Did Vegan Gains Win? Censorship AND GUNS.

10 February 2019 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

okay so just recently I had a really
crazy trippy mushroom experience and it totally changed my whole outlook on life and just how I am and who I am as a person and yeah and that just got rid of my sociopath II I'm not a sociopath anymore do you want to clarify what your position on firearms ownership is do you believe that someone who has hallucinations of the kind you describe yourself including auditory hallucinations quote-unquote hearing voices that are not they're having a paranoid and aggressive reaction to strangers with a specific delusion that people are trying to kill you when they just say hello to you or shake hands with you etc do you think that sort of person should be allowed to own use and carry firearms yeah I've admitted being associate sociopath before and at least one of my videos and in the comments section I've admitted to it on the vegan revolution podcast I've even said I'm a sociopath if I describe that person to you as someone other than yourself would you agree with the statement quote the government is justified in doubting the responsibility to safely use firearms close quote yeah that shroom experience just totally [ __ ] changed me and I'm just a better person now we got too closely related questions here did vegan gains win in a perfect world should he win should he have won would the world be a better place if vegan gains got to play the role of super victim and advocate for freedom of speech crying that YouTube unfairly punished him when he is just an innocent science education channel and then at the same time he can turn around and claim that my channel which obviously has no claim to being of educational value whatsoever right that my channel is guilty of exactly the crime he was just accused of and I should be shut down and censored on that same basis there are many many strange irony he's built into this situation and I've gotten to see with the Avalanche male that vegan gains has managed to attract and retain an audience so stupid that they are really not getting the irony okay so hashtag spoilers did vegan gains win no he didn't for those of you who do not understand the hierarchy of censorship here on YouTube really simply the the optimal level of not being censored the apex of freedom of speech here on YouTube is to have your videos monetized so monetize doesn't just mean that you're making money you're not being censored at all and if anything your content is actually being encouraged here on YouTube okay the level below that is being demonetised this means you're kind of semi censored and you're being discouraged from promoting this kind of content on youtube and obviously you're not making any money now my channel of course it would be ridiculous to think I'm motivated by money all the time I take on topics that are controversial enough that I know they will be demonetized but criticizing Richard did not fall into this category okay and then below that there are several levels of actual censorship and I've talked about that in the past you can get channel strikes you can get specific videos deleted you can also get a kind of warning email from YouTube they used to do that more in the past it's actually changed ifs which other Gambit now where they spell out what the complaint is against you and this kind of thing so then we get into the realm of actual censorship and what happened with vegan gains and his declared campaign to get my videos deleted get my channel shut down all the threats he made against me he lost so this is a list of the recent videos I made harshly criticizing vegan gains and in some cases satirizing being it some of these are criticism some of them are satire every single one has the green money symbol next to it and that means that they are still monetized they're not censored by YouTube in any way whatsoever now why do I say vegan gains at a campaign against me to get these videos flagged took because he told me that he told me he was going to attempt to get my videos censored my channel shut down in email and we assumed that he's a man of his word now beyond that of course it's possible that he has fans who did the same thing without him directing them that always happens back when Doreen Rider was mad at my channel my channel got attacked by during writer supporters during my defense so anyone can flag and report a video as being harassment or having something immoral about it and the very first step of how YouTube responds to that is by D monetizing the video and then you appeal to the monetization and then only at that stage does a human being at YouTube headquarters look at the video and consider it on its merits does should this be censored semi censored you know what level of censorship should be applied in every single one of these I won and vegan gains lost okay now you may say correctly oh but eyes'll you had more videos than this like you can't fit them on one screen here there were more there were more video zeros you're right so here's a second so here's page two and there you go those also all have the green 20 sign next to them okay so this was a completely one-sided dispute at the level of YouTube evaluating the validity of his complaints against me really briefly you guys can go back and read what Richards own emails say but I've got your summary on screen what VIN gaines said to me is one that my channel is telling lies about him and when I asked him to give me an example Richard I'm not lying about you but it could be I'm incorrect about something so what what's incorrect what am i lying about he has never sent even one example so I have to stand by that at this point and I have to take his silence at this stage of discussion as a tacit admission that no I'm not telling hi Sifl Richard and of course we have differences of opinion that's why this discussion is happening but that's also part of why YouTube exists and part of why we have free speech legislation in the first place - he claimed that I had made criminal allegations against him that would put him in jail or result in the authorities searching his house now again this was really laughable because he was playing the victim and exaggerating to extent but it's also simply not true he only had one example of this and that one example is false somebody was talking about how I had a stash of illegal weapons that's not true at all I made a video actually getting weapons back from the police after they wrongfully charged me of a few things so yeah yeah so that's totally false and all the guns you saw they were props they weren't real yes looked real orange I pointed out that you know if you actually watch precisely what he says he's not reassuring you that he doesn't intend to own guns in the future saying that they were toys and they were fake well the knives are not fake the