Shoot the Gorilla: Harambe and the Vegans.

16 April 2018 [link youtube]

This video was originally published in September of 2016… and disappeared soon thereafter due to Youtube's ever-shifting standards of censorship (apparently over 2,000 people saw it in the few days it was online). After writing in to appeal the decision (repeatedly!), insisting that this type of edited juxtaposition (for the purpose of political commentary) perfectly fits into the category of protected free speech… today (April of 2018)… finally… I can share this strange clip with you once again. ;-)

Here's the link to "the original" video (it's exactly the same, BTW):

Youtube Automatic Transcription

bonus yen if you don't know what
happened for whatever reason a child who was black you'll see why I'm hinting that later fell into the cage of a 400-pound 17-year old gorilla the incident resulted in the absolutely tragic shooting of the gorilla to rescue the child who was thankfully removed safely from the cage well it's weird because I remember you know like the other day I was I was watching the news in my hotel room and they were like they shot the gorilla there's such an outrage and I haven't seen I hadn't seen the full video because it just showed like the kid kind of gone up to the gorilla and I'm like okay they really do nothing like why they shoot the gorilla then they show the other part of the video we showed the gorilla dragging the kid through the water and I'm like I want to kill that gorilla shoot the [ __ ] girl shoot the [ __ ] girl not even a question Kurama was a gorilla native to the region of central and western Equatorial Africa this species of gorilla is now considered to be critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature so it has a high risk of going extinct according to zookeepers it is now their moral obligation to preserve these gorillas whose habitat has been completely destroyed in this case mostly by logging and mining I'll tell you this gorilla is dragging a three-year-old boy which is you know I mean I don't know about that around care if the gorilla came up to the point gave him a banana shoot the [ __ ] gorilla and peeled it and peeled it and handed it over to the second the kid caught the banana shoot the [ __ ] gorilla I really mean that don't to my heart so it's pretty ironic wouldn't you say that these animals are now stolen from their endangered habitat in Africa which we're responsible for destroying in the first place and then imprisoned in zoos in our Western countries to protect them this is very interesting right the first they start attacking the parents what awful [ __ ] parents how dare you what these parents are piece of [ __ ] I mean different perhaps much more obvious note white supremacy also dictates the racist reaction that this story has ignited from the white Mouse's against this black family when initially it came out the Twitter reaction was this is so funny about Twitter what hey you go why parents let your kids do whatever you want why don't you put a leash on the kids why parents what parents what the hell is wrong with you why parents what the hell is wrong with you why parents just crazy why don't you actually take care of kids it's where your kids chewed up schools use it let them do whatever you want two days later turns out the parents are black immediately Twitter goes kids are cards take care if you don't know these kids are rambunctious there while they're eating sugar all days they're running around the mean you don't understand the struggles of a parent suck you phony [ __ ] a really disgusting article in The Daily Mail also disclosed in meticulous detail the father's criminal history and as of today this article has been shared upwards of ninety four thousand times on Facebook the father I think was not even at the zoo so can anyone tell me what his criminal record has to do with anything just no one really cares right cuz if you really cared about the gorillas if you really cared about gorillas you know what you wouldn't go see him at the zoo right I don't see protests in the zoo to everyone who's reacting who isn't vegan as I said while I think it's great that you are able to show some compassion sometimes in your life I think it's outrageous how hypocritical you are because when you are speaking out about this incident with the gorillas being wrong you're most likely going home and eating meat dairy or eggs that evening for dinner or that day or even as you're being outraged and typing it on social media with us Facebook or YouTube or Instagram or Twitter or wherever it is that you're talking about the outrage of this gorilla and I don't normally do rant videos but I have to run about this because I know you in dog festival is happening in the next couple of weeks and it's going to be exactly the same thing on social media guys if you're not vegan I think it's great that you care about these things but how can you care about one incident of this gorilla Harambee being shot or the dogs being eaten in Ulan or sessile the line being shot by the dentist and then not to give a [ __ ] about the animals that you're eating this is the problem sauce Media and this is why we can't trust social media social media all social media is is a vehicle for acceptance right so I will post a picture on Instagram that makes me look better than I look so people accept me I will say things on Twitter that are different than how I actually feel that make me look like a better person so people accept me right I will snapchat a life that I don't really live so people will accept me so when it comes to this girl thing it was a perfect opportunity for acceptance hey if I show how much I pretend to give a [ __ ] about animals people will accept me huh that new CN if it's your kid you shoot the [ __ ] gorilla just sure [ __ ] shoot a dog I fall in the [ __ ] pit take them all out Caesar all his boys take a lot I don't give a [ __ ] you have my permission to kill them all and I'll gladly stand over their bodies I'll stand over their bodies like I'm glad that this has happened and that we can live to talk another