Jaclyn Glenn: Fake Atheist "Pick Me" Girl.

25 January 2022 [link youtube]

@JaclynGlenn is an inspiration to millions… and plenty of atheists would be horrified if their daughters, sisters or wives were influenced to live like her… and a few women might be horrified to reflect on the extent to which, in the last few years, they've been influenced themselves. Support the creation of new content on the channel (and speak to me, directly, if you want to) via Patreon, for $1 per month: https://www.patreon.com/a_bas_le_ciel

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@Frank Family Vlogs @AtheistExperience #JaclynGlenn #Atheism #AtheistExperience

Youtube Automatic Transcription

and let me tell you it is so much easier said than done it's really easy to sit here behind the screen and tell you don't let what other people say in your personal life at least get under your skin because it can completely wreck you truthfully like internet comments don't really get under my skin um things that affect me are more in my personal life for as long as i can remember i've been doing adult unboxings my attitude towards sex and sexuality and discussing things even like religion or politics on this channel never really caused an issue for me that i cared about long story short people in my life have really really attacked me for my personal choices and my online content they explained to me that they were morally and ethically superior to me that they were unsure as to whether or not they wanted me in their life when that was said that was when i was just finding out that i was pregnant it continued on and got as bad as when i was around seven months pregnant someone told me that they actually wished for my unborn baby to die it's something that was really difficult for david and i to work through and this negativity bled into everything in my life um it made um there was a lot of stress just in everyday life um it made me afraid of saying or doing certain things online i started reconsidering the sponsorships that i was getting i started worrying about what i was wearing even in like instagram pictures and i like i'm so embarrassed about this because i really try to represent somebody that is way stronger than this i developed like this new fear and stress that i had really never felt before it i think it's kind of apparent like if you look back through my videos i don't have the same oomph i don't have the same spark but the real reason is this that i was operating a little bit um silenced in a way because of the backlash i faced i have a feeling that i'm going to get a lot of comments saying to just remove these people from my life um it's not always that easy i don't think i want to approach things like that either um just closing a book i don't think it's so black and white all the time um even though for some people it could and maybe it should be um everybody's different but i think my approach is going to not be to cut people out of my life but i'm also not going to fight tooth and nail to keep people in my life that don't want to be there now this nihilism runs deep and it conveys it conveys and betrays a certain contempt [Music] [Applause] words are important not because of how they sound not because of how they make us feel when we hear them said or how we change other people's feelings when we inflict our voices upon them words are important because of how we think how we think about ourselves how we think about life how we think about reality i'd like to suggest to you that your life would be different if you stopped using the word tolerance if you force yourself not just in your writing and your conversations with friends to avoid using the word tolerance and to instead talk about indifference we once got onto a bus here in urban canada it was the long bus ride that connects the airport to downtown as in many cities around the world that's the longest bus ride you're ever gonna take in our case it's from a ferry port from a harbor downtown and then the ferry connects to the airport details and there was a severely mentally handicapped man who came on the bus and i'm not faulting him for this uh he came on he said to me in a cheery childlike voice despite his years he looked around 45 or 50. he said to me in a cheery childlike voice you look like a businessman which was just very unexpected and i was in the middle of a conversation with my girlfriend about politics or philosophy or history yeah then he sat down right behind us and he proceeded to very loudly on the phone have conversations with people who were connected to the different church groups he was a member of and again i'm not folding it wasn't like he was shouting at the top of his voice but just in a very childlike unsophisticated way uh he talked about his blood pressure medications he talked about conversations he recently had with different doctors and medical people who are compelled to spend time with him and uh it was obvious in this conversation that his life his leisure time largely consisted of going from one church group to the next and probably those are the main people in our society who are motivated to spend time with mentally handicapped adults and he was going into detail about how he liked to go to this particular church for certain types of songs certain types of services but then there's a certain day of the week where he goes to this other church he likes the lecture or he likes the ceremony whatever he likes the preaching there and like he had like seven different churches in his uh social calendar and i'm guessing there were several different preachers who were very happy that uh he didn't come to just one he wasn't spending all of his time imposing upon their patience faith hope and charity okay well what if what if that man were your own brother what if that man were your own son it's not about tolerance is it are you gonna say that you're fundamentally indifferent to whether or not he lives a lie that this guy is severely mentally handicapped there are a lot of things he's never gonna understand a lot of refined pleasures in life is going to be cut off from are you going to take the attitude that if it makes him happy to be a part of the christian church or seven different christian purchases you're just going to be indifferent to that you're gonna let him believe whatever he wants to believe as long as it makes him happy what if it's not christianity if it's islam what if he becomes a suicide bomber what if he gets involved with jihadist extremist muslim groups oh well you know that's the thing about tolerance it has certain kinds of limits and limitations