What if Clinton is Guilty? Billy Jack Haynes, History in the First Person.

07 July 2019 [link youtube]

(1) Mainstream press coverage of the issue, including a short video of Billy Jack Haynes speaking on his history working for Bill Clinton (within the article, not on youtube) at the Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5407479/Billy-Jack-Haynes-says-witnessed-1987-Arkansas-murders.html?fbclid=IwAR3vWynC2x9I-1IvQAuTrFrftYdkqjo5lPDXTtKy_RVfZ-ee159mIF3ouN0

(2) A long (32 minute) interview, with B.J.H. reflecting on the events, and on his own motivations in now speaking about them publicly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEus_D0PJVM

(3) An 11 minute summary from an informed outsider's perspective, also reflecting on the extent to which the story can be objectively verified: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5Tt7BycjEw&feature=youtu.be

(4) The documentary film "The Clinton Chronicles", the first half of which (roughly) is salient to the topic of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCGW033-82c

Youtube Automatic Transcription

you guys may or may not remember there
was a controversy just a few years ago in the mainstream newspapers discussing the possibility of whether or not Ibrahim Lincoln might have been gay whether or not Abraham Lincoln might have been homosexual and a lot of the kind of shallow discussion of this this theory basically boil down to people saying oh no no no no he was a president the United States therefore it's impossible I remember looking into it although there was some basis for the rumor that Abraham Lincoln was gay if you actually bothered to do all the reading my conclusion in the end was no it's it's kind of a misinterpretation of slang from that period that no I don't actually think Abraham Lincoln was it was homosexual but be that as it may we really need two different words in the English language we need a word for cynicism and then we need a word for phony cynicism because in response to these kinds of allegations what a lot of people pretend is that they're so well informed and so so cynical that they couldn't ever believe or take seriously you know a crazy conspiracy theory about this why why would it be a crazy theory that Abraham Lincoln was gay some people are gay like not really that surprising in this case I don't believe the evidence I think he was great but whatever some new evidence comes help so what maybe I'm wrong I mean he was gay I don't mind but you know um there's a strange kind of phony cynicism that comes out especially when we're talking about politics at the elite level and these same people who seem flabbergasted who seem quote-unquote cynical when he suggested them that Bill Clinton was someone who profited from the cocaine industry that Bill Clinton had extramarital affair wasn't covered up these extramarital affairs would they really be so shocked would they be so flabbergasted if we were talking about the leader of Russia if we were talking about the leader of Indonesia Egypt who talked about political leaders in Mexico and we sell yeah there's this political leader in Mexico but you know he got mixed up in the cocaine trafficking and you you wouldn't be quote-unquote cynical about it at all you'd be open to considering the evidence okay really all right let's let's look at the facts oh why would it be far-fetched or implausible or ridiculous for people to put forward the theory and put forward evidence that early in his career Bill Clinton was connected to some really serious financial crimes put it that way and that these financial crimes ultimately trace back to the cocaine trafficking industry this was in the period of time when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas a new witness has come forward just in the last two years as I understand the timeline he's now over 60 years old his name is billy jack haynes and he has been going to go on the record and provide new a new perspective new testimony on bill clinton's involvement in cocaine trafficking in those years and he's been willing to do so even though there's some possibility that he will go to prison now for accessory to murder there's a pretty well known slaying of two teenage boys two teenage boys who were killed in arkansas during Bill Clinton's period in office and there has always been debate about the extent to which Bill Clinton was involved with those killings what is not debatable is Bill Clinton's involvement in obfuscating the investigation of the murderer after the fact so books have been written about this there have been many court cases inquiries and lawsuits after these two boys were killed and this is a little bit more like the RFK murder rather than the JFK murder it's true of both very often the easiest part of the government conspiracy to prove is what happens after this fascination because the authorities are doing things that only the authorities can do there's no possibility that it's the Mafia or organized crime doing these things you know what the coroner's office is doing and the coroner's office working in conjunction with the governor's office and the Chief of Police nobody else really can be responsible for these things in this instance talking about these two boys these two teenage boys who were killed nobody really could be responsible other than Bill Clinton for what happened after the fact so that was known that was well documented that was talked about for decades the parents of the boys that were killed they have always been keeping the pressure up and then we have a man who comes forward and he says he was there he was an unwilling participant in the murder of these two boys and he describes the scene that many people have long suspected I guess you could say no one could prove it definitively but I don't know I'd feel bad saying that I think honestly that anyone who did really just an investigation of the accountant investigation of the numbers of what was going on financial transactions that time that the clintons were involved in I think there was there