Losing faith in Durianrider & launching a new (Vegan) dating app.

27 March 2017 [link youtube]

Sam is launching a new (vegan-only) dating application called "Sprout", you can check that out, here: http://www.gosprout.io/

Youtube Automatic Transcription

I - yen so look I mean obviously we can
take any direction but did you were in Thailand at the same time I was so less than one year ago I was in Thailand I had my great encounter with durianrider he said he was going to beat me up and then he never showed up you never showed up for the fight he chickened out he backed out of the fight you tried to start it but I take it like this some extent even though you started off you know like your interest in veganism was sparked by durianrider at some point your view who saw his side of the scene of change yeah although you're obviously still heavily into biking yeah yeah yeah hundred percent I mean I think you know what he's done you know promoting veganism and I think even cycling and probably even almost on power or even a bigger positive of my view of m of what a promoters look like getting girls into cycling and everyone I think it's like that's great and what he's done is amazing but he yeah I think I think around that time the file and thing became changed a bit you know obviously everyone knows a lot of stuff went down and even since then it's just you find out stuff and it's not so subtle what it's what it seems and it's you know some slander and onions behalf of other people whether that's on tumblr or YouTube and you know I'm humbly to make fake accounts and just just talking crap about a lot of people you know I still respect what is done and stuff but I just don't yes don't have that I don't trust everything it does and all that kind of thing and I think a lot of people who are in Thailand it's been put on transit service earns you and I think it's really it's a big shame because when we're in Thailand like some stuff is going on about about you but I don't think many people really know much about it but it's just a shame that when you look up to someone like Holly or anyone that you watch on YouTube or that kind of thing that helps you you look after them and you you get to a point where so much like whether you know it or not you you start believing everything they say and doing doing what they say if someone if they say something bad or cool then you just believe that and then for human that in that voice of just you know saying that things about you that when negative and mean another thing just had that like all that guys you know that goes bad and and then when I just got in touch with you recently like I'm happy that we got in touch of a point where I had a you know a level a level head about the value and just open and not you know not in that kind of Holly Holly Holly mindset so it's you know I mean it's I feel for you in that regard and that's obviously why you take the steps to rectify there we go just interesting goods me out uh you might think I got a lot of people coming on my channel want to debate this stuff with me but I don't you know I it's always interesting to see it you know just from the other side because obviously I never was a fan of Harley I just say so you commented there in passing you mentioned that you thought that most people didn't know of the what was going on with me and me and Harley at that time I think that really a lot of those people part of part of being a kind of cult follower is intentionally not knowing things when they're inconvenient so if one of the examples of that for me when I talk of it in Thailand and also on the Internet I've talked to a lot of people either currently support Harley and freely or they used to and like when you ask them about well what about Crohn's disease like it's a really specific example Harley claimed he could cure Crohn's disease this incurable disease and that he had cured it himself and even when you look at what he said in different videos you know he's contradicting his own story like even if you want to believe him like you just watched three different videos he made on the same topic it's really obvious that he's lying and whenever I ask people like that they'd sort of look at you and say I didn't know anything about that and they did so they watch that video they knew they knew exactly when I'm telling them but they're sort of like a choosing not to know so I think like when I was there I'm not obviously after I left you know maybe people moved on already it was huge I mean so many videos about me on his channel and all those people were watching his channel every day and reading his tumblr every day so I don't I don't think anyone really you know didn't know they're kind of choosing choosing to pretend they don't know you know yet you know it's probably unless that I wasn't probably as much of a coke follower and like watching HD videos like in YouTube dinner that I want someone teaching but yeah I guess well as you're saying like a probably more occult basically a a lot of them intolerant words so I guess from my view I probably didn't think that that's made for many many tipping knew about it fail to see obviously they did and what you're saying to spend about like everything want to choose like they chose not severe here about you know what are you saying a lot about kind of thing it's almost like it's a little things when you're not vegan and you want to be ignorant about you know about what's happening animals and all that kind of thing and in the same sense that you don't want someone that you look up to on YouTube to fall from grace and it says that you know it's you feel hurt that you know that you you believed what that was again it's a similar being of you know that doesn't falling in your mind you know disrespect it's the similar thing to like you know about to new vegan and the negative emotions that come from that third yeah anyway look I mean it's an interesting because you you actually became vegan because of durianrider there's another guy I know on YouTube and he became vegan because of like the worst video vegan gains did it was vegan gains it was the video about vegan gains trying to film his own grandfather's death it's like the most meaningless video the thickest of well yeah vegan gains his grandfather died and he wanted to videotape it and like his mom wouldn't let him post the videotape on the internet nothing you're thinking and they know a guy he like he got into it so it in terms of drama it's like the most meaningless most migos drama and because this guy he's he's an older guy and he's married and he just he's recounted the story to me he was like talking to his wife and he was like oh my god this is crazy this guy you know filmed this guy having a heart attack I think it was a heart attack and like you know nothing to have veganism and step by step yes your leaves are coming vegan did you say like it is one of those things like you can become vegan because of a car crash it doesn't mean car crash chips are good is it well that that's the thing I realized because I the first video I watched it probably was he's like what [ __ ] like let's say and it's funny so what I realized is that it's not it's not