Durianrider threatens arrest, violence & defamation.

02 June 2016 [link youtube]

Ask yourself, seriously: what would we be doing if any of us were (sincerely) motivated by the common slogan, "save the planet"? Not this. This, definitely, is not what we would be doing, and is not what we should be doing.

I'd encourage you to take the opening words seriously: bad things happen when good people sit by and do nothing. Durianrider is (again) making defamatory remarks, and trying to instigate violence (as well as conjuring up rumors out of thin air). If you consider yourself a good person: act. Act now. Speak up. Draw the line, and make it clear who is crossing it.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

what's dangerous is not when evil people
do evil things what's dangerous is when good people stand by and do nothing charming fellow by the name of durianrider has made criminal allegations against me their criminal in more ways than one the message he has posted to the Internet is pointedly unclear it's intentionally vague and never reveals what it is exactly that I'm accused of but the one thing that is clear is that he seems certain that I should be apprehended and arrested that I should be brought to the police here in Thailand for whatever it is he's vaguely insinuating that I have them my email has been public on the Internet long before I even had a youtube channel if you simply go to google and type in my name plus email you've got my email address it's been public back when I was publishing articles back when I was writing a blog I've been a kind of public intellectual for many years now and I've been getting fan mail for many years now back when I was a scholar of tera vaada Buddhism back when I wrote about politics of China Cambodia Thailand Laos I've always gotten fan mail partly because my name and my email address on the internet for anyone to get in touch with me and over the years many interesting people have got in touch with me and you know sometimes an email leads to a Skype conversation sometimes it leads to a face-to-face interview I remember a journalist for a very famous newspaper for Lamont Lomond is one of the most famous used newspapers in France and it's somewhere on the list of the most famous newspapers in the world I remember a journalist from LeMond just by reading the articles I had the internet got my email got in touched me and interviewed me in Cambodia when he flew to Cambodia to to cover some of the news stories is what it is but the implicit absurdity here in these allegations from Durham Ryder is that he's stating that he needs to find out where I am that he's asking his followers to track me down to be relatively nonviolent well a Google search is about as nonviolent as he gets during Ryder you can put on him to Google and talk to me in five minutes again by email by Skype or whatever you know where I am you know how to talk to me and you always have so the pretense that this is anything other than a threat of violence is paper-thin so I'm gonna read this out and I mean the nature of the allegations here is so absurd that it's difficult to believe anyone could take it seriously especially in the context of durianrider himself having made allegations of this kind again and again to denounce various people so you know he has a track record of such allegations sometimes attached to threats of violence sometimes not and I'm in the small number of people have been on the internet talking about the implications of that because I've always been saying look this is dangerous if you think it's not dangerous if you think this isn't something you have to speak out on or you know prevent from getting worse you know take a look at the history of the Western world again my own background is heavily involved with political history etc I have a different perspective on these things than the average vegan you know vegans have all kinds of backgrounds I've been talking to vegans who are scientists and I remember I've met some vegans who you know didn't even complete their high school education I've met vegans who are high school dropouts who got very humbled jobs in life and I've met vegans who were farmers you know who came up in the new vegans come from all walks of life not everyone has a diploma in political science not everyone has the kind of background I do and what I do on the Internet is making the type of unique contribution that I can offer I don't sing I don't dance I think it's great that other people sing and dance and their contribution to the discourse and veganism is through singing and dancing that's fine that's helping I'm gonna do but what I do basically is talking about politics including the politics of veganism the question of how we get organized and make a difference in the world and I don't know at bottom it's it's pretty sad that durianrider can't see some good in that and given these slogans that are kicked around about you know save the planet save the world I think it's worth asking yourself again and again and again how different would this whole situation be how different would our behavior be his mine everyone in the crowd jumping on this controversy how differently would we be acting if this were really about saving the world mmm so I will read this out durianrider says quote I can't confirm a hundred percent yet if this is true but this POS is allegedly in Chiangmai and asking teenage girls for money and I assume probably sex etc let's pause so is I this has never returned to the message the fantasy of his here I guess is that is that teenage girls are paying me um for my advice that they should stay in school and get a straight job I love the fact that he leads with that allegation you know what I mean like let's start with the strong suit he's been asking teenage girls from money what now I mean uh if some people watching this have never seen my channel for some you've already seen my videos there are videos on this channel of me having conversations with younger women there was an excellent podcast it's it's both a video and available as mp3 the discussion I had with Zarya and Zuri has their own YouTube channel I think she's about 23 years old she's a much younger woman there's nothing sexy about that conversation we talk for over an hour