Durianrider: Truth and Consequences in 2022.

06 May 2022 [link youtube]

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#vegan #vegans #veganism @durianrider @Freelee The BananaGirl @The Frugivore Diet @Earthling Ed @Joey Carbstrong @James Aspey @Bonny Rebecca @MadFit @Henya Mania @NinaAndRanda @Tess Begg

Youtube Automatic Transcription

how would the world be a different place if i had never challenged the authority of freely and durianrider do you ever stop to ask yourself that i mean do you ask yourself what it would be like to live in a parallel world where durianrider and freely had remained the unchallenged champions and leaders of the vegan movement where they were still convening their uh global get-together in chiang mai every year right where their videos were still bringing in millions of views per month where they were still dominating the discourse about veganism in such august and highly respected publications as the daily mirror in england the daily mail i'm sorry but a lot of those newspapers really used to like covering freely and durianrider now look to some extent my intervention destroyed the careers of freely and durianrider directly and to some extent the effect of my intervention was indirect it involved many factors beyond my control coming together however it's also true to say none of those things would have come together and happened if it weren't for my intervention so to give an example and this is only one of many there was a guy who had a youtube channel called nor vegan and under whatever sordid circumstances his girlfriend met up with and had sex with durianrider and she made a youtube video denouncing during writer defending me and supporting my case and that video was on my youtube channel and it got more views on my youtube channel than it did on hers at that time when it first went up right and i deleted it from my youtube channel when i found out that some of the things she said in that video were deceptive that it didn't live up to my own ethical standards and she and her boyfriend uh hannah was her name uh hannah chloe right i'm not getting the name it's been up been a few years guys and her boyfriend uh norvega they carried on this campaign against durianrider and it's quite right for people to say look when you look back at the history of what happened and why it's not the case that this youtube channel single-handedly destroyed durianrider there were these other things to happen but that would have never happened without me to my youtube channel that specific video that first step which by the way sorry not to blame everything on hannah and her boyfriend or vegan what stunned everyone what everyone was astonished by including hannah herself and norwegian was durianrider's response to hannah's video because he immediately made the controversy about allegations of rape he took what had been a kind of low-key moral quandary or question within the vegan movement and he immediately escalated it up to 11 and made it a conflicted boat rape that's true that also led to the destruction of durianrider and his career again my point is not that i did it alone but actually none of these other things would have happened without my standing up to durianrider am i refusing to back down now another factor here if you guys don't know is freely herself i'm going to read you something verbatim now it's actually easy enough to find on the internet it's easy enough to find on durianrider's own website this is a statement freely made on the internet i think she made it on several places on the internet i believe she made it on her own uh blog but i think it was also on her facebook page uh correct people wrong but anyway this is this is a statement i'm sorry she might at that time i don't think i think she might have been banned from instagram i forget if she was on instagram or not freely was banned from instagram a couple of times but anyways this was a statement in writing freely made about harley and it was very damaging to both of their reputations right and i can go through it none of this would have happened without my intervention even though i am not responsible for this in any way fully the banana girl said quote he would constantly stare at and do groundwork on young girls even under age ones this made me even more insecure about myself one girl in particular in adelaide he was always trying to get close to and it creeped me out her name is porsha and he said that if we weren't together he would quote [ __ ] her if no one closed up if no one found out close quote she was 15. i found it so disgusting but he said quote well at least i'm being honest with you close quote he would compare me to these girls all the time he would say i was looking old and stressed and that these young girls had far more potential on youtube than me so i should do whatever it took to look younger he constantly would make everything about my looks online and in person when speaking to others he made me feel like little more than just a body i'll be the first to admit that this was terrible for my self-esteem okay so that's actually not the complete message that you can tell we're stopping mid-sentence there um so irony of ironies what eventuated in chiang mai thailand was that durianrider made completely baseless allegations about me that i had some romantic involvement with underage teenage girls right and in fact his own long-term girlfriend his own kind of de facto common-law wife frilly the banana girl stood up and denounced him for pursuing sexual relations with underage teenage girls all right she denounced him for that now guys let's just talk for a moment about defamation all right why is it defamation and slander for jerry fire to say this about me and it's not defamation or slander for me to say this about him because i am relating to you something factual right dorian writer spoke to my ex-wife if you guys don't remember that during writer he got on the phone with her i don't know if it was skype or what but some kind of telephone call it's established on the record