AlexandrasGirlyTalk, We Need to Talk About "Vegan"

14 May 2019 [link youtube]

AlexandrasGirlyTalk is ex-vegan. Her channel is here:

The specific video quoted is here:

The clip at the very end of this video is quoted from this (horrifying) video here:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

I had done this for my health I had gone
vegan for my health but I was starting to create a new narrative in my mind that I was doing this for the animals and you know why that's because every other person it feels like is doing it for the animals and I don't know why what did I never do it for the animals I don't know I just didn't like I just never like I have completely switched because I need to be me I cannot be a human for other people but what I did have happen was a spiritual kind of moment I traveled to Malibu and I had a meditation where I will give you the short version here okay I traveled there and I asked myself I asked the universe to show me what is this what is this like show me how this works what is this the world show me why am I here I got a boob job somewhere along the way that made me feel really sick had to revive him because they were like massive and then I had to get like an another boob job and it was like a lot of money and a lot of stress and a lot of whatever but I also felt really sick so I was going through like a breast implant illness situation being vegan and overall feeling like now this isn't because veganism makes you unhealthy it literally is probably the probably the best diet probably in theory there was a lot of tension a lot of physical tension in my body as a result of me judging myself and others and I started to explore why that was and I realized that my diet was literally making me think that people were either good or bad and that was killing me I started to look at veganism as the correct thing to do it's healthy it's amazing for the animals it's kind why aren't you doing it and I started to look at people as though they were wrong for not seeing what I saw now whether veganism is the right diet or not go off in the comments but what is really not okay for us as people is to be judging each other with that amount of conviction you know you're either good or bad and if you're not doing this this this like that is a cult mentality that is not good password I'm eating meat I'm eating my meat and my potatoes and I'm happy you then a tan tan tan [Music]