it's a very deep conversation about vegan but activism and about emotional aspects of being vegan in the modern Western world we talk about you know her relationship with her own parents you know how being vegan messed up their family and then I talk about my relationship with my parents and being vegan and my family and you know Zaria she has experience with the pig save movement so she's done the type of protest where they you know they witnessed the pigs being slaughtered and they at least hear it and so on standing in front of the the the slaughterhouse it's deep and it's meaningful and it's real I I suggest all you guys see that video it's it's a great example of how I talk to younger women I have another video here it's very long talking to an 18 year old who's in Canada I'm Canadian and she's only 18 she became vegan recently and she was wanting to talk to me about how to get organized how to get involved with vegan activism how to organize some kind of meaningful you know intervention in her community and watch that video is nothing sexy about it there's no chemistry on campus no spark between us there's no flirtation but there's a lot of real content I mean those two videos alone in those two videos there is more positive content than most vegans have on their whole Channel and more meaningful content I'm not saying this to insult you guys but you know some channels the whole thing is taken up with just food recipes what I ate today what am i fine I'm happy for you guys everyone you know different flavors everybody gets to do their own thing on the internet and that's cool but what I'm doing my thing and you guys can take a look and decide for yourself if you appreciate it because that's the contribution I have to make fundamentally is talking about politics since I arrived here in Chiangmai the only female I've talked to who's not a teenager anymore is Lea and Lea has has also been interviewed on this channel you can watch the interview I did with her it's here on YouTube mmm again nothing sexy know flirtation no spark there but I did meet in talk with Lea and I've met and talked with other vegans here who were eager to talk to me mmm they knew I was here they were fans of my channel and we had long conversations about you guess that vegan politics getting organized for social change how do we actually make a pause the difference the world in terms of ecology veganism all the other things gathered under this heading you know vivisection animal cruelty animal rights all these related topics so I've been spending hours and hours having productive conversations with people who actually want to cooperate with me to make the world a better place how would durianrider be conducting himself in this conversation if you were actually trying to make the world a better place how we continue is she another Jack Francis question mark I'm not sure yet but after learning from last year we are not going to be [ __ ] around this time both guys are good talkers and highly manipulative how would you know during Ryder how could you know what could this possibly be based on and I am I a good talker I don't know I mean I would think normally durianrider would be would be you know slamming me because I have so few followers you know maybe I'm not a good talker maybe if I were a good talker I'd have a million fans on the Internet um in terms of being highly manipulative I don't know I mean give me one example of my manipulating anybody into doing anything and one of the things I'm infamous for was that you know this other youtuber vegan cheetah he thanks me because I inspired him to go back to school to go back to university some people call that manipulation like I manipulated him into wanting to have a straight job and going back to university and and you know advance his career okay well you know what's what's the actual allegation here what kind of manipulation am i engaging in and it's interesting cuz I should my channel I have a lot of reflections about how awful university is but still I get fan mail from all sorts of people telling me that I inspired them to work harder go back to school etc so this also shows how easily people will take inspiration in different directions and man I got love for all you guys I'm still not cynical about the vegan move maybe I'll come back to that later in this video I've been talking to a lot of videos lately spurred me talking to a lot of vegans lately who have lost faith in veganism itself after spending time here in Chiang Mai because they meet other vegans and they think this is hopeless they think this group of people are never going to get organized to make the world a better place but I don't feel that way I still got love for you guys I still got optimism and you know I have other experience other forms of political organization I've seen other movements come and go you know compared to the Green Party compared to other movements for ecology compared to other political parties mainstream political parties compared to my experience with Buddhism with Tera Byte of Buddhism for so many years vegans vegans in 2016 not that bad I still I still got hope for the future I still got love for you all right so he says this shil has a YouTube channel and provides a link thanks to the promotion during writer I mean the only reason I'm able to read this is that I have so many fans who are inside to writers Facebook group this is his special Facebook group for people participating in the festival but several different people in that group wrote to me right away and between them they've confirmed that this is authentic and I'm presuming that this is a fan taken out of fake but several different people independently confirmed that they got this straight from from Duran right on his Facebook group it's quite possible to be a fan of both me and durianrider there people are fans on my channel and you also like riding bicycles and I say hey more power to you thankfully but I'm sure I'm sure I'll get some more followers thanks to this endorsement from durianrider because you can call me a shill but a lot of people are gonna click on that link take a look at the channel and think a you know there's some real substance here uh he claims to be a vegan yet most of his videos are bashing other vegans