Ryan, Stop Treating Women Like Infants (Happy Healthy Vegan, HHV)

26 January 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

about one month ago I made a video the
title begins with the words stop treating women like infants and I think that's gonna end up being a series of videos I think I'm gonna have a playlist in the end of all the different videos I make that have this in the title because a very interesting thing happened in terms of the audience response to that video quite a few people wrote to me through messages through email quite a few people wrote to me with the sincere Epiphany sudden realization that their position of only a few days earlier had actually been sexist at a time when they work using me of being sexist alright and something similar has happened here with these ridiculous allegations from Ryan of happy healthy vegan that I am sexist and really sincerely when I watch the video from Ryan I perceive him as sexist in a very fundamentally important way ok um with that earlier example stop treating women like infants when G is 30 Ivanka Trump is 35 had a situation where people were criticizing me and saying that I was sexist and saying basically demanding to know how dare you criticize when G as if she's an intelligent adult who's responsible for her own opinions and for the quality of her own content on YouTube be it high low or indifferent how do you do that when she's only a young woman when she is only a girl when she's just a girl ok now this is an especially bizarre example because when G is not a girl when she is 30 years old and many people were shocked to learn that okay and the video app loaded with this title stopped treating women like infants argued persuasively that what you're doing in trying to put a woman above reproach or beneath contempt outside of the scope the range of this kind of real criticism that is really sexist in a profound way it's of tremendous importance that we do engage in critique that take somebody like when G as seriously as I take somebody like Gary Francie ohne okay and to do anything else is basically dehumanizing women young or old alright when she is 30 years old if when she were only 18 years old would I speak about her in a different way um yes but I mean the way in which somebody's age influences your critique is quite subtle I mean I would never treat when gee the way that Ryan from happy LD began tells me I ought to treat women not if she was 18 and not if she was 80 but to give an example when I did a book review recently made a book review and an in-depth discussion of what we assume is the final book from Gary Fran Sione Gary Fran Sione is now a very elderly man and he has this book and by its title and his style it seems like it's his final political declaration on veganism and animal rights now maybe I'm wrong maybe he's gonna live another 30 years and write another ten books but nevertheless when you look at that book written by an elderly man at the end of his career you do evaluate it you do you know you do criticize it differently then you would a book written by maybe a vegan activist who's only 19 years old was at the start of his career who may have many disappointments ahead of him who may change his perspective in so many ways and you know criticism directed young people I think it is in many ways more important because those young people still have the capacity to change there was a young woman I'm not gonna say who she was involved in vegan activism in real life and she came here online on YouTube and on reddit and other discussion forums and I was not the only one who perceived correctly so I forget her age let's say she was 21 she could have been 23 I forget the say she was 21 um I was not the only one for correctly perceived that she didn't just endorse violence she was really on a bit of a downward spiral um in terms of becoming more and more violent and more angry and this is coming out interactive isms command things you said on the internet and you know some people a lot of people maybe hundreds of people saw these Pro violent statements you made on the internet and dismissed it because she's just a girl she's a young woman and I remember I I got a hold of and I talked to her and I said look you know I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and both of us have seen these kind of things you say on the Internet and we both think you're gonna get yourself put in prison we don't think you're joking and like I want to talk to you like you know let's talk like you know can you get counseling like of course I'm partly wanting to give her advice herself so she stays at jail on you know you know she's young enough to get herself into a fistfight get herself put in prison she's also young enough to change it's even more important that somebody like me takes the time and concern and takes her seriously takes her as seriously as you would take a 21 year old man but also I take her as seriously as I would a 35 year old man she's an adult she's an adult she's making her own decisions she's making decisions that are gonna have consequences change mister life and remember I talked to her you know she did admit to me some of the problems she was having with rage with violence in her own life and she told about one example where in over a pretty trivial confrontation when she was driving her car she stopped the car got out of the car and ran down the sidewalk chase day on a complete stranger and punched him in the back of the head so you know I read that correctly movies just based on like snarky comments she made on the Internet but like those warning signs seriously with her not for the sake of belittling her criticism is not an end in itself right and I did the right thing and taking that seriously and reaching out to her and that's what all of you guys should do too regardless of age regardless of gender you shouldn't trivialize dehumanize treats treat someone like an infant because they are a young woman and in most of these cases you're really just talking about how the wound presents herself not even her real age when G is 30 but she has blue hair and she presents herself in a somewhat childlike way on camera in terms of her on-camera persona Nina and Randa are 23 as of the last time betrayed it's possible they've had a birthday and then have 24 23 years old they present themselves like idiots so a lot of people defend them as if they're I don't know 18 now I do think in a substantive sense we should still criticize them we should