A New Fable: Socrates and the Fox.

08 December 2018 [link youtube]

This is a new story, and I'm sharing it with you as a challenge to parents, political leaders, activists and creative writers alike. If you want cultural change: make it happen. All Rights Reserved, Eisel Mazard (Dec. 2018). Support the creation of new content on Patreon for one dollar per month: https://www.patreon.com/a_bas_le_ciel/

#ReplaceChristmas #Socmas

Youtube Automatic Transcription

this is a new fable written in 2018
December the title is Socrates in the Fox Socrates saw him smiling on a tree stump all alone he had no pack as wolves do no cave no high of no home you and I live simply Fox we go barefoot when it snows you have a tail so big and beautiful like a pillow for your nose he curled up in a circle so his tail became his bedding the truly clever need no comfort just a place to rest our head end the Fox he thinks he's clever but alone you lack debate I have a keener test of wits than that and the pleasures twice as great perhaps we are alike said Socrates if this is how you live every day I learn by disputation to try to get as much as give at this the Fox laughed loudly is that what you call a test of wit you'd starve here in the forest your words all chewed and bit some days you'll see me eating lamb some days I'm eating rat I'll steal one outsmarting lions I'll steal the other from a cat Kings collect their taxes and doctors charge their fees this forest hunts on my behalf they're all my employees I'm the cleverest of animals and the sweetest thing is not the meal it's the feeling that I'm cleverer than those from whom I steal so this is why you're smiling socrates was in disbelief you think whoever cheats is smartest and you're the worst of all the cheats if a fish thinks he's fast when swimming he compares the others fin to fin he can't measure it out with a clam he can only strive to win I test my mind the same as you Socrates to see who's the wisest of us all but the test is not of right or wrong it's a race to see the last of all but right and wrong true and false these are the lines that make the track without them anyone can claim to win even running front to back the Fox thinks he's happy stealing sneering at those he's stolen from but to laugh at another sorrow seems to me truly dumb Fox you've taught me something new about men who think they're clever if they win or lose their chosen race depends upon the measure I wrote that in a little more than one hour it's the second in a series of stories maybe they'll be about 5 featuring Socrates talking to different animals series of fables that could be bound up in Illustrated as a book could be in some small way the start of a new tradition some new philosophical ideas being introduced to children asking some of the right questions maybe parents in the fullness of time can lead their children's awards some of the right answers too you can make fun of me so far that's how everyone's respond of this effort or you could support it you could say wow what a great idea why don't I do something like this myself why don't I take a creative attitude towards the pursuit of political change the pursuit of cultural change the pursuit of social change wanna try do something creative rather than destructive and if you can't you could support the efforts that I'm making we have to engage in cultural production of new ideas and new meanings and we have to be better at it than the Christians and the Muslims better than all the religious fundamentalists and we have to keep we have to compete with Disney and Nintendo all the corporate for-profit stuff as well we have to be at least as good as Curious George and we have to provide a meaningful alternative a meaningful alternative to what Christmas already offers kids today [Music]