Actually Insane, the Philosophy of "Extinction Rebellion".

22 September 2019 [link youtube]

Well-informed people will notice that much of the "science" behind this movement is pseudoscience, or, at best, highly exaggerated, half-misunderstood scientific factoids… but if you move beyond the nitpicking of their factual claims, the political philosophy of the movement is self-evidently insane, raising the obvious question of whether or not there can be any such thing as "pseudoscience for a good cause". Climate change and the politics of ecology are pressing issues; sadly, some deeply immoral people have risen up as leaders, in response to that very "pressing" cultural context. 🤔️

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when esoteric religion is somehow behind
in the background that has it had an impact on so many changes I'll share a personal view right now which is I can see the October rebellion focusing very much on a people's coup if you like a people's takeover of democracy if it continues in the UK to be so awesomely shambolic and showing itself in in literally a state of collapse and I would argue underneath that is what we might call the sacred it might not be the language that works for everybody it needs to be a language that works for you whether you're atheist or whatever it may feel that it has a spiritual perspective but I'm essentially talking about love and the consciousness that we're running in our brains ultimately and there's lots of evidence from the science actually there is a oneness a connection of energy between us and that there could be an actual purpose to life itself that you could see your life if you have connection to your ancestors and then thinking about the next seven generations that your life has an inherent purpose within that flow of life and to you know a capitalist consumerist society is very much wanting to disconnect us from that lots of brain sciences suggesting that when we're more in our right brains than our left brain so look up Ian McGilchrist work for example the master in his emissary that we have a deeper connection to the oneness and I want to just speak very briefly to something controversial I've been speaking about psychedelic medicines they're not for everybody they've been part of my path and they very much speak to me in terms of access to these processes they need to be used in really safe and healthy ways if anybody is using them there's lots of information out there on reset on me they are not exile doesn't have a position on them there's but there's lots of science regarding their use and how people become more nature connectors as a result and there is also a deep indigenous tradition on them that is part of people's spiritual practice and that is a it's an assault on freedom not to be able to do those prac [Music] so that's why I've spoken to it and it's because I think it's so central to this theory of change for many of us this is not something you have to sort of believe in and be a hippie around that there is that possibility at least I'm suggesting to be open to it that love is underneath what really matters to us so then when we think about how things change you can look at it in a two-by-two matrix and I based this on the work of mica right white he was a person that was part of the Occupy movement and again I'm not talking about wofully woowoo stuff I'm just talking about the right aspects that we're not necessarily fully cognizant of but there is science out there talking in that way I personally believe that science and spirituality are on their way to City to unification but that's a personal view it's worth mentioning that ways sang in reviewing a lot of revolutionary movements noted that the things that really help in them are obviously being well organized and our systems are really helping us with that and obviously always need improving it's also about aspects of charisma that come through in our movements and I think that's really important how we all show up in our leadership and bring our true selves forwards and that our hearts and our vulnerability and our love and I think authenticity and I think that's what charisma is about for me and then the other bit is when esoteric religion is somehow behind in the background that has it had an impact on so many changes Wow Wow Wow yeah yeah the section that's about asserting our collective will the actual technical term for it is called volunteerism that's when we tackle the pillars of this system so the pillars the the fake democracy the destructive economy the toxic media there's there's also then what's called subjectivism which is the idea that you won't really make these changes at the system's level if we don't change our selves we don't change how the system's showing up in us and that's really about that patriarchal scarcity separation and powerlessness and then there's another piece that gets more esoteric that's called Theor jism it's the idea that there could be divine intervention sounds a bit mental I know and I was feeling as a scientist about odd saying that but I do have a personally I put the spiritual practice of prayer and I think you can also talk about it just from the perspective of you know how it feels for you your own consciousness the better part of yourself what it means like what it means to be in touch with sacredness what meaning is there in your life what purpose how you are feeling a vision being lifted up by this movement how do we change ourselves you know this system is