take what they're doing seriously and criticize if they were 18 what would the criticism be different if they were 18 as opposed to 23 in a subtle way yes not the extent of dehumanizing them not the extent of treating them like infants not failing to take it seriously not dismissing it because they are young women if anything why not take it more seriously because they have their whole lives ahead of them when I'm criticizing Gary France Leona I mean again it criticism is not in itself there are a lot of reasons to criticize the work the intellectual legacy the political influence of Gary francais on his book when you're reading the book of an old man an elderly man going to his retirement probably doesn't have so many books left in him there's a lot of bitterness in that book there are years and years of experience years of expertise but I don't think I can I'm gonna change his mind you can feel in that book that seething rage he has towards peda people with ethical journals the the rage and disappointment he has from so many years of dealing with humane society United States and also just something less serious but you can see he just has no interest in scientific research into animal intelligence you know it's just interesting use of clarity I don't think I could influence him on any of those things you know what I mean because he is he's writing when you read that book it sounds like a book written by a bitter old man and it is still worth reading and my review and discussion the book is for a project don't get me wrong but do i humanize him or dismiss him on that account no do i do humanize or dismiss Nina and Randa or when because they are so-called young women no take it seriously you don't respect them enough to disrespect them in the same way you would disrespect an adult man it's what you'd expect young girls to be making videos of that like boys dating and the like it's what you'd expect young girls to have videos about really and what he shows on camera is a selection of the absolute garbage content that Nina and Randa have really really Ryan so you don't expect better from a 23 year old adult a 23 year old man a 2301 because there are young girls at age 23 really it's what you'd expect young girls to be making videos of that young girls really Ryan is that what you'd expect of your own daughter at age 23 put into Google or search within YouTube Nina Randa challenge the lick my body challenge the try not to laugh challenge the chubby bunny challenge it's it's garbage content it's not what I expect from young girls it's not what I expect from 23 year old women it's not Ryan and Ryan to me this is one of those interesting situations where your perception of sexism in me is 180 degrees wrong throughout this whole video Ryan you repeatedly make contemptuous and dismissive remarks of exactly this kind on the basis of what can you expect from young girls why would anyone expect better from 23 year old women then the lick my body challenge why would you have higher standards of expectations simply because they are young girls and he sometimes says young people this is in reference to need an around age 23 this in reference to vegan cheetah age 28 because they're young people and then he repeated repeatedly demands of me Who am I to judge because I'm he says I'm approximately 40 years old Ryan I've got to ask you the same question I asked vegan cheetah when he confronted me about this over Skype face to face live Who am I to judge Ryan I don't think you've taken the time to watch a video like the lick my body challenge from Nenana Miranda I think you'll have trouble sitting through it because it's garbage content but if you sit down and watch that video from Nina and Randa at the end of that video I would ask you what qualifications do you think I need to have to judge that video to judge that content Ryan very intentionally misrepresented what I said and why I said it he edited what I said it is much worse than taking my words out of context if you watched the first seven minutes of that video it's 20 minutes long if you even just look at the thumbnail image of the video you would have a very clear sense of the criticism I offered to Nina and Randa and why I was criticizing them okay it is simply not true to say that I was bullying them however it is true to say that I criticize them in exactly the same way I criticize men I criticize men on this channel far more harshly many 50 times I've criticized men far more harshly than I have ever criticized Nina Miranda and sometimes people's physical appearance is salient and sometimes it's not in need and randa's case if you're talking about people who are an aspiring actress an aspiring model an aspiring musician in Los Angeles going to an audition in that context the way you look is relevant okay in many others contexts it's not relevant or it's a very little significance of course when I'm addressing my critique to Ted car I do think his physical appearance is relevant because it's part of what he's selling it's part of what he's marketing but 90% of my criticism of Ted car has to do with his philosophy which I find much more disturbing and much more important to criticize nevertheless I did not choose to sexualize Nina and Randa in this critique I'm critical of the fact that their content in a tawdry way that I described as worse than porn I very specifically said I have more respect for actors and actresses in the porn industry than I have for Nina and Rand on what they do in these videos Nina and Randa sexualized themselves in a manner I find impossible to respect like the lick my body and challenge and all these other garbage videos they upload and Nina and Randa trivialized themselves and infantilized themselves they present themselves as idiots and as young idiots to such an extent that they even fooled you Ryan they've even tricked you into defending them as if their children as if they're people who shouldn't answered any higher standard as if they shouldn't have any better ambitions to do anything better in the world and the crap they're doing the so totally mastered the art of infantilizing themselves the same way before everyone died when many people were defending wengie as if she was a child and were then shocked when I pointed out that she was thirty years old in the same way Ryan you have gone down this path of treating women like infants and I think you need to stop wake up and really challenge yourself would you be making these excuses for a 23 year old man