Why Did Carrie Fisher Die? Jeff Adachi? #SOBRIETY

02 July 2019 [link youtube]

This is not about Star Wars. This is about life, ethics, the decisions we make, the type of people we aspire to become… and the consequences. Why Exactly Did Carrie Fisher Die? And Jeff Adachi?

At the time of her death, Carrie Fisher's blood contained (i) cocaine, (ii) morphine, (iii) oxycodone, (iv) MDMA ("ecstasy"), (v) heroin, (vi) prozac, (vii) abilify, and (viii) lamictal.

#quitdrugs #quiteverything #sobriety

Youtube Automatic Transcription

you still miss drugs oh yeah you have
any yes I do Carrie Fisher had cocaine morphine codeine and oxycodone in her system when she was hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack on board a flight to LAX so some idiot in my audience writes to me in complete stunned disbelief that I really am morally opposed to see cocaine do you think buying cocaine is wrong because cocaine production is horrible or because it turns you into a cokehead or both I he says of himself I don't buy cocaine not because it will turn me into a cokehead which it wouldn't if I used it responsibly Yeah right you don't think DMX and Carrie Fisher and Gemma - you don't think all of them thought they were using it responses you don't think with his elite level of education and his incredibly powerful position in society Jeff Adachi this guy the public the fact you know think he was sitting there thinking it won't happen to me I'm not like those other crackheads I'm special oh no no I won't have to deal with the consequences of my actions the way they will and I won't have to go to jail even though I myself have been responsible for putting other people in jail for committing exactly the same crime I'll get away with it oh no no brain damage caused by this drug that's something happens to other people not to me I'm one of the good ones I'm one of the responsible users no homie if you Huff glue you get brain damage if you drink alcohol you get brain damage if you use antidepressants you get brain damage and you know what go ahead and do a few Google searches if there's any doubt in your mind that cocaine causes brain damage the guy who does that channel active research informed opinion I always knew he was secretly conservative I mean she says he felt for Bernie Sanders but have you heard what he says about cocaine and quote-unquote neurodiversity I always knew he was secretly a conservative deep down inside it's just waiting to come out yeah amazingly people in the audience ragequit over my statement in passing that using cocaine is a bad thing and I think I made a statement even more briefly in passing yes I do support in short a get tough on drugs legislative approach to the problem oh do you miss codeine one that was all I ever liked it's a you know it was like I never liked alcohol I never liked street drugs let's pretend we all grew up reading Plato there was a time there was a time when this was a common exercise in the classroom Plato gives you this vision of a society in which the police are philosophers in which the police are pillars of civic virtue in which the police teach us morality and maintain public morality this is not this is not the real world Plato Plato you just don't have that now come on who watches the Watchmen who police's the police if you really believe the role of the police in society is to individually the average man then who is it that is even more integrity than the police who envisioned achter the police if the average man struggles with the temptation for cocaine addiction and and the police their job is to keep us sober who's gonna prevent the police from becoming a much greater rate it's people like Jeff Adachi it's people like public defender and critical police watchdog Jeff Adachi this is the man who police's the police force but looky here attach ease death cost by cocaine and alcohol use autopsy finds wait wait a minute wait a minute maybe I didn't maybe I didn't take this analysis back far enough okay so there's the general public and then the police they basically keep the public in line they enforce local and then there's this special guy Jeff Adachi and he police's the police so who police's the policemen for the police right so what's the next step who is it that keeps Jeff Adachi honest if Jeff a - whose job is to keep the police on us and the police they're supposed to keep us honest how does that work oh it's like a circle it's the public it's the general public who votes for who elects Jeff Adachi so if this guy Jeff Adachi if he had this dissolute sex life and he was a drug fiend and he died with cocaine and all these other drugs in his bloodstream in the company of this mysterious woman Catalina a Colombian national being sought by the police who nobody is suggesting was a prostitute but some woman whose company he was enjoying in the nude in a room that had some contraceptives scattered about and bedclothes scattered off the bed and so on with his this dissolute life this guy was leading so he would have to face up to public scrutiny about that right he'd have to stand for election and the electorate and the press they'd investigate his conduct they'd weigh the good and the bad and they'd really judge him harshly right he'd leave his whole life under scrutiny for his moral conduct because his job is to scrutinize the moral conduct of the police right that beat that be oh really high levels oh oh oh I'm I'm sorry 100 % of people voted for him in his last election 100 percent um I can't remember a movie on Rotten Tomatoes that got 100 