Norvegan is Lying; Durianrider, also, is Lying.

25 January 2019 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

we are gonna start this video with the
quotation taken out of context if you wanted to hear it in context you could you could read the whole email it's quoted from in fact if you were really that interested you've probably already seen it in context quote I have only made one statement publicly since my video that statement said that I had not accused him of rape because he hadn't raped me which is not the same as saying that I had sex with him period close quote that is a quotation from Hannah Chloe that is a close quotation in the context of a conversation in which she confirms that she had a telephone call with me a Skype call called via Skype in which she said to me that she did indeed have sex with durianrider and she did not suggest that there was anything like rape that there was anything like sexual assault I do not have an audio recording of that Skype conversation I have a clear recollection of it if this actually went to court I assume they'd be able to subpoena a recording from Skype this is never going to go to court and even that quotation I just read you can see it in context you can see it out of context if anyone just presented the email the correspondence I've had with Hannah and for her evidently crazy and dishonest boyfriend nor vegan there would be plenty of reason to dismiss this in court now I usually do not make videos addressed to the stupidest 40% of my audience that's a principle I try to adhere to learned here but once in a while there's something important enough to compel me to make an exception to the rule what is the line of reasoning whereby noir vegan has overcome your skepticism whereas the was the live reasoning whereby noir vegan has invited you to overlook many inconvenient facts and sources like this because there are me another one is freely source that's hard to rely on we have a problem here where none of the people offering testimony are reliable but I've got to tell you something I can trust my own testimony I am myself in a way a witness to these events as they unfolded noir vegan has invited you to turn off your powers of reasoning by arguing first that during writer accused others of rape second that during writer has an exotic psychological condition called narcissistic personality disorder NPD narcissism she has not been diagnosed with and he does not even fit the basic checklist of science and sentence 4 and therefore this is the third part of the syllogism you are supposed to imagine that what durianrider accuses others of he is in fact if so facto guilty of himself so if I were to say to you that because Donald Trump accuses Bill Clinton of rape that therefore Donald Trump is guilty of rape does that make sense to you vice versa there are allegations of at least sexual impropriety against Donald Trump from Hillary Clinton did you reason that Hillary Clinton was a narcissist engaging in psychological projection and that therefore this was proof or evidence of Hillary Clinton committing the same crimes this is a laughably weak argument laughably okay nor vegan is a liar nor vegan is lying to you and I can't remember anyone in the history of YouTube who has been more flagrantly open about his own malice and his own motivations if lying to you he has spelled out for you his means motive and opportunity okay the only other element of Noir vegans argument is that he tries to present an argument by analogy that what Hannah experienced was similar to what another young woman named Josie experienced okay I disapprove of the relationship during writer had with Josie I think durianrider was very immature and cruel especially in the period of their breakup he did many things we would all consider unconscionable dishonest disreputable however absolutely nothing in Josie's account of the story just taking her side of it the story no other witnesses no excuses are spicy reminder Josie's account of the story never alleges rape it describes them as someone who sort of pushy and needy and immature but again nor vegan is hoping he can just blacken during writers character to the point that any allegation and any accusation starts to seem credible unbelievable and this is familiar to me because it's the same thing Duran Ryder did himself when he try to defame and denounce me in the public eye he just blackened my character to the point when people were willing to ignore facts and one type of fact in the digital era is what people say for themselves in the first person in public statements on a blog or in a youtube comment section right this is one type of evidence it's a durianrider alleged that I was sleeping with two women this is the original location and one of those women was living in Scotland and it was completely impossible that I'd ever met her she later did a podcast on this channel you hear us laughing about that that the nature of these allegations how how or why did anyone believe them they were so ridiculous okay so that allegation disappeared because I guess at some point you figured out he couldn't back that up because I had never flown a scholar or I was in Scotland many many years ago not recently and then the second allegation concerned a 16 year old in Chiangmai and who's spending a lot of time with durianrider but who had never met me I'd never spoken to her face-to-face and of course one salient form of evidence here is that she said it had never happened she said she'd never met me she said she'd never had any kind of improper contact or conversation with me okay so who that's very different they stole there's no he said she said it's a completely one-sided story I'm saying this is faking it's a lie the young woman is also saying openly at that time that it's fake and it's a lie the other details are not worth