Brittany Venti is Virtue Signaling. Constantly.

20 April 2021 [link youtube]

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#vegan #vegans #veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i don't get enjoyment out of it i'm not
one of those people where you know i'm going to make my hamburger and i'm feeling the meat and i'm just like yeah you got blown up you got blown out cow yeah when they cut your head off you know i'm not like doing that i'm kind of like grossed out and disgusted when i have to like go through animal corpse it's gross to me it is it's nasty [Music] understandably in 2021 we have a lot of talk about virtue signaling but what i see is people losing touch with what virtue signalling really means and why it really matters and this is something that cuts across the whole political spectrum left right and center all kinds of different situations and scenarios virtue signaling is a problem because people are signaling virtues that they do not in fact have and the undercurrent the irony is that when you meet people who really have experience in those fields of human endeavor who really do have those virtues even if it's dubious or questionable whether or not these things are virtues to be had they don't talk that way they don't act that way they don't feel that way at all i get fan mail on this channel for all kinds of different things once in a while because of my discussions of my own experience with humanitarian work nobody in their right mind could possibly say that when i describe my own experience with humanitarian work i'm virtue signaling because i don't even think it was virtuous right now when i was in cambodia when i was in laos both doing humanitarian work and attempting to do humanitarian work two different things i sometimes met people who had just arrived there from africa they've been doing humanitarian work in africa like sometimes ethiopia different parts of africa southern west africa wherever they were and you know when i met them there was no virtue signaling you never once met one of these guys and they thought they'd accomplish something great they'd show up they'd be like yeah you know i just got here from somalia i remember one case this guy just got there from sudan just showed up there was civil war type conditions going on in sudan at that time yeah you know i just got here from sudan oh the project was a failure about eight ways out of ten everything was messed up we tried hard there was a big budget and we didn't really accomplish anything we wanted to accomplish but i mean i guess we meant well maybe we did more harm than good maybe we shouldn't have done this project at all to begin with you know and then they they meet a guy like me and i'd be saying oh yeah you know i just finished this project here and i mean you know it was a failure and i think it maybe did more harm than good we'd be comparing notes we'd be comparing experiences man to man and there's no virtue signaling right there may actually be some virtue there when you talk to people who've really fought in wars just because this was an autobiographical account from what people call the vietnam war this is actually on the the lotion border this particular story i read this guy's account what he actually did during the war and it was like yeah there was one battle that took place in one night so suddenly that you know if you were asleep you would have missed it there was one really brief battle and then they were in a siege where they did nothing but watch and wait for five years and then they had another battle i think that battle lasted two or three days and that was his experience of the war so he was at war for like more than five years two battles five years of waiting in between what do you think if you talk to the guy i mean i was just reading his written account but i've met and talked to all kinds of soldiers been all kinds of do you think there's there's virtue signaling there and there may be some real virtue there may be some real courage and heroism and steadfastness to be celebrated and appreciated by this guy might be you know you look at this and say look man not everybody could do what you did in the war even if what you did was just ration out your food and make sure you didn't starve and keep the camp clean and wake up every day and watch and wait the enemy you know there were a few bombs and bullets going off but basically nothing happened for five years but hey you didn't you didn't give up you didn't lose your nerve and that's why eventually you won i guess you won your little victory you made your little tiny contribution to this war in which more than a million people died you know there's there's something there's something if you want to you can have a parade if you want a parade is virtue signal right it's a celebration of heroism or something something that may not even really be virtuous okay what we have going on in the 21st century the reason why it's a problem right on the one hand is that nobody wants to really question the virtues you know five years you go to university you get a university education in five years if you do a lot spending five years of your life dug in holding a gun staring at the enemy watching waiting eating rat food rations what what are we celebrating here you know is it is it a virtue would you do it for five years right now you want to go to syria you want to go to myanmar you want to go fight for democracy in myanmar you want to go sit sit in the trench for five years maybe accomplish nothing and maybe lose maybe you're one of the guys who dies maybe you're one of the guys who lays down is that a virtue does that interest you huh you want to be a hero you want people to say you're a hero you want people to have a [ __ ] parade with your name on the floor is that what you want myanmar is open for business civil war over yet guys war for democracy some of you it's what you've been saying on instagram and facebook you've wanted your whole life right here's your chance to be a hero who who wants it who wants some right are these things virtuous there's something really profound to think about there right and there's something to think about how it applies in life nobody wants to question the virtues right and the problem is people are lining up to signal virtues they don't have to try to lay claim to a kind of experience of the human condition they've never even thought all the way through and if they were out having some real world experience even if you weren't doing it yourself if you met people who are war veterans if you met people who'd done humanitarian work in sudan in ethiopia or cambodia you'd start to get the picture of what people learn from you know the imperfection and tragedy of human nature from the real world struggle to do something good to just be a decent human being in a world where there's so little decency okay because you can show up at a refugee camp and all you see is prostitution and gambling and corruption if not kidnapping and human trafficking and worse right there were all these i wrote articles about i wrote exposes showing it there were these humanitarian projects in in northern laos they were supposedly feeding and clothing the poor and they were getting you know 14 year old girls pregnant they were getting involved with you know statutory rape underage sex and prostitution and you know these the so-called humanitarian workers are the only people with with money to spend in villages full of starving people and this is this is what happened the catholic church has a story of that going back centuries right this ain't new okay um and you know i think the virtue that's the easiest to fake of all is compassion is people saying that they care is people saying that they feel bad for others when the fact is they don't care they don't feel that way quite apart from the fact that if they did have any other feelings of that kind they're not about to actually get up and do something about it i think that vegans for the most part are pretty selfless and not for the reason you guys think uh sure they are saving animals and i personally do like most animals some more than others which is why i don't eat a dog or a cat which is a weird um argument that they like to use sometimes but as much as i appreciate their heroism of saving animals by not eating them so that other people can eat them um the real reason that vegans are so selfless is because like they just managed to sacrifice literally sacrifice themselves for it so yeah i have considered for the sake of avoiding the grossness of eating animal corpse going vegan and because it's nice to help the animals but i just don't think i'm self selfless enough to literally sacrifice myself and my sanity for an animal if i were so selfish i really would go vegan i don't like animal cruelty i'm a huge advocate of um animals being treated nicely and it's like oh well how do you do that when you eat meat because [ __ ] we gotta survive that's why [Music] maybe we can we can practice