Bonny Rebecca: Compassion is Irrelevant.

23 January 2019 [link youtube]

Reflections on ex-vegan concern trolling. #WhyImStillVegan To see the text quoted directly from Bonny Rebecca, it is posted here as a screen-shot:

You can hear her complete (written) statement read aloud in a (much longer!) video titled, "What Bonny Rebecca Said in her Instastory", provided by "Those Annoying Vegans", here:

#iamstillvegan #stillvegan

Youtube Automatic Transcription

okay let's start with the money no intro
no altro just real talk bonny Rebecca posted a whole sob story on Instagram text format and you know her in sincerity in dealing with all these issues is shown first and foremost by what she says about the money she didn't have to say anything about the money I didn't make this about the money you made this about the money sweetheart everybody can see at a glance your channel you normally if you're lucky get 40,000 views or 50,000 views on a video your video announcing your bold and immoral decision to give up veganism and go back to eating meat it's gonna get 1 million views I predict it is already well over 800,000 views and you've got a mind to come out and tell us all it's not about the money and you claim people don't realize just how little money you make as a youtuber I love the way this kind of obfuscation and mystification carries on as if it would take more than one mouse click for you to know exactly how much money you were making out of YouTube as if it would require any skill whatsoever for you to take a screenshot of the Google Analytics report saying exactly how much money you make and to post that on your blog Instagram Twitter or tumblr wherever you want to post it ok and this is not just about bonny Rebecca it really bothers me that some of the leading political commentators are crying poor this way it really bothers me the Jimmy door is constantly talking about money in the same way in a really vague and of fuss Kotori way saying like oh well you don't know how much money I make I don't make merely as much money as those lead anchors at CNN and NBC and stations it's not it's not really the question Jimmy Jimmy door is asking for donations he's a donation driven political commentator and he doesn't report how much money he makes on the Internet neither from YouTube north from Pei both are concealed right now I have periodically mentioned how much money I make it's so little that it's never worth talking about my plan is unlike Jimmy door because I want to talk about this and I want I want to also engage Jimmy door himself and other youtubers in a discussion with this my plan is to post a financial report every two months on my blog telling you exactly how much money I make and telling my ex-wife exactly how much money I make out of YouTube guess what guys it's not hard right now I just clicked the last 30 days the total earnings I have from YouTube one hundred and fifty three dollars and 56 cents you get it to the penny okay and that'll be accurate up to about the last three days there's a little bit of inaccuracy or estimation for the most recent three days so it's more accurate if you talk about the past and not the most recent 30 days but whatever in my case what is it may be an accurate by one percent not not really worth talking about with such a small amount of money but sure it could end up being a rounding error higher or lower than that anybody can know these things all right now this is partly interesting in and of itself thus I've taken 3 minutes to talk about it and now we're moving on to the main topic of the video which is the extent to which Bonnie Rebecca is really being dishonest and is in effect concerned trolling she is in effect being a concern troll within the vegan movement which is an interesting concept we didn't even have before the internet what I mean I don't think maybe I'm wrong here I do not think any language on earth had a term for concern trolling before the internet now we have this term in English it blows my mind I wonder how do you say this in Chinese how do you say listen pick up the language on earth it's a really interesting concept concern trolling has a very precise and specific meaning okay compassion is irrelevant okay if someone is wrong and you're discussing the ways in which they're right and wrong compassion is irrelevant if someone is incorrect and you're discussing the ways in which they are factually incorrect then compassion is irrelevant we can all preach compassion right sunup to sunset okay then you talk to someone who has a sincere misconception all right and the misconception could run either way I knew in person a woman she same age as me was to say a young woman but I'm not young anymore we didn't date but we kind of started started up a romance as if we were gonna go on a date and we ended up not going on a first date and she had an allergy to rubber in food like rubber in green vegetables I had never heard of this before obviously it's a really rare allergy and at first I was just really surprised as well look I have read about that but I thought incredibly few foods in the human diet like foods that are produced on a farm actually contain like latex rubber this way and you know you do a few google searches and again for me English is my first language so there's a lot available on the internet in English if your first language is lotion or something like you know you really have to think if your first language may be you know it really