rehearsing here okay but with similarly spurious and specious reasoning durianrider led a crowd of maybe a hundred thousand people down a path to carry out a kind of witch-hunt against me right you had a big big audience back then that was him at the pinnacle of his fame and influence and he was backed up by freely in the middle of this big promotional event and you know I won I didn't win by lying I didn't win by joking around or misleading anyone I won by just telling the truth I won by just keeping it real okay unfortunately I won at a terrible price when I look at the judgment of the court against me in France my ex-wife raised the fact that I was a YouTube celebrity many times and in various ways those on YouTube seem to mention as often as possible and I suppose that the judge looked into the judges job what my YouTube career consisted of and at that time there were terrible allegations swirling all around YouTube against me and there's a lot of vague wording in this court judgment against me it's it's has to do with the custody of my daughter my right to see my my daughter just saying that I'm a very psychologically disturbing character things of this which in my opinion there is no basis for in any of the legal documents I don't think there's any say on basis or any other basis I speculate that the judge came to that judgment came to that decision on the basis of what the anonymous crowd said on YouTube I'm sure the judge would be embarrassed to admit that okay so it's had terrible effects in my life and it's probably going to continue to have terrible effects in my life next couple of years and guess what what nor vegan is doing now it's not helping me and it's not helping him either okay Doreen Reiter is a liar durianrider is someone who discredited himself to an unbelievable extent not just in attacking me also in attacking many others but I was the first one to really stand up against him decisively and in a clear and honest way demolish his reputation to the point where nobody took what he said seriously anymore and the tragedy is that nobody can take what he says seriously in his own defense either now that there are equally absurd unjust and legally invalid allegations being made against him so that is the sad end of during writers story I had other options I didn't have to play it this way one option was to make a big joke out of this whole thing right at the beginning to just laugh about it and say how ridiculous how ridiculous for you to say slept with this sixteen-year-old who was very fat and very ugly and very stupid I mean she was 16 but it was laughable the allegation on many many levels she was a young woman who was struggling with being horrendously over beasts pardon me horrendous really so horrendously overweight was she'd gone to Thailand to try to lose weight his desperate struggle a very sad story but there were many things about that story that were not credible and he made these grandiose claims that I'd slept with a huge number of women in Quebec when I was living on the west coast of Canada and that I'd had some flirtations with her slept with a bunch of women with in Chiang Mai Thailand within just like 48 hours am I getting off the plane I think he didn't realize how I'd kind of just right there it would have been very easy for me to have a satirical joking response to it and yeah I could have gotten up the map and said oh yeah of course this completely makes sense within these 48 hours I flew to Quebec and had a love affair there and then flew across the world you know you could have had a laugh at it a whole bunch of different ways and not treated it so seriously second option I could have remained completely silent and I could have solved it through violence it crossed my mind especially when Doreen Ryder was in vientiene the capital city of Laos the People's Democratic Republic if there's one place on earth I know my way around I know my way in and I know my way out and I know my way around all the cops and the authorities and I speak the language it would be vientiene the capital city of Laos and yeah that option crossed my mind especially when I found out that during Ryder was at that time kind of quite a while based out of the capital city of Los and you know it was a very simple ethical question I had asked myself I think the only thing that justifies violence is preventing violence I think the only circumstance that would really justify murder is if you're gonna prevent someone from committing a murder from committing many murders where the harm that you're averting is greater than the harm that you're doing so that was a very easy question for me to answer and I also could see that by instead standing up publicly and discussing and debating these things openly I could avert harm I could prevent other people having their lives destroyed other people being defamed other people having their names dragged through the mud etc with no violence at all with no negative side effects of them except possibly as mentioned the very real negative side effect for me in the de custody decision divorce decisions related to my my time with my daughter the question you have to ask now about what noir vegan is doing is he trying to avert harm or is he trying to harm people I've known this guy and talked to him for years and one by one I've seen the other people who supported him and sympathized with him they've had to come to the conclusion however reluctantly that he's really crazy he's really dangerous he's really destructive he has bad intentions nothing is going to satisfy nor vegan when he's done with durianrider he'll target someone else when he's done with foot soldier he'll target someone else when he's done with me he'll target someone else this is not somebody who is doing harm in order to avert harm nor vegan has become the very thing he pretends to hate