durianriders spoke to my ex-wife trying to get some kind of gossip on me some kind of dirt on me he didn't anything my ex-wife never said anything like this about me if my ex-wife had said something like this about me that still wouldn't mean it's true it just means that it's a fact that my ex-wife said this about me but that is a fact you can report and then it's not defamation so we just went through this on a on a crazy scale uh with johnny depp and amber hurd right there was a court case that already concluded in england about whether or not it was defamation to say these things about johnny depp and fundamentally it was not defamation to say this is what johnny depp's ex-wife says about him now it may be a lie in the reader of the newspaper they may conclude that his ex-wife is uh exaggerating or is being unreasonable or being overly harsh in casting or you may not you may think hey his ex-wife is just telling the truth that is for you as the reader to decide but the newspaper is not defeating anyone in reporting what johnny depp's ex-wife said about him right that's not defamation but for durianrider to invent fiction about me right to make fictional claims about my sex life and they were claims i could prove were false right but they were also baseless claims right that is defamation that is slander all right now again what did freely say about during writer and irony of ironies of course he threatened her with legal consequences for this he threatened at the same time that he's claiming i have no basis to sue him for defamation he turns around and threatens freely with the consequences for slander definition what freely said about dorian ryder was quote he would constantly stare at girls it's pardon me let's get this verbatim right he would quote he would constantly stare at and do ground work on young girls comma even under age ones period this made me even more insecure about myself period just close quote let's just the main problem she has with this is that it's making her feel insecure about herself she really she doesn't seem to really think it's a problem that he's pursuing sex with teenage girls some of whom are under 16 apparently or under 18 she gives one example of someone who was under 16. we don't know what she means in saying that they're underage depending on where you live could mean under 16 could mean under 18 could mean whatever the legal limit is we don't know but she gives an example of a 15 year old who is well known to people within veganism this specific situation with porsha yeah it's well known because there were other witnesses who talked about it on youtube the one i remember most is joey carbstrom talking about it but there were several other people who talked about this particular uh young woman and by the way to my knowledge nobody has claimed that durianrider actually had sex with porsha so i'm not alleging or insinuating that point this is what his own ex-girlfriend said and again her moral problem with this her ethical objection to this is that it made her feel bad about herself and that she had to work hard to look younger and be more attractive on youtube she's a really shallow person freely what can i tell you that's a response to this she's not analyzing this in terms of what's good for the vegan movement she's not analyzing this in terms of the ethics of how you should live your life if you're famous or influential her complaint is that durianrider was pursuing sex with other women especially attractive teenage women and that it made her feel bad about herself now you can read between the lines here you know maybe implicitly she's saying that she would be able to tolerate some cheating or some sleeping around or maybe it was an open relationship to some extent we don't know right but it is remarkable that her complaint of putin turkenrider was that his pursuit of sex with younger women negatively impacted her self-esteem and that is exactly what she says not that it negatively impacted the younger women not that it negatively impacted the vegan movement or their career on youtube which is obviously true obviously this destroyed their reputation youtube and again that's not because of me there's a real sense in which freely destroyed herself there's a real sense in which durian writer destroyed himself but this storm of controversy and criticism none of this would have happened without my intervention and the specific situation we were in was durianrider makes the allegation that i am a quote-unquote sexual predator and immediately hannah khloe stands up and makes a video and points the finger back at him and says no if there's anyone in the vegan community in chiang mai who's been predatory who's been in this sense predatory it's you durianrider hannah chloe makes that allegation again this is not defamation or slander i am reporting to you what hannah chloe said in her now notorious youtube video that everyone has seen she says no nothing like this ever happened with isil mazzard the allegations against him the allegations against me are completely false or fictitious but you know what you know someone in the vegan community in chiang mai who's really pursuing a lot of women in a quote unquote predatory way whatever that means hannah cloway pointed the finger at durianrider and hannah chloe had herself had sex with during writing again that snowballed durianrider immediately made that into a controversy about rape and he started defending himself claiming that he didn't rape her and that controversy escalated from there so this is one conscious and then the other contrast is during writer makes an allegation that i'm pursuing teenagers and underage teenagers sometimes or especially or even underage teenagers you know and in fact his own long-term girlfriend his own defacto you know common-law wife this woman he's been with for so many years she stands up and points the finger back at him she doesn't defend me she doesn't say no it's not true about some sort but she says well actually this is the problem with with durianrider so that was the context and