Freelee is Wrong, Unnatural Vegan is Right (and it's a problem)

13 February 2016 [link youtube]

It's a problem because people really do get burnt out and drop out of the fad-diets that attract them to veganism… and people start to confuse the fad diet with the basic principle of veganism.

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the fundamental thing that I feel
unnatural vegan is right about and that I want to give emphasis to you is that these bad diets whether they're 30 bananas a day lot so for or what have you the problem is not that they attract people to Deegan ism but that they repel people from bees but they really do lead to people who are disillusioned and burnt out with veganism itself when instead they should just be burnt out with [ __ ] YouTube personalities who are just trying to sell you their next diet book the lessons you learn about human psychology in one field can be applied to another here in Canada you meet people who go to law school and they convince themselves that exactly the worst aspects of law school the ways in which it doesn't work the ways in which it makes no sense and it's crazy as badly or as a failure that those are the things that make it redeeming rewarding those are the things that separate the weak from the strong those are the things that are proud that they accomplished seen in language programs seen in religion see no comments kinds of things where exactly the defects of the program it's come to be valorized or fetishized as if they made the whole program more worthy and you know freelee and durianrider they've been fronting on this diet this completely unscientific ridiculous cartoon diet and people who gain weight on the diet try to pretend that the best thing about the diet is at the beginning you gain weight right this has been tackled in depth by unnatural vegan aka Swayze this has been tackled in depth uh quite a while ago by high carb Hannah two very different vegan youtubers those two boy they're just those two women if you look at their channels they're great examples of how diverse and different that people are become vegan one is ultra rational and scientific the other believes in all kinds of supernatural horseshit guess what they both did freelee's magical diet they both gained weight they both figured out what was wrong with it they came to their senses and the good news is they quit that diet but they stayed vegan and they stayed vegan for the right reasons because the great reasons are not weight loss the right reasons our ethics ecology leading a meaningful life etc I got in touch with someone today who posted a video stating the opposite she was explaining that she's burnt out on the freely diet it doesn't work doesn't make sense that lifestyle she's gaining weight out of control she's very unhappy about it and she's giving up veganism entirely and going back to eating meat even though she believes veganism is morally right is ethically right and it's a decision she wanted to keep for the rest of her life she wanted to be vegan until the day she died and she gave up because freelee's diet didn't work for her and it was ruining her life okay it's real I feel bad if people involved I really do I understand there are elements of celebrity here they're elements of hero worship and it's very hard for people to take the steps back in their mind and question how did they come to put so much trust in freely in the first place made the Bulge of human starvation look up adapted to my Genesis that's what everybody gets healthy do they have experience working with patients in recovery do they have experience really living with someone as they go through the steps of weight loss and recovery because you know part of it's science but part of it is also sympathy for the problems people have in the real world with getting a diet to work for them freelee and durianrider lived back and forth between Australia and Thailand okay very different from living in rainy old England durianrider is a guy who does 500 kilometres in a week on his bike and I think he does like another hundred kilometres jogging these are endurance athletes living in the tropics they can sit down and eat a huge pile of fruit without gaining weight when I lived in Thailand I can remember doing over 100 kilometres on my bike and when I would get off the bike I would still be sweating because it's partly the exertion was also the intense sunlight the extreme heat and I would eat a bag of fresh fruit I would buy rambutan the was as big as my chest wasn't as big as my head it was as big as my torso I was sit down and eat kilograms of fresh fruit and not only was I burning the calories I was also burning the liquid the ton of water in pretty much any fresh fruit but certainly including tropical fruits like rambutan and when I would be done with it I wouldn't need to go to the bathroom because that's how intense the exertion that's how much sweat you're putting out okay with that kind of lifestyle right now I live in a cold climate I'm a little bit I have more fat on my body than I would like right now and I know exactly the reasons why I know what kind of stress I've been dealing with in the last couple of weeks and also it's been cold here cold and rainy and normally I do a regular six kilometer hike for me when I first moved here I used to go to the gym the gym was a disaster I'm not gonna get into why they just didn't have enough machines that too many people there at the same time I tried going at 6 a.m. I tried going 6 p.m. I could not make the gym work with my schedule at school it was big disappointment to me so I had to switch over entirely to relying on push ups and free weights that I own ok these are the types of real world problems people deal with in terms of diet in terms the food that's available to you in terms the exercise that available to you it's a struggle ok and freelee and durianrider have been giving out advice that's maybe good advice for like less than 5% of the people who take it if you have a desk job if you have kids and a desk job and you live in England and it's cold and raining and you can't even go jogging you're struggling to keep a balance in your life do you think there's a difference between eating a diet that has 2,000 calories of fruit and eating 3,000 calories of fruit what do you think how do the laws of physics apply to you you think there's no difference in weight loss not even type of weight maintenance