Passion vs. Reason (Vegans & Ex-Vegans)

29 May 2016 [link youtube]

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like this is what I was thinking and I
was like the animals are so important like animals are important their feelings matter you know like they matter you know they feel things and those documentaries i would watch would [ __ ] break my heart of seeing like like they really specified on the cows how their little babies would be taken away from them and it [ __ ] breaks my heart the animals matter but I also matter you know like I I just hate how it didn't work out for me honestly I [ __ ] hate it like I honestly wish like I could be vegan and like but I wanted to be that other person you know that made that change that made that little difference you know cuz if people change little by little and they go vegan like it helps the world it's not even so it is about the animals you know but it's also about the world like we use so much water to feed all those animals you know and bad things happen to the animals and I'm aware of it and it sucks that I just can't do it you know for the shape they stunned them in the back of the head and they go then I go down a ramp and as you have seen in the videos they get this right Scott they get hung up and they get bled out and with the halal meat they get stunned and supposedly can't feel anything as they get your throat slit and hung up and bleed out and there is literally pools of blood like sitting just out i don't know i don't actually know what they do with it and then when the old use come through so the really really old sheet it was horrendous like some of them had cancer some of them actually had still had little babies inside of them like little little lambs little tiny fetus lambs that you would cut out cut open and i just be lying on the ground like lying on the floor I know like yes what I was doing to the sheet was horrendous but the cows were just they just I just changed me and can literally see them like convulsing like you can see like that the veins and their legs and their neck and they just like twitching and convulsing and well yeah that was one thing that really really changed me as I actually used to work in our abattoir 1997 just over owned the team when I was suffering from eating disorder and my mom had just died and it's the the process with the bit stunned them in the back of the head and then obviously the fruits flat and then home to bleed and dry and the bosses were trying to make out that it doesn't if you were these phones but you could totally see them can [ __ ] volson for the neck down and they totally felt that I mean some of the times you then be shaking five minutes of minutes later they felt it was absolutely terrible to watch and then obviously the best for this was in the case of halal which was supposedly the human we are doing that there's no [ __ ] him in we are killing animals I mean come on let's face it it's absolutely terrible there was even close it just been born during there was they had actual fetuses and see them and they were disloyal wine and the glow and there's after work pieces I drunk I mean ice ice lake was absolutely suck at one point I says to the boys can t be possible how can we be doing this a toddler and he sees beyond the top of the food chain if you can't [ __ ] handle it you shouldn't be here just do your lay it is the only dumb animals I used to get through it and you can see it in their eyes as I have to see help man i just felt absolutely terrible i mean that's all compounded to my disorder as well and wanted me I basically wanted the compassion to be able to go forward and go vegan but I was obviously stopped because of me the sword the demon is no open toe less pastula I've been able to do so and I just I'm just glad I don't like I was craving a sandwich so [ __ ] bad like I have never craved anything so bad in such a long time like that I [ __ ] deprive myself of a [ __ ] sandwich I don't want no [ __ ] sandwich with [ __ ] tofurkey I did not want that I'm just gonna be [ __ ] honest and real with you guys because that's just the type of person that I am there I said it I don't [ __ ] care and it makes me laugh and it made Louie slapping Viviani laughs and I think Daisy laughs tomb and I didn't give myself a [ __ ] sandwich for like three or four days and now like I feel like crying and I [ __ ] binge do you know sons because like all I wants to get better you know and I did stop eating red meat for a long time after that but then I did go back you're sort of like if you don't keep thinking about these things and keep you know watching the videos you sort of get you forget about it so that's why I'm keeping educating myself and keeping on to it like not that I would ever go back but yeah but all in one voice but were but all one community were to stand up and do it straight for the animals do is eat from the planet