yeah you know again i've endured some inconveniences you know from this but the impact on freelee herself the impact on during writers is much much worse it's completely devastated them it'll it'll ruin the rest of their lives and one of the reasons look one of the reasons it won't ruin my life is just that i really was honest with my audience all along everyone knew what was going on with my life everyone knew what my ambitions and aspirations were and i sure as hell did not go to chiang mai thailand in order to have sex with teenagers that was not on my mind at all my i was never involved in the vegan movement to learn the kind of uh pardon me i was never involved in the vegan movement to lead the kind of life durianrider and freely were leading i was not interested in the permanent vacation lifestyle i was the foremost critic of the permanent vacation lifestyle that's exactly why i was a threat to them i was the person asking hard questions but what is this going to mean for the for the future of the movement right and that's why i went to chiang mai was to ask those questions and to meet the other people who shared my concerns with me and i did there were a whole lot of vegans in chiang mai at that time who were really happy to meet me and say yeah we think you're the guy asking the right questions on youtube and i still get that i get that from people who are inside paul beshear's organization my point being i criticized publisher but there are people inside that organization who appreciate me there are people inside earthling ed's organization who sent me email and appreciate me there are people who are part of these deeply flawed movements like uh dxe wayne seong uh director they know how messed up the current model of vegan activism is right and they're really happy to reach out to me and whatever have some kind of conversation with me about what the future of the movement is going to be and how we're all supposed to live okay anyways let's just just read the skin because this really is significant all right so freely just complained that this made her feel insecure about herself quote one girl in particular in adelaide he was always trying to get close to and it creeped me out her name is portia and he said that if we weren't together he would quote within a quote [ __ ] her if no one found out close quote she was 15. i found it so disgusting but he said quote within a quote well at least i'm being honest with you close quote he would compare me to these young girls all the time he would say i was looking old and stressed and that these young girls had far more potential on youtube than me so i should do whatever it took to look younger he would constantly make everything about my looks online in person when speaking with others he made me feel a little more than just a body right i'll and close this quote i'll be the first to admit that this was terrible for my self-esteem so there were a lot of really meaningful questions she could be asking about herself and about vegan activism and you know there are a lot of meaningful ethical questions she could be asking also about about dorian ryder's sex life or about her own sex life and they're not there it is a completely self-pitying self-centered commentary from freely okay that was the situation at the start of this case at the start of this conflict and i've opened this video by asking you how different would the world be today if i hadn't stood up and done this all right i you know i can't look back on this with any regret whatsoever i can't look back on this and say well i regret that i lost so many years or so many hours or so many thousands of dollars you know doing the right thing just because it was the right thing to do no i mean i'm sorry those of you some people watch this video who weren't even vegan in the year let's say 2015. there are people here watching this who have no idea that these people dominated veganism not just on youtube but also on the mainstream broadcast media they really changed the narrative about veganism and vegan activism in a profound way it wasn't just about money and fame there was a lot a lot going on here and i remember talking to some vegan activists in europe oh was this in hungary or poland i remember talking to people in eastern europe and they said how weird it was when these vegan groups they they stopped imitating the sort of peta model of activism and when they started imitating during writer and freely when they started imitating this notion like oh this should be about personal beauty and weight loss and riding a bicycle you know obviously i also heard from people in california and portland oregon of course of course portland oregon this had a huge impact on but like you know there were people who took up bicycling i was one guy i remember he sold all of his furniture and made his youtube videos sitting on the floor in an apartment with no no furniture just to imitate frilly endearing rider this was something that had very broad influence on the movement but also very deep influence and you know i've just published a book if you guys don't know i published a book you know asking really tough questions about what's going on in the vegan movement the future of the vegan movement well you know this led to um a kind of bizarre optimism about the potential for human vanity to bring about a transformation of politics and ethics on planet earth the idea that millions of people would take up a vegan diet if only cosmopolitan magazine and vanity fair these kinds of really shallow magazines were featuring and promoting the diet as the only way to lose weight look where it be an athlete wear a bikini show emitter and it just didn't occur to these people that you know what this month a vegan diet can be on the cover of cosmopolitan magazine and next month it can be a carnivore diet you know so many of these fat diets are good i remember the taco diet you know that was in the mainstream press for a while it could be the popcorn diet but sure the mango diet the mango and banana diet that could be on the