leftist and just a baby and an idealist and a liberal so a capital our revolution to me is one where there is a vanguard party that organizes the masses potentially to meet people's needs in the here-and-now but very often will decry that most things are not revolutionary and not the main goal the main goal is overthrowing the government so this party organizes the workers to overthrow the government and then sets themselves up in that government that seat of power but you know whatever it's it's democratic because everyone is participating all the way down and then they subsequently centralize create you know central planning and maintain a police and military force in order to crush dissidents and revisionists less they rise up and destroy the revolution the sparkling drinks are just dandy the chocolate bars in the candy so let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a true I am not throwing anyone under the bus who has earnestly engaged in revolutionary struggle that is not the point of my videos so I have never been convinced that this is the route to full communism the victory of the Chinese Communists in the civil war in 1949 brought the country's so-called liberation it was also the occasion for Mao Zedong to lay out his utopian vision and in carrying out this vision the party so it is said took a chaotic state in hand and out of a shattered citizenry forged a new China Frank Dakota is a historian at the University of Hong Kong and in his new book the tragedy of liberation he shatters this interpretation of the early years of the People's Republic he joins me now to discuss his book Frank 1949 was the year when the Chinese Communists won the Civil War and the year when Mao Zedong stood on the Channel moon gate and said that China had stood up it's known in China as the liberation and in a way a sort of new China began from that date both the Communist Party and some in the West consider the next few years from sort of 1949 to 1956 as a kind of golden age for the Communist Party and for China a sort of golden Prelude before the disasters of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution what is your view and how did you present your conclusions in your new book right well of course it is if you compare it to the tens of millions of people who will starve beaten to death from 1958 to 62 and does look rather good but the reality is that violence was not so much a byproduct of the revolution in 1949 it was the revolution and on the basis of very detailed archival evidence I've reached the conclusion that the period the Civil War and the period right up to 1957 the first years of that so-called Golden Age really are an era of broken promises systematic violence and calculated terror never been convinced that this is the route to smashing patriarchy indeed I think patriarchy lives on and it is kind of patriarchal Mao did the same thing as Lenin Lenin and the Bolsheviks promised every disaffected group what they wanted most and this is what mal did he promised the land to the farmers better working conditions for workers protection of private property for entrepreneurs freedom of speech for intellectuals and one by one every single promise is broken between 1949 and 1957 and I am not convinced I've never been convinced that we would actually be taking on the US military head-on which is basically what we would have to do in the West Mao sets a quote in 1950 after this horrendous land reform that claimed about 1.5 to 2 million so-called land olds killed which expropriated 10 million people run from 50 to 51 as a campaign of terror during which now mandates that one per thousand ought to be killed in provinces like gray Joey goes up to three per thousand the communists really split these villages destroy the moral values social bonds that keep them together most of all oblige these farmers to have blood on their hands implicate them in the murder of a carefully targeted minority in other words land reform really is an act of violence in which enough blood has to be shed in order for a return to the old order to become impossible once once these these poor farmers have participated in mass denunciation struggle meetings and participated in the ritual killing of a number of them they to fear the return of the Nationalists I am not convinced I am yet to be convinced and to be very frank I think it would be better if some people would just admit that their end goal their end goal is the centralized state with the socialist military and the socialist police and in central planning not as the transition phase between that and full communism but as the final resting place framing the revolution this way makes it out to be yet another war game in one single document I found written by the Minister of Justice Laurie Ching he adds up the victims of the campaign of terror in six provinces comes up with the total of three hundred and 1800 that's just for one year of terror and six provinces this report is sent to mountains at all in total I guess about four to five million people killed in these early years look if the capital our revolution is popping off you know that I will be there but I will be majorly side-eyeing especially when it comes to whatever comes next [Music]