was enough evidence of very serious criminal activity on Bill Clinton's part by the way this is eyewitness accounts pulls all the pieces together and he confirms that yes the reason why these two boys were killed was that they were witnesses to a cocaine trafficking shipment that took place they were discovered under strange circumstances by the guys who were involved in this shipment and he confirms that Bill Clinton's voice was on the phone by cellphone at that time right up to and including the murder of these kids he confirms that Bill Clinton very directly stage-managed this shipment of cocaine now some of you might revert to what I've just been described as phony cynicism you might say well this sounds ridiculous why why why it sounds ridiculous for the same reason that it seems ridiculous from FAC to suggest that Abraham Lincoln was homosexual or gay like well he was a president the United States therefore he couldn't possibly uh what do you mean I have some attachment here you think presidents the United States aren't human being is like anyone else do you think they don't have a desire isn't a human heart and whatever some of them are gonna be born gay some of them gonna be tragically heterosexual it's neither there the idea that Bill Clinton because of what he ended up accomplishing in politics could not have possibly involved in this kind of criminal activity ruin his career it's worse than I Eve it's not just stupid or shizune it really is a kind of kind of phony cynicism I don't have uh I don't have a better word for it the involvement of the CIA and the US government in cocaine trafficking very much evolved as a sequel to their involvement in heroin trafficking so to give you the history the historical political context for this pretty briefly the British Empire really invented the international trafficking in heroin as a way to fund their global empire now I'm sorry I said heroin technically it's opium opium and heroin are two different forms of the same drug today in modern slang we treat them as if they're the same thing they are not actually exactly the same drug but they come from the same plant from the same type of flower or the same type of poppy all right the British Empire created a new form of evil in this world when they decided that their military occupation of India would be funded would be paid for by the inhabitants Indiana not by the taxpayers of the United Kingdom of England Scotland and Wales how could they possibly accomplish this well they tried several different buffoonish methods to try to make imperialism pay none of them worked let go well we'll farm indigo will force them to buy imported the salt will force them to buy him imported cotton and cloth made in factories in Scotland none of these schemes worked the scheme that worked was opium trafficking and the Queen of England became the world's most successful dope dealer overnight opium finally did for the British Empire what gold and silver never could other empires became very wealthy through gold and silver the Spanish in Mexico they started off looking for gold in the new world but it really ended up being silver rather than gold they made money out of both the Portuguese and the Spanish out in East Asia Portuguese primarily the silver trade there the spice trade the Spice Islands that's a different story but for the British it was beavers in Canada and it was opium in India that they made their fortune the French the French Empire then tried to imitate this in Vietnam the extent to which the French colonial project in Vietnam was an imitation of India heezy impart betokened or symbolized by the fact that they chose to name their colony in Vietnam Indochina Indochina was a term meant to encompass a greater Vietnam Vietnam Cambodia Laos as much land as the French could control the Vietnamese themselves always hated and resented the term Indochina and got rid of it as soon as they could what does Indochina mean it's the strategic location halfway in between India and China and the French attempted to fund their colonial enterprise through opium trafficking imitating the British directly the French failed when the French finally withdrew from Vietnam when the French gave up and said we quit were going home they took their dope-dealing operation and they handed it over directly to American intelligence agents that ended up being taken over by the CIA strictly chronologically speaking at that time it was not yet the CIA they either handed over to the OSS or the Pentagon but a couple years later the CIA was formed CIA took over dope-dealing in Vietnam so this was actually how the idea of American intelligence agencies engaging in international drug trafficking really doubly the seed was planted and then the idea bloomed now in terms of what political scientists say like university educated experts in policy in terms of what they say about this it's very strange that they tend to skip over the fact that there are tens of millions of dollars involved here I think very very few people actually read the congressional inquiries into the CIA history of drug dealing because these are not rumors these are not conspiracy theories these are very well established facts that the Senate and Congress have addressed many many times the involvement of American authorities in trafficking drugs into the United States and trafficking drugs around the world to fund their to fund their empire just like the British Empire in the French Empire ultimately that's what it's about academics will tend to jump over the fact that there were tens of millions of dollars involved a long tens of billions dollars per transaction in many cases and the one of focus on some kind of more nebulous political motivation for this I remember getting a lecture from one guy this is at my university at University of Toronto he was giving this lecture about how somehow like the CIA's involvement in in cocaine and heroin trafficking like it was motivated by a desire to make sure that the money was laundered through the American Stock Exchange so