The Future of Veganism is Who? (Jacko Wacko Vegano, Ex Vegan)

02 November 2019 [link youtube]

Instrumental by Nox, source:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

if I think something I should say
something whether people like it or not right shut up people think there's some sort of like agenda when you make these decisions of yours like the way I came out of veganism like from like a if I wanted to do if I'm like a business mind perspective or you know trying to chase something that kind of perspective I could have done it a completely different way I could have teased the audience like maybe I will go back to veganism one day you know I could have been I could have done that you know and I could have made videos like oh you know trying trying this again and all this but acts that's just that's dishonest I've made my decision and I know what I want to do right this yeah you know it's been a it's been quite a long time about five six months but do you think it was necessary you know initially when I said I've been eating meat and [ __ ] and I was well my thoughts I feel so much better I'm cured before you know it's a little bit early in it to really make a final decision on what you're doing or to make your mind up that quick ego sort of rule out the SIBO and all that good stuff so five six months was definitely necessary Dave of so I can be sure that the decision that I made it right and I do think it is you know I've been eating this way now for five six months and I feel [ __ ] [ __ ] part [Music] mentally physically just my general well-being so simply simple as I you know you please sitting there like oh my god but I've been vegan for 18 months and I've never felt better Oh time you've been thinking for five minutes my good on you go on put it there so cool yeah you know just [ __ ] give me some time so Jackie you probably fine and I get it some people you probably sitting there you know you've been vegan eight nine plus years and if you're honest about your health and you understand you actually genuinely feel great then [ __ ] why would you change carry on doing that [ __ ] obviously I would have done the same the only thing I achieved from leaving veganism was my health I achieved better health okay that's it I would much rather remain vegan because everything was going [ __ ] tip-top son yeah why wouldn't I want to be vegan girlfriend was vegan but the Sun was vegan I'm vegan friends at a vegan YouTube channel I'd vegan followers why would I want to stop that the one answer that you know I'd have to be a [ __ ] fool just to do that for the craic yeah no I did it because I thought I wink and I changed my mind I changed my perspective you know has it wasn't a fun journey for me you know the begin of this year was some fun you think I enjoyed that you think I wanted to do that you knows like party music weird for me I don't I don't want to do hardware I'm just remained vegan continue being vegan I'm not [ __ ] mental I was a bit [Music] I've done it purely for my hell and my son's hell yeah there I am feed-in my six-year-old son a buyer of mock meat monkeys mock milk but odd vegetables you talking potatoes but the odd peas and [ __ ] carrots of sweet corn rarely okay what else today those healthy greens did radiate free 80-odd apples you think that's a healthy diet