about the first or second or third or tenth or whatever media that you show them or video that you show them as like an influencer or whatever it's just eventually it's almost like gaining their respect or gaining either gaining the respect or gaining that person's trust or like just and thinking you're cool and then promoting veganism because it's the first thing that you show them in thinking is Amanda they're here and I don't want to know about it then they're not going to listen so it doesn't matter how you get them it's just you know getting them and then then later comes the you know from O'Neil yeah not not really to complain but just as a segue coming back to vegan dating like you know I just I just I have a new girlfriend now I'm in a commitment relationship so I can test out your app but my girlfriend will be furious with me if your app as a setting for taken for not available then I can test out your app you know I didn't think of that but we didn't what if it is a heart for the hot button and a wave button and in it so the web is like to giveaway of each other as friends and if typical hot each other is something more of the heart match so as long as you're waving people and that's it and then you're fine but I think yeah as you said we should probably include that in a relationship as well what anyway it's up to you it's up to how you want to define it you know one of the things that durianrider denounced me for was that I have a history of using the website couchsurfing to meet other vegans bahala me all these videos like slamming me like the he was claiming the only reason why anyone would use couchsurfing was to get laid but then I made a video where a she like posted my profile ty when you can't you can you go sir we get late like don't get I think you're laughing cuz you know I think you have some experience of this no not nice and people yeah but couchsurfing Joe surfing is a funny one because officially the website doesn't allow that officially it's not supposed to be used for data right the durianrider came down on me horror like he was saying all this defamatory stuff he was saying like I'm a sexual predator and the proof was supposed to be my couch surfing profile right so then I made a video where I was like hey guys let's actually read what it says on my couch surfing profile I have a YouTube channel period about 90% of it lately is talking about think Anissa obviously I'm leading a double life here obviously this profile is a complete fiction and you know it's just no resemblance the real me and you know my great secret has been discovered by these people were trying to denounce me what a shame you pick books and books through Citadis then I have the Chinese name festivities and Herodotus but no I can't read Greek one amazing thing I've done true story I'm in a remote village on the lao burmese border and some of the villagers are about to slaughter a pig the men who are sharpening the knife to slit the animal's throat request that i chant in pali the canonical language of buddhism so the pig will be reincarnated as a human being I laugh and I replied that they're asking the wrong question they should be asking me to chant so they won't be reborn as pigs true story did I mention that I'm being well Asian guys it sure just Bakley familiar with my web presence on YouTube or otherwise none of this could be a shock or scandal to anyone now if you don't know like look let's say coach surfing was a dating web site it was a moment if not it's not a dating web site but if it was to what you think I'd be ashamed of this you picked up something to hide with this profile really well I actually really use go surfing like a social network to meet other vegans then that more men met more men than women that way I think I can say I never got laid through coaster I think I think I'm like a missing maybe once but I you know it's it's an interesting thing online because on couchsurfing my profile it really said like I'm vegan I'm only interested in meeting other vegans or vegetarians this is what my you know my life is all about etcetera and you know it's always that interesting thing is using other social media mainstream social media whether it's Facebook or couchsurfing or what have you if what you really want is like for me it was with traveling like okay so I'm moving to Cambodia or going to Taiwan I want to meet other people were vegan can I use this you this mainstream social media platform as a kind of vegan social media yeah I think that's the challenge most regionals I assume that's where the inspiration for you starting your own app came from yeah I guess I saw it more as the opportunity rather than the issue because I like I I don't find it too difficult to meet people that kind of stuff alike I'm pretty active all right you know but I sort more is the opportunity of just the sheer numbers that are growing and and that kind of thing but it's interesting what you're saying about like couchsurfing and anything with kinder and stuff is people have just this negatives like well I'll go on Pindos example like you know I've been promoting sprouted you know this it's like it's kind of like a venture they can tinder with you know you can add friends as well and then table so I go over tenders just a hookup thing in it it's nice it's like it's like a piece of toast it is what you make it like you know you can have the foot jam or peanut butter on earth it's like with um with energy and you can just go on it to have a full cup so you can go on two tubs unmanned for you can think about it though because I mean if you want it to be an app that really works for friendship or even for meeting other activists also that might just be a checkmark where it's like look I'm a vegan I'm not looking for love I'm not looking for sex but I'm looking for the vegans totally up for you but I mean obviously it can be a specialized app you know one way or the other but with any of these media I used the ultimate original method of meeting people was living in Kunming China which is just a piece of paper I made a poster that was completely non sexy like I can send you a PDF of this poster and had my handwriting photocopied handwriting in Chinese saying like look I'm an older guy I'm learning Chinese as a language I'm looking for someone to practice speaking the language with you know a language partner whatever want to say and it did it did talk about veganism it said like I don't the kind of guy don't drink alcohol I'm vegan like this is what I study told you some things about me and that poster I went around and took around in person and put it up and even I even presented it like a business context remember I went it to a hotel manager and said look some of your staff must be trying to learn English and or trying to improve their English I like totally non-sexy poster every single response is people trying to get laid like kick for three months like one email which was like a nude photo attached to the first first message okay suppose like yeah thank you for your interest so any anything I mean any not to misuse the where anything can be perverted that way I mean like any any attempt to socially network can become that new yen