cover of magazines one month and guess what there's another magazine coming up the next month and the editor of that magazine is saying they're saying what are we going to go with for the lead story oh this woman lost 40 pounds on the popcorn diet okay let's do a whole issue promoting the popcorn today and none of them changed the world human vanity fatuousness and self-indulgence the the illusion of going on permanent vacation the illusion selling it to middle-aged people you can have a second youth and yeah probably for a lot of guys you can sleep with younger better looking women i mean i think that was certainly you can see it on durianrider's channel the fantasy that is a middle aged man you can get on a vegan diet start riding your bicycle become an athlete lift weights look great and then sleep with younger better looking vegan women or something sure that was part of the the mythos they were selling and they made a lot of money but it was it was a fundamentally broken incoherent self-contradictory nonsensical model for what the vegan movement was supposed to be it had to stop sooner or later and yes i take credit for ending it sooner rather than later i had a critique of freely enduring for at least one year on my channel and that critique you know dramatically had effect because of the evils of who dorian writer and freely were privately becoming public in the aftermath of durianrider making these slanderous defamatory comments against me right so that's that's the situation now in this video guys i'm happy to do q a thanks for making comments if you want to hit the thumbs up button it'll help people find the video i'm i'm really i can chit-chat with you i'm making this video today because this is now may 5th 2022 and i was supposed to fly back to thailand i was supposed to have my next day in court in thailand and i talked to my lawyer and so on and so forth as you can imagine there is this pandemic on planet earth you may have thought about and just a few months ago it seemed as if there was some optimism that the pandemic was over and done with and right now in southeast asia it is not over and done with in countries like thailand in vietnam in myanmar and indeed in china uh itself in terms of the dominoes you know the domino effect china is the biggest domino to fall wherever you are living when you see this it may be that quarantine is over where you are maybe the danger is over where you are and people are getting all their lives it's a big planet all right and no like in many ways asia is actually going through like its first wave you know you talk about the third wave of the fourth when you look at the chart the number of cases recently has been so enormous there so the travel insurance pardon me the travel restrictions are crazy all right that's basically all there is to it and if there's one thing i've learned in the last several years it's that the thai court system is really good at delaying and rescheduling a case because we've delayed and rescheduled so many times and you know i'm not in a situation where i can fly to thailand right now with all these these crazy restrictions so i don't know when my next day quarters if you guys have questions about that i can answer them but i mean that's the update on that level about that particular thing i'll just be real with you in terms of what the experience was for me and finding that out i was sitting there clicking uh through the the website to buy the airplane tickets then this is now several months ago you know i i completely assumed i was just gonna buy an airplane ticket to go and come back and you know you're looking at all the different kind of minute factors oh is it cheaper if i fly on a friday or a sunday you're kind of looking at the chart you're going through all this stuff and you know you're getting these warnings pop up you know you cannot do this unless you've satisfied condition x y and z make sure you see the government restrictions and to some extent while i'm dealing with the deals like yeah yeah okay i'll look into that in a minute i 100 assume that whatever the barriers were they would be superable rather than insuperable like like you'd be able to cope with it you'd be able to jump through the hoops and i'm like sitting there with my credit card out ready to make the purge the internet it's like okay now i'm going to read the fine printer i'm going to start going through the government guidelines and they were insuperable rather than super bowl it was like wow there's no way i can do this until these travel restrictions end like this for me this is impossible i can't do this so you know like obviously i'm disappointed and again the good news about the thai court system is it's already gone on for years they're willing to reschedule and i think probably a lot of their cases just even domestic cases let alone international cases probably a lot of things have had to be delayed and rescheduled again again now i haven't seen the current judge in charge of the case the last time i was in court they had fully three judges on a panel you know handling the case but it's not surprising that so many years having gone by at least one of the judges has changed and what was reported to me by my lawyer is that the the current judge who's taking the lead in the case the judge who seems to be in charge he does take it really seriously and that's why he did not want my testimony to be by skype or by telephone or something you know he wanted me to be there in person given the seriousness of of the case for me to give a deposition under oath give testimony under oath however you want everyone to say it so that's a good sign that the judge is insisting on that on the letter of the law as well as the spirit of the lord saying no no this guy has to fly in and and be in court you know obviously from day one on this i remember you know saying this to another youtubers quite a stupid person didn't get it i remember saying on youtube look i have never promised people that i would win that's ridiculous [Laughter] what i've always said