Diabetes: Unnatural Vegan vs. Neal Barnard.

28 November 2018 [link youtube]

Why did U.V. decide to slander Neal Barnard on this issue? It's a pretty clear case of truth vs. fiction, and the truth on veganism's side… but not on Unnatural Vegan's side.

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The video being alluded to by Unnatural Vegan is titled "Why I Don't Take Nutrition Advice From Dr. Neal Barnard". Link = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ4QCPR21zE

You'll find numerous videos on the importance of veganism for diabetes from Dr. Neal Barnard by either searching for his name, or for PCRM: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=neal+barnard+diabetes

Youtube Automatic Transcription

all right let's talk a little bit about
the legacy of dr. Neal Barnard at this point I think he is an eminence grise he's at the end of his career he's a senior influential figure in veganism as a movement in certain provinces of modern medicine and in a lot of ways when a natural vegan went after him and did this hatchet job from my perspective denouncing and defaming him and his position on diabetes really it's his legacy she's going after not even any kind of current project is going on ask yourself this does anyone think that PCRM is gonna dry up and disappear in the next 10 years does anyone think that I think PCRM has been the single most important vegan agency vegan lobbying group vegan charity in the last 10 years I think is very likely to continue to be the most important vegan foundation in the next 10 years even if dr. Neal Barnard dies tomorrow so that's part of the background of this I respect what he accomplished as a vegan activist in my earlier video discussing some tangentially related issues I noted that dr. Neal Barnard formal education credentials and training are not in diabetes he did not become a diabetes expert himself that his actual background he is a medical doctor who became a licensed and practicing psychiatrist I think a lot of people in the audience did not know that about him what you more likely do know about him because he mentions this in lectures and in formal articles not necessarily in peer-reviewed articles pretty much any context or interview where he's talking on himself is that he grew up around the dinner table with an expert in diabetes his father was a career specialist in diabetes now I digress to note I can relate to this on many levels I grew up with not just a father who was an expert in Musial G Musial G me ting museums art galleries education centers that kind of thing I had both a father and a mother who were experts in that field so every single night at the dinner table I was exposed to discussions of museum planning art galleries government contracts how that line work operates everything from the curatorial side the art history side to researching political history if my father was doing a war museum a museum about World War two or something like that human rights issues political issues questions of government funding versus private sector I grew up being schooled in that subject every night and a huge part of dr.neil barnard background and why he was in a sense a diabetes activist before he even became a vegan activist is that he grew up hearing his father's frustrations with how diabetes was diagnosed and treated in the mainstream American healthcare system and he did so at a time when the prevalence of diabetes was exploding in the United States America again he is now an elderly person in this movement so he has lived through a period of time where the area of his father's expertise if you want for this way the war on diabetes America is not winning they are losing if merica did not win the war on drugs they definitely did not win the war on diabetes it already was an epidemic and it has it has only become a more grave challenge for for public health planning and his perception his mean apprehension his main concern that again I think he really learned from his father's experience and that carried on to his own engagement his own he's published numerous peer-reviewed studies he's done a lot of work directly dealing with management and treatment of diabetes how to improve the diabetes situation in America on a one-to-one scale with patients on a mass scale his main perception what the problem was with adherence to a diet not the science of the diet in an abstract sense but of creating diets for diabetics that really worked in their daily lives that they could live with they could flourish with where they were not feeling constantly frustrated what have you and he already had that interest before he became engaged in veganism so it is really a bit of a dirty trick when a natural vegan takes kind of one sentence of dr.neil barnard out of context and massively exaggerates its significance while ignoring his copious books peer-reviewed publications and lectures right here on YouTube any of you can go right now and see this kind of one sentence in the context of what this guy is to say about diabetes he is not mousy he doesn't give his opinion to himself about diabetes and this is interesting for me too because this is my experience with a natural vegan also she took one sentence of my saying that her position on an issue her position on domesticated dogs and how pets are treated especially of new with castration of dogs I she took one sentence clip of me saying that her position was beneath contempt and not even worth discussing and she then misrepresented the situation as if this was the only thing I'd ever said on the issue and there are products videos on his channel discussing the issue in depth so it's not that unusual for me to just express my contempt and frustration for position and then to proceed to discuss in some depth in a long series of videos and several of them already were on the internet when she did this hatchet job on me it's really surreal to see her taking on a major influential respected figure in veganism like dr.neil barnard and doing a hatchet job on him as if this little sound bite of him that happened to be used in a documentary movie represents I don't know everything he knows about diabetes as if that's his message to the diabetic world and it's not it's a very brief rough encapsulation of years of research and experience that's very meaningful and very useful that she's misrepresenting as if this guy doesn't know the first thing about diabetes as if he's unaware that it is theoretically possible to treat diabetes with a low-carb high-fat diet like you want to pat yourself on the back like you inspire you discovered something new this guy is never thought of no it's it's really pretty fundamentally unfair now something I'll come back to here is I do think that Swayze has unstated reasons that are rational but unreasonable