Onision: Consequences and… Consequentialism. 🤔️

13 October 2019 [link youtube]

A video full of the jargon of ethical philosophy: deontology, utilitarianism, consequentialism… in part because a grand total of TWO people wanted me to talk further about utilitarianism… and, yeah, we're all still reeling from the consequences of the fact that Onision had sex with the woman they were employing as their (teenage) live-in babysitter.

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#onision #cookguykai #ethics


THE RENDITION OF THE SONG USED IN THE INTRO can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVvl2xxTbWQ

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hi doing some fun ladies I like that
that's weird that was my bra strap in case any of you betta files or one is gonna come here trouble yes you may well feel that the word anisia does not belong in the same sentence as the word philosophy but sitting that prejudice aside in this video we're gonna talk philosophically about an essay on and we're gonna use the anecdotes from the life of an in here on the internet to talk about ethical philosophy a little bit I'm gonna start with a shadow to another youtuber ask yourself ask yourself CEO of the world is that he says there's a spectrum of values and at one end of the spectrum the consequences of our actions are so high that we think about ethics in terms of consequentialism and then as moved towards the opposite end of the spectrum we think in terms of de ontology rules based ethics what you ought and ought not to do regardless of the consequences so he may say if you're in a hypothetical scenario where you could murder one person in order to save the lives of 1 million people then in that situation you're thinking in terms of consequentialist ethics and ultimately a kind of utilitarian ethics you think well the value of this one person's life seems trivial compared to the 1 million people's lives you can say now I value the illustrations he brings to our discussions of philosophy but I don't really feel that that is the spectrum these things lie along my suspicion is that the spectrum is at the one end the hypothetical and abstract and at the other the real the everyday and the concrete so yes hypothetically in the abstract we could talk about a science fiction scenario where somebody can find the cure for a terrible disease but they have to just torture one person to death in a horrible scientific experiment in a laboratory in order to produce this cure that will then instantly cure a million people who otherwise will instantly die but in the real world that's never the kind of scenario we deal we deal with a much more complex situation in which the outcome of an experiment is by definition unknown some people think this is gonna find a cure some people think the experiment is not going to be that valuable some people think the results of this experiment or going to be rendered moot and obsolete by a different research team in Sweden who's working on a different approach to the same disease and the reality is yeah a million people have this disease but you know when you get into the nitty-gritty of any real-world problem any real-world scenario one crucial difference that comes up again again is knowing the consequences of your actions knowing the outcomes those hypothetical scenarios where consequentialism seems to make sense where utilitarian approaches to ethics seem to make sense they all rely on us being able to know the consequences the outcomes of our decisions of our actions and that's exactly what we can't know not even in our most intimate relationships with our boyfriends or girlfriends on this spectrum let's say one person starts off with the principled a ontological principle that it's completely immoral for a thirty year old man to be in a sexual relationship with a 19 year old girl sorry I should take gender out of it any combination of genders that it's also immoral for a 30 year old woman to be in a relationship with a 19 year old male either which way someone begins with that as a general principle rule and then you have a counter-argument hypothetically you say well what if the 19 year old partner in this age gap relationship what if the 19 year old became a porn star at age 18 and they are in fact so sexual experience they've now slept with over 100 people that it seems reasonable for that 30 year old to assume that for them to sleep with just one more person he's not going to have any great impact so the question here is being posed in terms of the consequences the harm done so the point being here implicitly you might have one 19 year old who's very emotionally susceptible very weak very tender very easily upset very easily hurt very inexperienced so on and so forth and then you might have another 19 year old who is far more experienced and self-confident and robust and where it seems reasonable to assume that this love affair is not going to significantly change their lives will reshape how they feel or have these kinds of profound when you're talking about it hypothetically like the science fiction novel in which they just have to kill one person to save the lives of 1 million it's easy to set those things that and when you talk about it in real life at the other end of the spectrum the end of the spectrum when we're dealing with day ontology the real difference for me is precisely that were in a situation of not knowing you don't know these outcomes you you don't know the outcomes if the government decides to torture someone to try to find out secret information do they really know it are they gonna give you false information those forms they're all these problems running what's unknowable with the use of torture all right so all these problems that are unknowable with the medical medical science experiment finding a cure so and so forth but even if you're dating a 19 year old veteran of the porn industry you may imagine that their prior experience makes them immune to falling in love and you may be wrong and you know what switch it around look at it from the 19 year olds perspective maybe the 19 year old goes into this relationship with a 30 year old again either gender younger male older female vice-versa maybe the nineteen-year-old goes into the older person they say this man or this woman is over 30 lots of experiences in life this older person isn't gonna fall in love with me they're not gonna go crazy they're not gonna become my stalker this isn't gonna have any kind of lasting or profound impact to them and you don't know that that 19 year old might be thinking this older partner they must just be immune to falling in love they must be immune to all the madness that can come you know from the human heart right and you don't know we enter into even the most intimate relationships in our lives as a sort of experiment and we find out who the other person is through the experiment of falling in love with them and they have fun with us and the scariest part of all is they may find out who they really are through the process of falling in love with us we may find out some things about who we really are through the process of falling in love with that okay the relationship can reveal not just who that person is to us but who we are to our selves so the role of the unknown brings us back again and again to a more de ontological approach to ethics a more rule-based set of ethics because the rules can remain true they can remain useful even in a situation where what we struggle with is not even so much our own morality or immorality is not even so much our own import a couple desires it may be that part of what we're struggling with is that we can't know the consequences of our actions we can't know how much we're gonna hurt someone else we can't know how much we're gonna destroy their life even if we go into the relationship with the best intentions possible many of the critics of initia and his sex life or saying things that are untrue Jacqueline Glenn was stating it as if it's a proven fact that an SCN has broken the law there is no law he's broken in his current relationship Fiasco so I don't think he's gonna take her to court for saying that but it's not true if anything in his see nashoni as a fetish for obeying the letter of the law which is a little bit disturbing on many other levels but in all of his relationships what an isiand refuses to do is take responsibility for the consequences of his actions for the other person and it's very obvious in this case even if he had the best of intentions and nobody thinks he had the best intentions but even if he had the best of intentions he's at a devastating impact on this young woman's life I think she's now 19 at the beginning of this story she was 16 it's obviously changed her life forever this really bizarre triangular relationship she was in over over so many years over a crucial time her life and of course a responsible person could have could have seen that coming right in most of our relationships we cannot see the consequences I got married to a fully grown woman with a PhD from Cambridge University and the truth is I didn't really know who I was falling in love with I didn't know who I was getting married to I figured out who she really was over a period of several years and you know what the nicest thing the most charitable thing I can say for her is probably in some ways at the start of that relationship she herself didn't really know who she was maybe she was concealing some things from me intentionally even if we presume that's not true you know people may not have it in them to disclose who they are they may not know what makes them weak or vulnerable what their strengths and weaknesses are put it that way and they also won't know what the impact will be for you emotionally or even in terms of your job your career your level all kinds of other more palpable effects also they don't know the way in which their efforts to love you to be kind to you to take care of you they don't know the extent to which that may end up being abusive for you may end up being destructive and I think that's the nicest thing towards an issue in at least anyone this month has ever said [Music]