or weight gain weight loss for a person with a desk job you think there's no difference between 3,000 calories and 2,000 calories in a day there's a huge difference made the Balaji human starvation look up adaptive thermogenesis that's why everybody gets healthy obese people get slim and anorexic get healthy I put on weight I have to do you have to deal your hormones to heal everything is being documented this is dr. Ansell Keys deputy my genesis ball you human starvation lot 1942 whatever was so today we are going to learn about the Minnesota starvation experiments otherwise known as the great starvation experiments and so I wanted to talk about this because youtubers such as durianrider and freely have used this experiment as evidence of metabolic damage and to provide an explanation why people gain weight on Rossville form and so I'm going to teach you just the background of the study what happened to the participants and then we're going to discuss why the Minnesota starvation study actually carries no relevance to Rockville for so after the starvation period after the controlled refeeding period these men were able to eat whatever they wanted and so this included generally dairy meats and oils and things like that highly refined foods they were eating Donuts and hamburgers and ice cream and pizza I have always found you know the use of the Minnesota starvation experiments to justify these claims is very strange and relevance because the diets that the men and people following watch out for are completely different you know just think back so do you think that in 1944 the man during refeeding phase of the experiment when they were able to eat as much as they wanted do you think that they were following rods before back in 1944 they certainly weren't even following a vegan diets and they certainly weren't even following a high carb low fat vegan diets if you remember back to my last week video on the great overfeeding experiment module four promotes that game I talked about how Dino velichko genesis is activated by the saturation of glycogen stores which just means that you consume too many carbohydrates from processed refined sources and you actually fill up your glycogen stores to the point where the body needs to get rid of the excess glucose carbons and so it undergoes as oppose us to turn sugar into fats my heart goes out to people who have been taken in by basically seeing a charming woman with makeup and fake breasts on the internet trying to convince you that she knows what she's talking about when she and her boyfriend the recovered drug addict a convicted criminal Oh to jail a guy who says that he is legally not allowed to adopt children because he's been diagnosed with a serious mental illness this is who durianrider is by his own account and you're putting your trust in these people with your health and your life on what basis because they're good-looking is that why Frehley has fake breasts a large part of the public interest in her is that she seems to present you with the illusion of a woman who is simultaneously very lean and very curvy yeah well that's partly an illusion created by silicone breast implants I think if she didn't have those implants she would not have had as much attention from the newspapers and if you watching this video or really honest with yourself she probably would not have had as much attention from you either these guys pepper their discourse with various sorts of pseudo scientific notions if you actually pick through them if you actually look into them glycogen storage and all these other buzzwords they don't make sense and a few different channels have taken the time to go through kind of piece by piece and talk about what the etiology of durianrider and Frehley is but look man long story short you have to work out a diet that makes sense for you and exercise schedule that reflects your priorities and your values in life I'm not trying to meet women I'm not trying to bench press the most I can bench press I'm not trying to win in the Olympics right now I do 200 push-ups a day I did 200 push-ups today if you want to see what that looks like it doesn't look like much what does it matter why do I bother taking the time to do 200 push-ups a day I'm 6 foot 3 I weigh over 200 pounds if a fist fight breaks out if someone pulls a knife on me I'm a problem that's why I work out ok my motivations and my concerns are totally different from someone who wants to be a bikini model I don't know someone who wants a career as an actor or what-have-you I have a look I'm living through a really dark time in my life and I know if someone like freelee and durianrider if they actually have lived as a nutritionist that actually doesn't work as some kind of hands-on sports therapist I'm one of the main things you've learned would be to sympathize with people that they need to change up their diet their patterns their workout in accordance with things that happen in their lives whether it's because their uncle passed away or anything else when I was in Germany I was in Germany for like 17 days I had a totally different diet a totally different workout schedule I had access to a gym three times a day guess what in Germany I didn't have a job and I didn't have deadlines I didn't have this stack of books right I didn't have the same kind of pressure on me that I have on me now so yeah I a different diet different exercise when I was in Germany if I have a crisis in my life now I don't know a loved one dies or something it's gonna send my work out of my diet into another kind of tailspin you're taking advice on your diet and exercise from people who have no job no kids no responsibilities in life no credentials no real-world experience of the kind that dr. mcdougal mcdougal and the starch solution guys have why I would really challenge you to pause and ask yourself how it was that you came to place your trust in people like freelee and durianrider the fundamental thing that I feel unnatural vegan is right about and that I want to give emphasis to here is that these fad diets whether they're 30 bananas a day righto for or what have you the problem is not that they attract people to veganism but that they repel people from veganism that they really do lead to people who are disillusioned and burnt out with veganism itself when instead they should just be burnt out with [ __ ] YouTube personalities who are just trying to sell you their next diet book