basalt batons are not fake the swords are not fake there were a lot of weapons there that work really happens um and he's also not telling us that he's in future he's not going to own real firearms but number three here he wrote in to clarify that he's currently on probation so right now he can't own real guns or real farms getting weapons back from the police after they wrongfully charged me did you guys know that everything I've heard from vegan gains he always presents himself as being completely vindicated by the courts that he was unjustly persecuted he plays the part of the super victim he again and again suggests that this inquiry into his mental health he is being evaluated by a psychiatrist or psychologist I don't know which and is having an MRI scan a brain scan that this completely vindicates him that there was no you know there was no justifiable reason to impugn his sanity well I haven't seen the opinion of the court on that I haven't seen him fit into a psychiatrist none of us have seen those documents and he presents himself as being fully vindicated but okay if you're on probation that restricts you from owning weapons that suggests to me already Richard that you are giving a very one-sided and dishonest account of that story and here's the leap of inference therefore he's going to get my channel deleted by flagging my videos and reporting me to YouTube as stated that has not worked he didn't win he lost too he will ask his network to do the same I found that hilarious he's a member of a multi-channel network those are and what sorry those are normally castigated forming scams and so on the number three if this doesn't work he will sue me and it didn't work so guys this comes back to the more interesting question of the principle the thing in this discourse I've had with vegan gains what he's doing is harassment sending someone an email saying I'm gonna get your channel they're not gonna sue you and all the stuff the threats the bullying the this is everything that YouTube's policy is supposed to discourage and if you guys have been through the process if you have a channel yourself you know one of the first things they insist on is they ask you have you tried to resolve this peacefully by writing to the person and by the way guys I have resolved this disputes that way now remember there was a guy who had a video and the title of the video was accusing me of being a pedophile and I I sent a message and said look you know really think about what you're saying here now guess what I'm not a pedophile but you know and the guy changed the title and the rest of the video stayed up yeah I don't remember the video being that bad but the title was like look people put my name into Google and they can see this and really think about what you're doing here giving the video that title so you can write to people and I didn't you know you know you're not I'm not threatening to sue em and whatever you can try to you know solve these problems man-to-man and that is what YouTube tries to encourage so really briefly though my critique of him I'm saying that his content is of poor quality the single most controversial element of this discourse I'm claiming that playing video games is a waste of time for a grown adult shocking just imagine I'm saying that you can do more meaningful things with your life you could do more meaningful things with your channel Richards specifically is that the opportunity of a lifetime handed him in relation to the vegan movement in relation to getting a real education in science and nutrition if you wanted to here's a lot of opportunities sitting there in the Greater Toronto Area and from my perspective he's throwing all of them away and richard has said to me in in the written comments that he now instead aspires to be like ninja if you don't know the name ninjas uh you know stage name for a professional video game player is playing video games in meaningful yoose your time is it for Richard is it for ninja is it for someone who says they're an aspiring vegan activist and leader in the movement is it for somebody you know with Richards interests and you know this is a conversation we can have and people in the audience I got a ton of the fan mail I got a ton of emails from people you remember that you email comments on Twitter or through other media whenever people writing to me saying I'm I remember one guy said look man he owned a collection of classic video game consoles and you know he said that nostalgia was part form but having watched my recent videos and discussions he really reconsidered how many hours per week you know he should be doing this you know again the problem not being owning the video game consoles the problem being time and what you're doing with your life and having the aspiration to make the world a better place having aspiration through your self-discipline education center to become a better person that's a discussion worth having and guess what YouTube doesn't regard that as harassment YouTube doesn't regard that as bullying YouTube regards a lot of what Richard does ass irassman bullying not just in your videos Richard in your written comments and we all know you went back and manually deleted all the written comments you left in my channel and that's probably why because you've just lately had YouTube explain to you the real meaning of harassment bullying number four the list I think his claims to being a man of science or a really shaky basis this came up pretty briefly in the videos but I was saying okay this guy diagnosed himself as sociopath and a psychopath and he then considered himself to have cured his condition by using illegal hallucinogenic mushrooms yeah I've admitted to being associate sociopath before and at least one of my videos and in the comments section I've admitted to it on the vegan revolution podcast I've even said I'm a sociopath okay so just recently I had a really crazy trippy mushroom experience and it totally changed my whole outlook on life and just how I am and who I am as a person and yeah and that just got rid of my sociopath II I'm not a sociopath anymore I can actually feel for other people now when I see someone get hurt I can actually feel bad for them yeah just I don't have that intense hatred in me anymore and that's pretty amazing yeah that shroom experience just totally [ __ ] changed me and I'm just a better person now this guy's claims to representing a high standard of scientific scrutiny there were other examples I mentioned where he tried to interpret a coroner's report and he really couldn't do that I'm not claiming that's easy but the role he has taken on and the justification for his channel and he himself says he apologized some of his content is garbage or some of it is offensive or as you know dark and edgy humor he did do what kind of blanket apology well what's the other side of that Richard you know you could have taken