Jordan Peterson's Bad Advice is Literally Killing His Fans.

24 June 2019 [link youtube]

Jordan Peterson's meat-eating fans wrote in to defend him, and to defend his daughter's promotion of a 100% meat diet —something eaten by the whole family (from the ailing grandmother, Tammy, to the one year old baby!). "But it can't possibly be bad for your health, it's 100% grass-fed, organic, free range meat!" Yeah, right.

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yeah I also can't shake the sneaking
suspicion that it has something to do with our diet really well you know I saw this we know that obesity is like skyrocket yeah okay so and probably the reason for that it's not exactly certain there might be complicated reasons for it but certainly one of the reasons is that people eat far too many carbohydrates right Jordan Peterson is not a scientist he's not a legitimate researcher and he doesn't think like a scientist and unfortunately his opinions are never challenged by legitimate journalists or people who even think like legitimate journalists this hypothesis he's given if it's just stated as a hypothesis it could be challenged it could be falsified what do we see on the chart there do we see that rising rates of obesity correlate to rising rates of carbohydrate intake no that's not what we see at all what do we see when we look at this chart gee what is it that's been increasing all over the world meat production meat consumption that percentage the human diet that's made up of animal flesh and animal products like eggs and milk it's really easy to throw around pious catchphrases like education outreach and activism well what you're talking about is helping stupid people it's not people who are smart well-informed include up with in any given area within any given struggle those are not the people who need your help if you're gonna do education outreach in activism you gotta have love for the people you're reaching out to and it's not easy it's not easy you know I've met people doing humanitarian work in Cambodia and they develop so much contempt so much hatred for the people that were they were helping when they first start they went there help these people if you don't if you don't have love for the people you're helping whatever whether they're farmers in Cambodia or you know people people on the internet from the decadent West man then you you know you really can't do that job and if you can't that's cool just you know just keep it real just admit yourself what it is you're doing you know when and why quote I'm not taking any sides here with either the vlogger or Jordan Peterson but I haven't heard or read any mention about one the fact that they the Petersons do spend big bucks on grass-fed highest quality organic meat or else yes they would be killing themselves if they were buying conventional okay I got love for you Lizzy I got love for you Lizzy veloute who wanted to meet with this with this comment you know I'm gonna try to I try to try to help you up your claim is that conventional beef if you were eating a 100% meat diet made out of conventional meat that that would kill you but not not a diet consisting of a hundred percent grass-fed beef that's that's your claim this is from beef magazine this is not from a vegan magazine just not from health magazine this is from a pro meat industry magazine grass-fed vs. grain-fed ground beef no difference in healthfulness okay the Internet is awash and websites that proclaim the nutritional benefits of ground beef from grass-fed cattle however researchers in Texas A&M University's Department of animal science have published the only two research studies that actually compare the effects of ground beef from grass-fed cattle and traditional grain fed cattle on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in men was ground beef from grass-fed beef actually more health oh no this study found and of course you know if you know how to use Google this is not surprising at all now instead of the miniscule differences in nutritional value when comparing grass-fed beef to quote-unquote conventional beef what if we were to compare grass-fed beef to the staple of my diet adzuki beans type of small red bean what do you what do you see there grass-fed beef is sixty percent fat forty percent protein but sixty percent fat the adzuki beans twenty percent protein and only one percent fat so as you can imagine oh look you know what you don't have to imagine don't use your imagination don't don't run your agitation why don't you just read the little summary here it comes to this website the good and the bad of grass-fed beef the good this food is low in sodium that's when it's raw doesn't you have an added salt and seasoning to it right if you don't add anything to it pretty much everyone adds salt and then it's not low in sodium or they add a sauce barbecue sauce would every okay but if you were able to just eat it completely plain low in sodium low in sodium also a good source of niacin vitamin b12 zinc and selenium the bad this food is high in saturated fat and cholesterol this food also contains trans fat now let's just hop over to the adzuki beans the good this food is very low in saturated fat cholesterol and sodium it is also a good source of phosphorus potassium and copper and a very good source of dietary fiber folate and manganese out of these two foodstuffs which one do you think is a better source of protein the one that gives you an unbelievable quantity of fat and added cholesterol for the one that has almost zero of fat one that consists of just protein and in carbohydrates yeah you see in the background here a little humble brag from Micheli uh Peterson they're saying it's been 14 months not yet seeing scurvy and vitamin deficiencies creepin sounds like science to me quote I've tried carnivore nothing wrong with the diet vegan claims about cholesterol are lies cholesterol is basically just a number that describes how much trouble your body has digesting the fatty so that that makes sense joke's on you you stupid vegan that baby is eating a natural diet and will be more healthy than you could ever dream of this is referring to the fact that McKay Leo Peterson is feeding her newborn baby a carnivore diet so the whole family three generations the grandparents the parents and the baby all eating a carnivore diet 100% contrary to the progress I think I think probably health services a lot of country would take your kid away from you I think they'd charge you with child endangerment treating a tight you feeding a tiny tiny baby nothing but under percent meat that it may not be against the law in Canada but it'll be against the law somewhere that baby will be the healthiest baby on the planet F word R word vegans ladies and gentlemen it's really easy to talk about education and outrage if you ain't got love for these people if you don't really want to help people who are a lot more stupid and ignorant than yourself don't find it's really a goddamn shame that's somebody like Jordan Peterson it's providing a respectable public face for these people latch on to people who want to believe in a 100% meat diet people who want to believe that government health guidelines are a crazy conspiracy people who want to reject the whole progress of you know modern traditional science people who don't want to take responsibility for the environmental consequences of their decision people don't want to care about ecology people who don't want to care about ethics don't want to care about animal suffering Jordan Peterson your daughter is the poster girl for all those people and you yourself are providing a seemingly respectable seemingly scientific academic face on what is ultimately a dangerous diet delusion eyes L can you run around the block I'm almost twenty years older than you if we both got on bikes I would absolutely slaughter you on my fruit diet I don't know what diet you're eating I don't even know if you're vegan who's paying you to say these things that's what I want to know who's paying you this guy is an imbecile he's got to be a shoe and nobody could be that stupid somebody's paying him to spread this dark negativity like foul tentacles through the vegan YouTube movement [Music]