is one of the huge advantages of English is that there's a ton of scientific evidence available in your first language meaning that this woman her first language was Chinese she spoke English fluently but for her to read like peer-reviewed science and English very hard to do I start looking around and turned out this was a fascinating health problem and I'm mentioning it here because it exists within veganism someone could have really really serious food allergies reacting to for example avocados avocados contain this trace amount of latex of rubber right there are all kinds of other green vegetables and fruits no fruit is the right word there all kinds of plants that varying amounts of rubber this is a food allergy that's out there it can exist within the vegan diet now you have someone telling you and justifying killing and eating animals and promoting a non vegan meat eating diet right specifically fish and eggs saying this is quoting Rebecca's statement in in-text quote for Tim eating spinach and sweet potato were making him worse by the day hey doesn't it doesn't matter if I have compassion or not right whatever the problem was let's let's just let's just pretend we can treat this as objectively factually true okay if he has a health problem that makes it impossible for him to eat spinach and sweet potatoes well a problem where when eats those food he's having some kind of egregious reaction to it I can't say that's impossible because again even just this one example of being allergic to trace amounts of rubber and food I met one person who had that condition okay I can't say that's impossible you're having this reaction dispenser to go you know what I can say is impossible it's impossible that you are going to cure it by killing animals and eating the flesh of their body it's impossible that you're gonna cure it by making excuses for killing animals and eating the flesh of their body on the internet and getting over 800,000 views and making money out of that and lying to the public about how much money you're making out of it you see the problem here you see compassion starts to be irrelevant I do have compassion I can sympathize hey you know I had another girlfriend this one was actually my girlfriend might another girlfriend and she she had a really really rare allergy to plaster okay I've never met anyone since who had this allergy I've never heard of before that and normally you know you get exposed to plaster as dust plaster dust right I think most people of this hours you would never even notice it you have to live in a circumstance right if you have an allergy like that and then you live in somewhere you're exposed to plaster I can imagine you think it's the food or something you think oh it's because I'm eating spinach and sweet potatoes you're not really thinking scientifically so yeah maybe you do have some kind of rare food allergy maybe you have some completely unrelated health problem I don't know but what I do No is that the case you have made here for going back to eating fish and eggs and people you already know this fish are animals fish have brains and eyes and a heart they have a mind and memory and the ability to feel pain and remember the past and all the rest of it some fish are smarter than some people I hope watching this video that you're more intelligent than the majority of fish out there but you know they have cognitive capacity to all of the ecological arguments are still there with fish just as much as they are with cows etc etc and in eating eggs there's no excuse for them and it's just ridiculous an egg is an organ of a chicken's body you're still raising chickens in captivity they're living in a hutch just to die we've done video study most of in the past I don't think it's worth talking about again um bonny Rebecca claims her father had rheumatoid pardon me rheumatoid arthritis a form of arthritis okay and she was concerned not that she had a test indication saying this she was concerned that she might develop arthritis okay that's a concern that's a concern but guess what you're doing here your concern trolling you're using it in a completely phony and insincere way to derail the conversation and indeed to some extent to derail the vegan movement in your tiny way right I just did a google right now I did a Google search just for arthritis veganism nothing else and just look at the first six results you get there in-depth discussions of the extent to which veganism can help you cope with the symptoms of arthritis alright I've heard about that for years I am NOT gonna tell you thinkin ISM would cure arthritis I don't think any of those uh hmm that he those articles claim another but those articles are not claiming oh if you have arthritis you should go back to eating meat she effect eating fish and eggs right so I mean the concern is legitimate oh you're concerned about arthritis well I look around at our thright us and vegan diet and and guess what kind of connection I see between those themes but you're using this instead to justify something that's immoral irrational and really scientifically wrong okay um and she closes I'm just reading a selection of the the text here from what bunny Rebecca stayed owner or Instagram she says once I had a specialist tell me this is very real and I'm putting myself in a dangerous situation it all sunk in I don't see how it could ever be considered unethical of me to put my health first that's exactly the conversation we're having isn't