for why she doesn't want to trust the opinion of dr. Neal Barnard I think this is one of things we're keeping it real being honest where they don't politics or philosophy or diet or you know the misinterpretation of modern medical science swazey she comes out of a background where she used to be a true believer in a number of diet gurus and those diet gurus look like neal barnard and if we're keeping it all the way real I've already stated I have a lot of respect for Eno Bernard and his legacy as an activist and as a as a you know medical authority I do Neal Barnard looks anorexic I said in the conclusion of one of my recent videos most people that you meet in all walks of life most people most of the time they have the body they want to have if you meet someone who is shockingly rail-thin like dr. Neal Barnard he probably wants to be real thin he's that way for a reason he's making whatever sacrifices are necessary to make that possible and to maintain that physique there are exceptions sorry I should just throw in an obvious example if you meet someone and they say to you conversationally that they like to be slim or they'd like to be athletic but the reality of their life is what they enjoy doing every day is getting home from work and eating potato chips while playing video games well there's a sense in which they're being honest and saying they'd like to have a better physique but there's a sense in which they're being dishonest with you and dishonest with themselves well you know what what you really like in life is eating bags of potato chips and playing video games so that's why you look the way you do so that's what you want you're doing exactly what you want you're not waking up at 6 a.m. and walking to the gym to do 200 push-ups in the dark in the cold winter which is something I do not today some days you guys have seen some videos of me walking to the gym bright and early in the morning and it ain't bright around here because the Sun does not rise that early not in the Canadian winter ok so my point is as a general rule there's a sense in which people you encounter as adults have the body they want to especially if you consider what want really means in a broad heuristic context um there are exceptions I mentioned this before I had a co-worker many years ago and he had been slim and muscular and he was a martial arts enthusiast like kung-fu and ninjutsu really serious martial arts fighting arts and due to medical malpractice he was hospitalized he had surgery performed on him and when he came out he was really in terrible shape and very overweight he he was intravenously fed to something like 10 times as many calories as they should have given him they made it orders of magnitude error and how much sugar they were putting in to his bloodstream through an IV drip and he came out in a really bad shape so really fat um very rare exception but for sure there are people from this doctor coming back to the locus of this discussion a natural vegan used to be a devout follower of durianrider why what medical authority scientific expertise or even convincing reasoning did during rider have to offer during rider was a rail-thin anorexic looking beauty icon I guess he's beautiful to some right this is not the only raw food guru or high carb low fat guru fruit based diet guru that she saw on the Internet she responded to their appearance and and she became a follower of and you probably guys probably know the other anecdotes she became so devoted to one ridiculous kind of naturopathic diet book that she gave up brushing her teeth with toothpaste and she had an enormous number of calories and really lost a lot of her teeth she tried to survive I misspoke thanks that that's what you're here for that's what we have the staff she she had an enormous number of cavities not calories so she really lost a lot of her teeth um you know she's someone who was in the past taken in by presumably because on some level she aspired to have a a type that she doesn't have and never will have we've seen her at her leanest when she engaged in really crazy raw food diet and slimmed down to maybe a hundred and thirty pounds or less and you know of course she's complained that was not healthy for her was not natural for her and she now has more of an ample voluptuous body type which seems to come to her naturally totally understand why is she so hostile towards you know Neil Bernards approach to diet now look here's the big concession I don't want to look like Neil Barnard I don't it's it's not accidental in my calorie count in my diet not wearing the best outfit here you know I don't I never I never look at Neil Barnard and think well I should get on that Neil Barnard diet I'm on a vegan diet that suits me anytime I want to lose weight I basically can if I just reduce the amount of soy milk in my diet I'm gonna lose weight soy milk is the main source of fat in my diet whatever I also have a diet that doesn't waste a lot of time there are all kinds of practical considerations we deal with it is true Neil Barnard advocates a diet then I'm pretty sure he practices himself and gives you results that make you look like Neil Barnard so I think that unnatural vegan has a rational but unreasonable objection to the approach of dr. Neal Barnard in her whole video would be so much better if she just said that if she just said you know what she personally is fed up with vegans telling you to eat zero nuts guess what I personally zero nuts seeds zero peanut butter need zero walnuts to really cut down to eliminate all cooking oil and this kind of thing to eat this super low fat diet so you can be as scrawny and strung out looking as dr.neil barnard or Dermer that is her real animus that's her real agenda and that's something a lot of us can sympathize with there are a lot of women who don't want to have a body like Neil Barnard either there are some who do there's some women who really want this very lean elongated physique there are a lot of women who'd rather look like a natural vegan like Swayze herself it's fine I mean like with this is the other fundamental thing about it being in diet we're all trying to move past the perception of the vegan diet is something freakish and extreme and trying to say look it's just normal it doesn't make you superhuman it doesn't make you subhuman it's possible to be fat it's possible to be muscular it's possible to be scrawny and you probably know meat eaters who fall into those party types either people eat at McDonald's regularly and are still scrawny I don't recommend it but it's it's possible you see people say this for on the cover of magazines Cosmopolitan magazine fashion magazines you are constantly seeing images of meat-eating people women and men who are lean and muscular so you can't pretend that's unattainable