but i don't want to talk about tolerance i want to talk about indifference your indifference and your sense of moral responsibility because on some level you know whether it is buddhism hinduism christianity judaism or islam no matter what it is ignoring your brother's beliefs indulging your brother's beliefs it's wrong that really the right thing to do is for somebody to take the time to explain to him what's real and what's true in this world and what is not the same way that somebody had to take the time to explain to this guy how to brush his teeth and why he has to use toothpaste i'm not saying is to insult anyone that's hard educating a mentally handicapped child educating a mentally handicapped adult so they can take care of themselves on that level that's hard work too but you're making a judgment why don't you just let him have tooth decay if it makes him happy why don't you let him eat all the candy he wants and never brush his teeth you don't do that you feel some kind of responsibility for a lot of parents and a lot of caregivers a lot of people are employed inside of work whether they be nurses or have some other certificate as an educator to help take care of those people you have to teach them again and again and again no no no don't eat this eat that and this is how you have to brush your teeth it's a false paradigm to think about and talk about tolerance because from our perspective as atheists no matter how much we tolerate the christians no matter how much we tolerate the muslims they will never tolerate us now jacqueline glenn is the definition of a phony hypocritical pick me atheist i did a little bit of research on the history of this pick me concept there's a hell of a lot of meaning packed into just two words in the idiom it does seem that originally it was used by african americans in a satirical way on twitter to specifically describe a certain kind of woman who gets positive attention from men a woman who flirts with man or who even seduces men by reassuring those men that she is a woman would be willing to indulge his worst vices his most despicable tendencies unlike his current girlfriend or unlike most other girls it's a very very specific idiom and meaning and we see this used a lot right now in veganism in the 21st century people talk about and people revile pick me vegans vegans who say they're totally fine with their roommate eating a steak in front of them vegans who say they're totally fine with their husband or wife eating meat they are totally fine with their own parents that you mean and they don't put pressure on everyone and this very strange sort of pandering to the audience and the reaction it seems to get is oh i wish all vegans would be like you which basically means i wish all vegans would be fake vegans closely akin to jacqueline glenn representing this endlessly indulgent endlessly indifferent and quote-unquote tolerant model of atheism where christians can watch her channel they can watch her singing a song titled hallelujah they can watch her singing christian and jewish hymns performing christian and jewish ceremonies celebrating both hanukkah and christmas no word yet about that circumcision whether or not she circumcised her son they can look at jacqueline glenn and suppose they say oh i wish all atheists would be like you this is the pick me atheist okay but jacqueline those christians they don't look at their daughters and think i hope when my daughter grows up she's going to be like you jacqueline those christians including the ones inside your own family they look at you and they see the [ __ ] of babylon they see you as a painted [ __ ] and there's nothing relativistic about it their perspective is that they're right and you're wrong and you're going to hell after you die why pretend that we can all get along why pretend that we can have a school system where not only do children pray but where we teach creationism and the theory of evolution on an even basis as if oh oh it's just a matter of personal choice it's just a matter of preference oh yeah yeah you know some people feel the earth is round and some people feel the earth is flat and we could all just get along we can all just endlessly tolerate one another well you know what there are limits to the efforts we can make there are limits to how much we can care if you have a severely [ __ ] brother i understand at some point you just feel like my [ __ ] brother believes the earth is flat my [ __ ] brother believes that the theory of evolution is a crazy government conspiracy theory and i am just not going to fight anymore and you can turn your back and walk away you can never talk to your brother again you can give up and you know he may be he may be too stupid to ever change but that sense of powerlessness in changing just one person's mind it doesn't make it less important to demolish the institutions of christianity it doesn't make it less important to demolish the institutions of islam buddhism so on and so forth right it makes it more important because you realize these institutions these organized religions they are going out and preying upon people who are weak and downtrodden and brokenhearted yes some of them are stupid some of them are just going through a time in their life where they're desperate for somebody anyone to tell them that they care and then they end up becoming scientologists they end up becoming mormons they end up joining crazy cult groups but you know what some of them just end up becoming catholics and what can i tell you the joint mainstream religions that have terrible knock-on effects for them as an individual and when you scale it up they have terrible knock-on effects for the political destiny of our society all right the objective of atheism is not to be a pandering pick me atheist like jacqueline glenn and she has just been reminded you can't break bread with these christians and tolerate them and expect them to reciprocate that tolerance you can love the streets and they won't love you back all right this is a one-sided game that you're playing the objective of atheism is to break the power of the church now and forever so that we have a future in which people like you jacqueline people that even i look down my nose at because you're a dildo slinging ayahuasca huffing antidepressant using pot smoking meat eating cocktail swelling imbecile but yes nevertheless it's for people like you jacqueline that i would prefer to live in a world where you're not oppressed by these inane religions that end up harming people more than helping them by making a game out of the difference between virtue and vice [Music]