again anybody can take a look man look at the list of videos I've got over 200 videos do you want to say most of my videos are about the politics and history of China I have a couple I have a couple videos on you know politics of Asia politics of Cambodia I cover quite a variety of topics but in terms of the number of hours I have a lot of very positive content about veganism community organization effective activism what is effective activism I have and you know we talked about bashing other vegans I have several critiques of direct action everywhere which are great I still stand by those and curricula Wars and they're not bashing they're asking the questions if is this effective activism you know like when direct action everywhere walk into a restaurant hold up a sign and scream at a bunch of strangers you know what are the real outcomes should we be endorsing this as vegans or not thoughtful meaningful videos and yeah there's criticism involved this critique but you know that's what I got to give people like I say not if one has a diploma in political science not everyone has worked specifically on the politics of Asia not everyone's worked on the languages of Asia how many guys how many white boys are there who are vegans in Chiangmai who speak Thai I'd love it if there were a whole bunch you guys who speak Thai a lot better than I do I mean last night I met up with Jake Eames and I I had for the price of a durian forum I had a kind of funny conversation with the durian vendor and I was asking different questions and so on um you know so Jake got to see me speaking Thai and he got to see that experience but I don't claim to be fluent in the language and I mean I speak I speak Thai with a heavy lotion accent to say the least cuz I lived in Laos or two and a half years um but you know I've got a real meaningful engagement to this region its language its histories of politics I've got something to offer and like I say I don't sing or dance but I got something positive to bring this community and I done brung it all right so he continues to say if you see him in town or know what hotel or apartment number he is staying in please tell me you can remain a non of course so that sentence alone is already a threat because he's saying he is gonna show up at my door right it's not just hotel it's apartment number right so the insinuation is that durianrider and his posse are gonna come to my door and confront me in my bedroom all right look I'm not a tough guy but I'm tougher than these guys okay naturally if five guys jump me I'm not gonna win the fight if it's five on one that's not what I'm saying nobody's invincible nobody's Superman nobody's trying to be a hero dear but let me tell you I've really suffered in my life I've really had people to kill me sorry slight slip-up there I've had people threaten to kill me when it was a real threat and when they were in a position to kill me and I've defended myself in life-and-death situations a couple times not that much doesn't come up that much when your life is devoted to you know studying books and obscure languages in history but doesn't come up that much but it happens uh and look guys you know you can beat me up but you can't take my dignity if you beat me up you're still wrong and I'm still right doesn't change a goddamn thing and you guys get to wake up and ask yourselves in the morning why you beat up someone who was a sincere vegan talking about activism how to work make the world a better place on YouTube instead of beating up the owner of Monsanto or the owner of a slaughterhouse or you know some local beef farmer or something now I don't endorse any of that I'm one of the only guys who's come up with a 100% anti violence message here on YouTube and I have videos discussing that in contrast to Gary Yourofsky and in contrast anarchism where I say look I'm not an anarchist and I don't agree through it I really I'm a I believe in democracy and I think we should democratic nonviolent means but these guys if you want to use violence you wanna use violence against me you think I'm your enemy you think I'm the guy you should cross the line for really a sincere vegan talking about organizing you can take my life but you cannot take my dignity and of anybody here I'm not afraid to go to jail I'm not afraid to go to jail in Thailand and for me to go to jail when I know I'm innocent when I know I haven't commit any crime man it'd be like a vacation I would only enjoy it and I'd come out of that jail speaking three languages but yo durianrider is trying to say he's not trying to send me an email he's not trying to talk to me on the phone or by Skype no no no he's trying to find me he wants to know my apartment number so he can come to my door all right homeboy all right oh we're all terribly impressed durianrider he's a big man I hear he's about six foot one I'm about six foot three there were a lot of boxing rings you know here in Chiangmai kickboxing but you know Western boxing also if durianrider actually wanted to have like a charity boxing match with me you know with the gloves on you know a controlled environment he could have reserved a room we can have a square dance there's a slang word you don't hear from Australians we can have a square dance no problem no problem we're the same age and we're about the same height I can you can look me up during Ryder but that's not what he wants he wants to motivate his goons to supposedly find out my hotel room in my apartment number all right so what you think he's gonna show up in the hallway and start you think so maybe better come on you're a game he's putting himself and his followers in a position where there's no way for them to win if you're gonna threaten me this way for one thing you're wrong you're morally wrong because you made the threat now if you don't back up the threat you're doubly wrong but if you do back up the threat you're triple-e wrong you're wrong no matter what you just make yourself look worse and sound worse it only gets worse from here for you these are more broadly these are reasons why political activists should not involve in you should not get themselves involved in threats of violence or violence like I say man go to City Hall learn how democracy works learn how to make social change