conversely don't pretend that Neil Bernards body is gonna be your inevitable fate and doom most men do not want to have a body like Oprah dark shout out to foot soldier you know vegan foot soldier just started lifting weights in the last three months he's finally decided he's fed up with being a stick man as he put it you know he put up some shirtless selfies and stuff he had I think it's fair to say he had the body of a young Neil Barnard and I don't know maybe he's gonna move up to having the body of a middle-aged about what's y'all I don't know what's I don't know what his goals are I talked to him about a little bit but he's he's trying to get in at the gym and lift weights and stuff and for the for the first time in his life my girlfriend mention real briefly she's gained a ton of muscle mass so she go with me but I wasn't when we first got together she couldn't do upright row with just the stick just the just the steel bar and stuff like I was like whoa you're starting from a really low level of strength and she has built that up both both muscle strength and sinew and so on so I've just been through her transformation which is of some interest to me to see that up close so look why does Neil Barnard say what he says in these short sound bites that a natural vegan takes out of context misrepresenting frankly his life's work on diabetes which is low and sick and shady and god damn you Swayze for doing that I can't believe you didn't take the time to just Google around a bit and find out what his position on diabetes is real quick there are two types of diabetes we're not going to all the details there are other types of diabetes type 1 and type 2 is it a gross misrepresentation to say if everyone on earth were vegan from birth type 1 diabetes would disappear from this world specialists can debate it guess what type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune reaction to dairy products this is to say your doctor may give you the reassuring fable that if you have type 1 diabetes oh it's just heredity it's just genetics there's nothing anyone can do know the conclusions of modern medical science are either that 100% of type 1 diabetes is caused by dairy dairy products or it may be that it's 90 percent or 95 percent and there are a few other factors to fill in so there are some interesting debates going on right now about exactly which chemicals in cow milk caused this reaction and to what extent goat milk is different and believe it or not different breeds of cow have different chemical compositions in their milk to what extent it's this chemical or that chemical or what's causing the direction but one way or another the science is in type 1 diabetes is caused by animal products period so why do you misrepresent this guy as if he's saying something grossly inaccurate and unreasonable in blaming animal products oh it's just ridiculous and wife what's your counter-argument because you can quote unquote manage diabetes with it Ecole Atkins diet [ __ ] high fat low why eat fruit when you can just wake up and eat avocados make avocados the staple of your diet it's so stupid it's irrelevant to the point he's making no on the level of Epidemiology on the level of diabetes being a mass epidemic phenomenon in the United States of America he is correct to blame animal products he has decades of research in peer-reviewed publications backing him you a natural vegan allegedly have so much respect for peer-reviewed publications why didn't you Google one of them why didn't you read the abstracts - five of them why didn't you contrast them to the opinions of other experts in diabetes before doing the shitty smear job against the single most effective thinking activists of the last decade what did you have to gain that's just type one diabetes okay type-2 diabetes it is true it's not completely fair and accurate to just say all type-2 diabetes is caused by an works that would be inaccurate but let's rephrase this would it be fair to say that in the United States of America today if everyone were vegan from birth type-2 diabetes would burn me would disappear from this earth doesn't really rhyme alright it's debatable if everyone were vegan from birth would the rate of diabetes in the United States of America declined by 90 percent 95 percent or would actually be 100 percent would actually completely disappear all right now I don't think Neil Barnard is making a hard claim that it's a hundred percent that 100% of cases of type 2 diabetes could be eliminated by everyone being thing important but it's pretty close if you just do a little bit of reading it's shockingly close and yes diabetes type 2 diabetes now we're on to type 2 type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity theoretically people in the United States of America could be getting massively obese from being vegan from birth does the data support that how about just the years and years of experience that this one doctor himself has working with vegans face-to-face sorry working with people with diabetes face to face as they transition to a vegan diet and recover like do you think that experience bores the how about you fathers experienced yeah some of this is anecdotal some of it's meta-analysis but no it is not the case that are in the United States of America you have millions of people coming down with type 2 diabetes because they're eating avocados on a pure vegan diet this is not on an epidemiological level the problem okay guys I considered taking little short clips of exactly what a natural vegan said and exactly what dr. Neal Barnard said and putting them side-by-side in this video I think that's a waste of your time and I think that's a waste of my time in politics we have this funny phrase a bad actor someone acting in bad faith what's the definition of a bad actor it's someone you can't negotiate with these are important discussions for us to have in veganism about the future of the movement but the future of the diet about the future of how we diagnose and discuss and treat diabetes and whether we should support charities that are more like PCRM and based in health and science or whether we should support other forms of activism where our money is best spent and where our time and energy does these are really worthwhile discussions to have but we can't have them with unnatural vegan because she is a bad actor her coverage of this issue of the debate surrounding type 1 diabetes type 2 diabetes and the role of animal products in creating this epidemic in the United States of America and globally has been completely dishonest and self-serving so let's proceed with these discussions let's proceed in creating the foundation to save the planet and save the animals and save millions of people from having heart attacks and diabetes but let's do it without her