percent definitely not any of the Star Wars movies in the last 20 years got a hundred percent Jeff Adachi cocaine addicts hate not just cocaine he had all kinds of drugs in his system Jeff Adachi leading a totally dissolute totally immoral self-indulgent lifestyle he got he got a hundred percent in the elections I feel there's there's some kind of Weezer could it be could it be that journalists and members of the establishment work really interested in scrutinizing is kind of weren't really interested in exposing this problem to the public could it be that some of them today feel a little bit of guilt because if they had done their job Jeff Adachi his life would have been saved maybe he would have been arrested maybe he would have spent a short time in jail but then he would have had to get clean he would have had to get sober and he'd still be alive today unquote I'm worried that we're going into a direction that we shouldn't right I don't think any of us are perfect and I think the personal things should remain personal close quote that's a quote from a district attorney George George Gascon George you hypocrite how many people have you put behind bars how many people have you put in jail for the exact same conduct that Jeff - yet why is it that the whole establishment closes ranks behind this guy tried to defend him defend his reputation and even claim that it's unreasonable for the public to know about his so-called private life why is it that any normal person would go to jail for doing this but not not a member of the economic elite like like Jeff Adachi other substances found in a dashi system included marijuana zantac ibuprofen and benzodiazepines at levels too small to quantify the blood levels of these substances indicate that they had been consumed at some point during the day this was all in one day it wasn't even nighttime when the body was discovered so he must have woken up bright and early and started doing a combination of cocaine alcohol marijuana zantac and more we don't even know which benzodiazepine it is a lot of those are used as recreational drugs this was his day in the company of his female friend not his wife Catalina yeah and that's that's the man who is the coulomb police watchdog that's the man who's policing the police on your account and every journalist and every member of the establishment slams it oh well you know it's his personal life we should just we should just respect his privacy we should just regard this as as beyond beyond good and evil right right look guys I'm not a hypocrite if I'm gonna be interrogated by a police officer I want that police officer to be sober I don't want that police officer to be stoned or drunk I don't want to just use cocaine once in a while I want the police force to be a hundred percent silver and I want Jeff Adachi whoo whoo visualize the police force to be a hundred percent sober and guess what I'm not a hypocrite I want myself to live up to that same standard I'm not gonna make excuses for myself and imagined I'm on some lower level but I don't answer to the same kind of responsibility as a police officer in my own small sad way I have to take responsibility for my conduct I have to take responsibility for the quality of my character and the most fundamental first step to doing that is sobriety is refusing cocaine and I expected of you and you and you in the audience okay and if you can't live up to it you're a scumbag you're a scumbag just like Jeff Adachi he was a scumbag and is a disgrace and none of these people will come out and say it none of these people will come on set and none of these people will say if the police had arrested him the police had put him in jail for two weeks way back at the beginning when he started on this downward spiral it would have saved his life he could still be here today could be living a better life than he lived during all those years if his downward spiral if the progress of the scumbag efficient of Jeff Adachi if that had been halted with with an arrest with a search with a prison sentence it could have saved his life we apologize to the Adachi family for that report being released but police weren't just on hand to apologize they were at City Hall to field questions from city supervisors who say the leak was a deliberate targeting of Adachi a public defender whose career was largely defined by his dogged criticism of the police department to have that type of maligning going on of a public official in San Francisco is disgusting it was despicable with the police department did to myself and my daughter I really sing the police report quote many city leaders praised his work as a relentless defender of indigent clients a police watchdog there's that phrase a police watcher who police's the police cokehead Jeff Adachi policing the police a police watchdog and a criminal justice reform er few though wanted to comment on Friday's autopsy results hmm supervisor Sandra Lee fewer who called for a public hearing after a police report was leaked to the media after her daddy's death said Friday quote what people do in their personal lives and in their own personal time is private period closed quote would you have voted for him if you knew this you scumbag hypocrite don't you think the public had a right to know don't you think the public had a right to know who this guy really was how about the police how about the police whom he was policing as their quote/unquote watchdog don't you think they had a right to know don't you think they should have gone to the polls in an open and honest