in your society through nonviolent methods get organized huh don't send goons to somebody's hotel room this is not the way to pursue social change not even when vegans are facing off with you know I don't know slaughterhouse corporations or vivisection labs but it's certainly not the way vegans should be facing off with other vegans all right and that's what this is about all right so during Ryder continues I know some of the guys have spoken to me about him and want to confront him but until we can confirm anything let's keep it relatively nonviolent if he has broken any rules we will citizens arrest him and hand him over to the top do you think they have even one person who can speak the Thai language well enough citizen's arrest do you sorry what movie were you watching in which citizen's arrest exists in Thailand is that how you think the law works here is that is that what you think you think you aren't committing a crime if you in Thailand you assault me abduct me and drag me to a police station and then you try to explain in the Thai language why you did that you've been watching maybe some American movies in the 1950s or something with this idea of citizen's arrest even the United States the reality of citizen's arrest is very very narrowly defined to avoid vigilantism to avoid violence but it's never stated what what crime I'm guilty of it's vaguely stated them I'm making money from talking to teenage girls uh what's the basis for the collection I don't know what are they paying before I mean it yeah what do I make designer shoes what what's the claim but it's not even stated there's anything criminal in that it's just an allegation that I'm uh that's that somehow I'm making money into that all right mm-hmm sounds good during Ryder very convincing very convincing case you set out here for your fans I'm sure you'd be just as convincing in a Thai court of law I'm sure you and me would have a great night in a Thai prison together you and me during Ryder if we're if we're spending some time in the same prison who do you think would do put cheese you think you think you're a tough guy there's more than one kind of tough you know it's more than one kind of tough I know real sorrow I know real suffering in my life you know when my life fell apart in Cambodia what hurt me was that I wouldn't be able to achieve the humanitarian goals I was pursuing trying to make a pause the difference in Cambodia was that I wouldn't be able to perceive the scholarly goals I was pursuing in terms of the study of the languages the literature history and politics etc there were positive things I wanted to do in the world that I knew I now couldn't do you know um but what did I do I was tough I was tough but I wasn't stupid I didn't freak out I didn't start a fight I decided to move back to Canada where I hadn't lived for so many years I moved to Saskatchewan a part of Canada I'd never lived him and I tried to start a new career working on humanitarian issues historical issues political issues and language issues language politics for First Nations people indigenous people the native people Canada that's tough that's toughness of a very different kind from trying to start a street fight or trying to go to someone's hotel room and beat them up it is you know and if you don't appreciate it that's fine but that's what I've got to give that's the perspective I bring to this that's different from anyone else on YouTube I don't know durianrider why aren't you trying to help the Aboriginal people of Australia why are you trying to help the tribal indigenous people here in northern Thailand I've done a lot of research on those people I have done some humanitarian work for those people northern Thailand northern Laos know a lot about it historically and currently you could help people during Ryder and you choose not to you choose to do this see me when you see me you know my email so he says I know some of the guys have spoken to him and want to confront him but until we can confirm anything let's keep it relatively non-violence if he has broken any rules we will citizen's arrest him and hold him and hand him over to the Thai police if they don't do anything then yes we can serve justice to the amount we feel is fair ah ha more than one threat of violence there including the great use of the term relatively nonviolent mmm we have a large number to this this is the part that really should be insulting to you in my audience because you know I mention the start of this video I do talk to a lot of vegan women of all ages 18 to 58 or something and this is actually insulting to you guys to the women of all ages in this movement here is what he says we have a large number of very trusting young women in our community and we want to set a loud example that predators would do better avoiding our groups at all times if they want to pray then we will prey on them harder and faster that's what it says here we have a large number of trusting young women that's that's how we characterizes women and the vegan movement I would never say that I would never portray the women in this movement as a bunch of dumb mindless guileless victims I think the one thing vegan women have in common is exactly that they're alert they're morally uncompromising they're prepared to make tremendous sacrifice to do the right thing because they know what's right most vegan women know what it's like to stand up to their own father to stand up to their own mother and say no what you're doing is wrong I think vegan women have it harder than vegan men because the expectation is on them to cook meals or to just be polite or mousy or be silent you know when the rest of the family is eating turkey to not make a fuss to just eat what everyone else is eating I think you know in terms of the way women treat other women I think they they have it harder than we do men you know I mean it turns out they get pushed around intimidating I think vegan women have to be tough and I think they are tough and I think we have a lot of smart hard-nosed women in this movement and I think they're gonna save the world you tell me this there's so much talk about save the planet so much height what would any of us be doing right now in Chiang Mai Thailand if we were sincerely motivated to save the planet