seriously instead of playing video games that this is an opportunity for you to step up and get some real credentials in any one of the medical or nutritional sciences or even in you know sports nutrition and bodybuilding training whatever you would not my personal interest and then number five as everyone knows he is self diagnosed as insane said this hundred times I appreciate his honesty but if you just put together they're really serious mental problems he describes himself as having and struggling with I sympathize to the struggle I appreciate that he came in and talked about it those are really grave warnings and we're gonna come back to that briefly towards the end of the video his reply and again this is my point guys this is why I'm not being censored by YouTube and Richard is his reply his main point was again and again that I'm lying about my penis size this is like the main thing he had to say back to me okay it's not a defense of playing video games to have you he called me racist he called me homophobic he threatened to shut down and censor the channel because I dare to criticize him he presents himself as a victim of YouTube who did nothing wrong he presents himself as a super victim who's just trying to protect his wife and family because suppose it my critique of him on YouTube would place his life in danger yeah she said that's ridiculous um Richard just have the detachment this is like the the the inverse of the golden rule the golden rule is doing to others as you'd have them doing to you the flip side of that is how would you regard this if it were someone else doing it to you if somebody else did this to you Richard you'd regard them as really dishonest and dishonorable this would cut against your own your own moral code which does in his own words sent around freedom of speech especially when it comes to satire and so on and so forth okay this is the final email I sent to Richard it's on my blog it was posted on my blog several days after I sent it to him when it seemed clear that he was not going to reply and I said Richard okay so we'll make a video proceeding with your statement that one you do not currently own real firearms because the police do not allow you to under the terms of your probation to correct me if I'm wrong but you have lied and you continue to lie and claim that you do not own any real weapons you claim that all of your rep weapons are quote unquote fake and quote unquote toys because the knives assault batons swords etc are indeed real weapons three you still want to own guns in the future as soon as you are allowed to do so legally is this correct do you want to clarify what your position on firearms ownership is do you believe that someone who has hallucinations of the kind you describe yourself including auditory hallucinations quote/unquote hearing voices that are not there having a paranoid and aggressive reaction to strangers with a specific delusion that people are trying to kill you when they just say hello to you or shake hands with you etc do you think that sort of person should be allowed to own use and carry firearms if I describe that person to you as someone other than yourself would you agree with the statement quote the government is justified in doubting the responsibility to safely use firearms close quote do you think that the military will be willing to recruit or employ someone with list of symptoms and to trust them to use guns responsibly in a high-pressure situation would you not agree that someone who had your checklist of symptoms might be disqualified from owning or carrying firearms and at least some democratic countries Richard when people write in to me saying he should be on psychiatric medication I write back saying no he should just take a vow that he's not going to do any of these things again you say that you're a changed man what you're showing me is that you haven't changed you presented yourself as a victim of censorship you then become a hypocrite the moment it suits you quote-unquote you're putting me in my wife in danger as if this were any more true of you then for example a bodybuilder claimed that his life is in danger if his apartment is searched for illegal drugs because you've accused him of using illegal drugs Richard you have just been morally grandstanding about the rights of free speech critique and satire and then the moment it's convenient for you you do everything in your power to quote unquote oppress someone else while continuing to play the victim card you know that I could make a telephone call to the Toronto Police today with no difficulty and simply express my concerns about you and that would more likely entail problems for you and your parole officer I didn't do that I engaged in exactly the kind of rational philosophical discussion about ethics on YouTube that you claim to support and defend but not when it questions your own most sacred value namely wasting time playing video games newspapers make criminal allegations all the time it's part of journalism if a newspaper says the alleged bank robber that's an allegation it is reporting an allegation the etymology of the two words is clear in Canada telling the truth is always a defense against defamation I have been telling the truth you have completely failed to provide even one example of me one lying or two making a criminal allegation against you however yes for example you have openly talked about using illegal drugs for example hallucinogenic mushrooms on your YouTube channel so if I report that you've used illegal drugs then I am making an allegation in the same sense that a newspaper is simply in reporting the facts that doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong talking about a criminal allegation is one of the most important parts of protected freedom of speech there were legal consequences for making reckless and irresponsible criminal allegations but that's not what I've done in my videos you are the one who has made irresponsible criminal allegations accusing durianrider of rape although this is certainly not the only example and you have been callous and cruel toward others when doing so Richard you've been a complete hypocrite here you've become everything you always said you despised you are one playing the victim and two at the same time you're really engaging in bullying and harassment yourself quote unquote I'll shut down your channel I'll sue you in response to legitimate criticism and satire really think with some detachment objectivity with the contrast between the criticism and satire I've directed at you and the criticism and satire you directed at so many other people even think about the difference between the criticism of directed at you and your replies to me just insulting me basically the golden rule will be pretty easy for you to apply here Richard why can't you act toward me the same way you'd want others to act toward you [Music]