and transparent way the reality of who this scumbag was that he should have been elected that he should have either won or lost the election based on the reality of who was not not an illusion that you helped him to maintain hey don't you have a human heart how many people have you put behind bars for these same mine's equal protection under the laws equal punishment under the laws Jeff Adachi should have had his day in court and gone to prison like thousands and thousands of others do every day and he should have done it for the same reasons and it would have saved his life and instead you helped cover it up you helped make it all sound so respectable even now after his death cost him his life and who knows who knows what other negative consequences there were having that guy in a position of power in a position of authority for so many years the 25 page autopsy report details Itachi's final moments in dispassionate detail it includes interviews with witnesses and police details about Itachi's anatomy as well as toxicology report that found cocaine alcohol and benzodiazepines in his system benzodiazepines such as volume or xanax are widely prescribed no no no comment of whether or not he had a prescription for his antics or if he was doing it illegally Carrie Fisher Carrie Fisher was basically a multi-millionaire from the age of 19 she was set for life from an early age she was a feminist icon she was a role model to young girls all around the world Carrie Fisher's autopsy reveals a cocktail of drugs including cocaine opiates and ecstasy that is not the whole list of drugs that were in her blood at the time of her death that is not the whole list of drugs she abused during her short life she may have looked 80 she went sounded 80 but she died at age 60 this is what her brother Todd said when she was still in intensive care you know in between life and death quote if everyone could just pray for her that would be good close quote imagine all those little girls all around America all around all the logos who bought the doll who have a doll of Princess Leia have an action figure of Princess Leia imagine all the grown women for whom you know this had been an icon and let's just imagine at least half of them are dumb enough that state they still believe in Jesus that they're praying they're praying to baby Jesus in the sky there they're praying to the sky God Jesus okay I don't know maybe they're praying them to Odin I doubt it okay just think about those prayers all around the world and who and what are they really are they really praying for Carrie Fisher had cocaine morphine codeine and oxycodone in her system when she was hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack on board a flight to LAX you know I really did search around Carrie Fisher has a long history of drug use issues a long history of writing about and kind of admitting the drug use like she didn't really keep it secret I couldn't find any record of her being arrested we're doing jail time why not DMX got arrested and went to jail again and again and again basically for drug-related charges his whole life it's probably why DMX is still alive today what if back when she was 19 back when she was first starting on this downward spiral Carrie Fisher was arrested and what the jail for two weeks and she learned her Wow you have responsibilities kid and all your responsibilities begin with sobriety your responsibilities begin with the refusal to use cocaine and then maybe a few years later maybe she's 22 and it's her second offense and she gets arrested she gets a search warrant you know that kind of situation guess what kid this is your second second warning you know you're in court on really serious charges cocaine possession okay if she had been through a few arrests she had been in and out of jail could have saved her life she she still be alive today should be a way better health today and she could have been much more meaningful things of their life nobody nobody had more privileged chance of a lifetime you could've done anything she wanted to with their life morally artistically terms of charity work politics could absolutely anything as they say she was really a kind of feminist icon she took this role of the damsel in distress and transformed it she took the role of the pampered princess and and said no I'm gonna be the pugnacious princess I'm gonna be the the princess who's out to rescue the whole universe not the princess who's waiting for you to rescue I'm gonna be the princess who's bossy and in charge it was an interesting little you know it was a suffragette you know inversion of your expectations about the damsel in distress story very powerful cultural symbol in many ways and what did she do with it she became a crackhead she became a cocaine addict she became a drug user this is how she died the LA County Coroner released its full autopsy including toxicology and revealed the slew of drugs in addition to the cocaine and opiates found in a urine analysis there was also a very small amount of MDMA a drug commonly known as ecstasy and heroin all of these drugs in her system simultaneously the report says it's unclear how much of a role if any the drugs played in her death on December 2 no it's really good to be skeptical about that what what was the role of drug addiction you know you general downward spiral off and if that's pursue it's it's it's tough to say okay as we told you on Friday the coroner announced sleep apnea and other undetermined factors were the cause of death that's very considerate of the coroner