Excuses for Eating Meat, Excuses for Being a Good Person: Debating Veganism, Face-to-Face.

09 November 2016 [link youtube]

[Title:] Veganism: Don't Debate the Details.

[Link:] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05V_v2Qd8G0&t=49s

Youtube Automatic Transcription

that's my word people who have these
justifications for eating meat you can say them yeah you know what you're right you're right what about cocaine all the justifications you've given for why you can't give up eating meat well you know the pleasure you get out eating meat do you really think that's more or less than cocaine I think at at bottom the root of all this you want to be a good person or you want to think yourself as a good person you would feel differently about yourself if you were a coke addict so you don't do it because you want to be a good person and again even if their challenge you if they say oh well you know I read this study about you know five percent difference in the rate of cancer or something you say yeah you know what you're right you take it you know what hey I'm so happy for you that you read some some [ __ ] article on the internet debunking veganism now you tell me why does it matter so much to me and i can tell you i think it matters to you for the same reasons I think you have chosen not to be a crackhead for fundamentally some of the same reasons why I don't eat dead pigs we have something in common there there's some basic moral sensibility there that our lives are not just about indulging in pleasure and certain types of pleasures change the way we think about ourselves the way we feel about ourselves that's my yo yo yo yo