inners and so really we're talking about ways of tackling the patriarchal wounds I just want to say how important it is that we're looking our selves you know in what we're bringing forward I used to talk to a lot of people who were deeply involved with Eastern spirituality with Buddhism occasionally Hinduism so on Buddhism of different schools and they'd make similar lofty and vague claims about how deeply committed they were to practicing the Dharma as if their head were on fire changing the world saving the planet but you know when it came to really simple practical implementation of those ethical values in their daily lives when it came to the challenge of eating a vegan diet for example they just give up they just quit they wouldn't even try and these imbeciles the leaders of extinction rebellion are extremely hypocritical examples of this because they're not merely unnerving they're not merely non vegan they're openly anti-vegan while leading this supposedly revolutionary ecological movement quote I'm starting in the middle here I strongly oppose the religious bit and that we all have energy and the esoteric bullsh I think it's weird that dr. broad Brooke isn't vegan she talks about love she talks about the destruction of our environment which will put huge stress in society once the weather gets worse and food gets scarce blah blah blah shell studs both subjectivism which means changing ourselves yeah but only in a vague sense not actually refusing to eat mince pie not actually refusing to eat sausages or refusing to kill a sheep to eat its blood and so no no no not giving up dairy milk and cheese no no just you know inner inner transformation right right right and I guess as a leader you in this case have to be the best role model possible to come across as a credible and strong person who believes in what she or he is preaching in a qat from June 2019 dr. broad Brook states that these days I feel that my relationship with eating animals is meant to be limited and based in deep gratitude so playing devil's advocate here she doesn't change her own behavior given the environmental impact of animal food products I'm paraphrasing slightly given that killing conscious beings isn't consistent with quote-unquote having a lot of love for others yeah raises a lot of questions about what this [ __ ] philosophy means in practice or whether or not she can live up to any of her own principles either on the ecological side or on the more vague compassionate side stop telling me quote-unquote veganism won't solve anything and that the capitalist system must be overthrown am I supposed to believe that the people who refuse to change what they eat for breakfast are interested in changing the world question mark shut the [ __ ] up you ate over throwing [ __ ] well-said DS anonymous commentator wherever you are shout out to D s a nots of vision that is universally known about here for the Jewish faith is Tikun Olam in Africa is talked about as a bun - you know and there's a be lots of ways the vision sensing team led by Skeena Rathore can bring that through in multiple of languages and cultural relevant ways that's in by asking people from different cultures to write that how they feel there is something more mystical that happens behind the scenes which is that people hold prayers and you know again scientifically you can think about is it's potentially that there is an inherent purpose in the universe and doesn't matter if there isn't it if there is it's worth having to go isn't it right that's how I see it this is about asking for help you know and it maybe just helps with a different bit of your brain there's some great science of neuroplasticity for example so if you do a ritual or some ceremony or something like that it follows the stages of it follows the same stages that neuroplasticity science says you should do if you want to change your brain so this idea that you would say like you know I'm intending for this action to go really well to say it's a group intention together and really ask for help for that there's something here about meaning of our own lives about our own hero's journey it's called the monomyth that context that we have in our lives between our ancestors and those that come after ism unhooking yourself in this system either by arrest or by really supporting that process for the people that says we disobey this system because it's [ __ ] us over right and then this the move towards teal consciousness and connection to to oneness - you know is in the physics basically this idea that you know whether you if you're looking at at m-theory i'm not upon all or all the latest physics but I'm not a hero I'm not a guru what what what yeah please don't worship me no one is a savior of this movement yeah it's not like some whoa whoa hippy thing again so without going into it in great detail you know that it we can be running many layers of this consciousness throughout the given day to the tea on there with the turquoise layer right now and as you can ask people questions on their honors on it apparently on a you know a questionnaire to figure out what what bits people are holding and the hope none of this sounds for the arrogant or superior that I'm talking about consciousness levels but needing to come together to rewire humanity you know so again it needs to be from that to your consciousness that's not in opposition I don't know if I when a grown-up conversation to say this isn't working for us what do we need to do differently [Music]