to leave it up to your imagination but you know what I don't think that's the full list of the drugs she was on according to variety in addition to the illegal drugs Fisher was also taking Prozac abilify and Lamech Tull under prescription she was also taking oxycodone without a prescription hmm so some idiot in my audience writes to me in complete stunned disbelief that I really am morally opposed to see cocaine wait to clarify do you think buying cocaine is wrong because cocaine production is horrible or because it turns you into a cokehead or both I he says of himself I don't buy cocaine not because it will turn me into a cokehead which it wouldn't if I used it responsibly yeah right you don't think DMX and Carrie Fisher and Jim Adachi you don't think all of them thought they were using it responsibly you don't think with his elite level of education and his incredibly powerful position in society Jeff Adachi this guy the public the fact you know think he was sitting there thinking it won't happen to me I'm not like those other crackheads I'm special oh no no I won't have to deal with the consequences of my actions the way they will and I won't have to go to jail even though I myself have been responsible for putting other people in jail for committing exactly the same crime I'll get away with it oh no no brain damage caused by this drug that son that happens to other people not to me I'm one of the good ones I'm one of the responsible users no homie if you Huff glue you get brain damage if you drink alcohol you get brain damage if you use antidepressants you get brain damage and you know what go ahead and do a few google searches if there's any doubt in your mind that cocaine causes brain damage so not because he thinks he'd become a cokehead which he doesn't believe would happen if you used it responsibly quote but because I don't want to fund gangs who chop off people's heads close quote what you and I really disagree about a lot of things quote so you're saying that you would use cocaine if it were grown in your own backyard I would not I would refuse to use cocaine even if for example it were grown in a university research facilities greenhouse and were offered to me without any possible external negative consequences his reply is yes I don't see the problem with using cocaine recreationally every now and then the health Assessor but now the facts are minimal if you do it every few months as far as I know but even if I were to destroy my own health with it I could do the same with cigarettes alcohol but those morally okay to buy know the only reasonable argument against quote unquote ethical coke I can think of is that it will negatively impact society in some drastic way because people overuse and cannot handle the addiction of something but this sounds suspiciously like prohibition-era argumentation let me just say something stranger the next time a police officer pulls you over and interrogate you any reason any reason whether they have a good reason or not I'll bet you wish and you pray that that police officer is sober and not high on cocaine or not trying to get money for his cocaine habit I'll bet you wish and you pray that when you deal with an authority figure like a police officer that they're clean and sober I'll bet you wish and you pray that when you deal with a university professor and a lot of people have dealt with this you have a university professor someone who has power over you someone who decides whether you get the scholarship or not whether you get an A or B or C someone kicks you I bet you wish and you hope that that authority figure is clean and sober and not on cocaine you know what let's take this down to the most intimate human scale little babies little children who depend on their parents for everything including wisdom and guidance there is no dependency more keenly felt than the dependency of a child upon his or her parent children need their parents to be sober with much more unspoken desperation than you as a citizen need the policeman to be sober when the policeman is interrogating you it's a much more dire and desperate need and children are voiceless and powerless a course to some other parent if their parent is a cocaine addict there will be people right now in this audience who know the horror of growing up with a parent who's an alcoholic growing up with a parent who's a cocaine addict growing up with a parent like Carrie Fisher who's using a whole bunch of drugs including heroin you name it okay there's there's nothing more terrible but then you know what you have to do you have to pause and reflect and responsibilities you have in your own life and realize you have to ask yourself am I not in some sense on the same level as a policeman as a professor as a parent do I not have responsibilities that obliged me that make it my obligation to be sober and responsible to refuse to use cocaine or am I just such a scumbag that I would write myself off and never think of myself on that same level as those authority figures Jeff Adachi you were supposed to police the police officers but instead you became a scumbag and a crackhead and a drug addict you became a dissolute self-indulgent piece of crap and you died you paid the ultimate price you paid with your life but you brought shame on your office and shame on your whole society Carrie Fisher you were supposed to be a symbol symbol of I'll use that phrase a new hope you were a role model to millions little girls all around the world you gave it up and you ultimately gave up your life for what cocaine