that the American economy would you know there are a lot of people who try to portray it I mean for example in the the case of the iran-contra affair they try to construe the drug-dealing as if it's justified by or necessitated by you know the secret operations black ops is something they try to find some motivation that's more heroic than these people did it because there were tens of millions of dollars and you know as if as if these people really sincerely believed that trafficking and cocaine and heroin was the only way to beat communism or was the only way to carry out American foreign policy objectives in Iran or Nicaragua or something it's a joke look guys we're talking about tens of millions of dollars most human beings couldn't be motivated by the tens of millions dollars and that's about it the involvement of a bizarre miscellany of historical figures in the United States in the transshipment and distribution of CIA dope CIA cocaine unless you stick with cocaine for this video whether or not that's directly part of iran-contra from Colombia or from other sources more and more of those people now in 2019 are coming on YouTube and giving interviews more of more more than they've been to prison they've gotten out of prison and they've never written an autobiography given interviews given something the overall constellation of ambitious people who took advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make millions of dollars not by colluding with career criminals but by colluding with government authorities in committing a crime the picture of that has been more and more filled in in its details just in the last say 10 or 15 years but in principle all of these things have been known to people care about politics since the 1970s to quote ODB this ain't something new that just came out of nowhere so when we study history we partly learn about new facts in old contexts let's put it that way so ya listening to the story from billy jack haynes i learned some new things set in the past things you know obviously but it also is a strange moment to reflect on who you are and how you've changed you discover yourself in the study of history i think more and more the older you get I was intensely aware of how different my perception was of all these facts about Bill Clinton how differently I perceive that now than I would have perceived it back in the year 1997 of the year 2001 my sense of what's normal in the conduct of authority and an abuse abuse of authority and how people in power really do reach out to and work with and come to rely on um thugs and it can be fairly said that billy jack haynes was a thug he was a thug in the drug industry uh the cocaine smuggling and distribution industry and he ended up strangely enough doing favors for someone in a position of tremendous power and influence like Bill Clinton back when he was the governor of Arkansas my feeling now and looking back on this history and in some ways again just having having the story I already knew confirmed the story I already knew in its outlines having certain gaps filled in and in looking back again at a story hadn't thought about for many many years how often today does anyone really talk about iran-contra and its implications for the whole development of the mass drug addiction culture in the United States it's such an important chapter of our history the United States Canada um Canaan but it's a huge part of the history of the world how the authorities themselves became subverted by drug trafficking or you could say how the authorities subverted and co-opted the illegal drugs Africanism my feeling today and looking back on it is really a sense of betrayal by academia itself I said on Twitter today that you know one of the most corrupting influences in our lives is actually the attitude and the aesthetic of the professional historian professional historians are always presenting us with this version of history that's seemingly rational where you know the progress of one event after another seems to make sense but this veneer of rationality is created through constant dishonesty there's a kind of moderate and ongoing manipulation of the reader by the by the professional historian and and that's what we get used to I mean growing up as students that's what we've come to expect and then when you're confronted with a jarring narrative like this billy jack haynes telling you that he ended up being employed by bill clinton repeatedly to do dirty work that there he is in a you know in a field by the train tracks at night with this cocaine shipment and two people end up getting murdered and he was there being paid to murder somebody else which ended up not happening the whole dark sordid tale in some ways I feel were conditioned by professional historians to reject that narrative because from that shallow standpoint quote it doesn't make sense and as I've gotten older it's not that I've become more cynical I think I've really become more detached and I think I've developed more compassion like in a really weird sense where I can simple with the position Bill Clinton was in there that Bill Clinton at that stage was career Scott he's not really a professional he doesn't really know what he's doing he doesn't know I don't run a drug operation he doesn't know he doesn't know that in the future he's gonna be elected for us the United States none of that even occurs to that you know he's this amateur working with other amateurs and he's out of control and you know my expectations of human nature and of the progress of history in general the Inglis stumbling of history that we look back on and think of as progress that for me has changed profoundly if you're willing to look at history with some detachment with some compassion if you're willing to learn new things about the history that you probably live through yourself I'd encourage you to click on the links below this video here the new perspective on the Clinton administration that I think people are still processing right now in 2019 for the witnessed history Billy Jack AIDS