is i am going to stand up and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do you know like that's what i'm here to do if i if i win i'm going to win fair and square if i lose i'm going to lose fair and square but like if i lose this case you know i still will for my part i will have done morally the right thing to do and as i said sorry in the first 20 minutes of this video you know um it's already had a tremendous effect and look guys i know i know when the history of the vegan movement is written it's going to be all about peter singer that's what's going to be all about people are going to discuss the last decade of the vegan movement as if peter singer is what's worth talking about and it's not okay nothing could matter less for the last 10 years of the vegan movement than peter singer all right i'm sorry let's let's just come back to the examples i mentioned before nobody started riding a bicycle up a mountain because of peter singer nobody sold all their furniture and sat down on the floor because of peter singer nobody reorganized their whole vegan movement because of peter singer freely and durianrider had a deep and broad impact on veganism their impact was massive they also had a massive impact on a huge audience of meat eaters who were drawn to the spectacle so as i said in in that in that book you know freely enduring writer and the whole phenomenon of what was going on in veganism around the year 2014 that epoch of veganism it created a freak show and the vegan activists were optimistic that somehow this would uh indirectly generate or regenerate an ethical political vegan movement that this was going to change the world for the better forever you know and all the best but even though this was a freak show that it just sounds so ridiculous when you say about it that the outcomes of the freak show were going to be to produce you know the same kind of outcomes that uh for example the struggle to abolish slavery you know produced well guess what that's not how the abolition of slavery went down in the united states of america it wasn't a bunch of people giving interviews about how if you liberate your slave you're going to have six-pack abs so you're going to look better in a bikini like the abolition of slavery was not based on catering to human vanity or catering the idea that you could have a better sex life there was a lot of that there's a lot of that saying to men that they'd have better erections that they'd be able to sleep with these young fabulous vegan women and stuff there was a lot of catering to the fantasies of the melee go and there was a lot of catering to the fantasies of the female ego yes i mean this the aspect that the media paid the most attention to was dealt with that teenage female girls say 18-24 bonnie rebecca uh essena o'neal essen o'neal there's a media darling from that 2014 era as if that's what it's but guess what a huge amount of the money came from catering to the middle aged female ego came to catering to the elderly female ego and say hey you're getting older you don't have to look like your grandma you can look like freely you can have this amazing body you can do yoga and you can wear skin tight undersized clothes all the time you can be a middle-aged woman and be this you know and by the way guys if you don't get the irony the carnivore diet people play exactly the same game they get exactly the same outcomes jordan peterson's daughter i believe she's called michaelia peterson i honestly don't know the right way to pronounce her first name because it's based on the historical figure mikhail gorbachev it's a man's name with a feminine ending so i don't know mikhail yeah michael gor mckelly uh peterson you know um exactly the same message she says to people hey don't be a follower be a leader she says to people that you can be an apex predator like you as a middle-aged woman can can be this powerful predatory you know figure if you just sign up for her for her diet so i mean you know the same tactics that were used to support and propound veganism can be used against veganism and they are being used against veganism and guess what the anti-vegan arguments are way more popular than the pro-vegan arguments i mean this is like the old one glass of wine a day diet are you any of you guys remember that it's one fad after oh oh do you know why women in france on average are so much more slender and healthy looking than women in the united states of america it's because of the one glass of wine a day diet do you know you know i mean the same way you know you may not remember this book there was a hit book called the skinny [ __ ] the skinny [ __ ] diet that that was old i mean that wasn't new there were and there was like oh eat like a middle-aged french woman instead of a middle-aged american woman this book will tell you how the mediterranean diet like again is all based on stereotype notions so don't you know women in italy are slender and sexy eat this italian middle-aged dad yeah right there are no there are no uh alcoholic chain smokers in italy really like you know yeah right and this is all based on that oh don't you know women in japan are effortlessly thin you should try the japanese don't you know women in china women in thailand or southeast asia just get on the it's been one diet after another and the ludicrous part is they put on this freak show and they thought the outcomes of it would be the same as the abolition of slavery that this was vegan abolitionism right and they're not they're the same outcomes as any other fad diet that came and went they put on this freak show without thinking ahead just five years to to realize that when the freak show ends veganism has no show at all now i've just written a book about this it is only a hundred pages long um it's one dollar on kindle and it's basically the minimum possible price on paper so wherever you are could be five dollars could be six dollars on paper unlike freely the banana girl i'm not trying to get rich out of this movement i'm not trying to get rich out of this book i set the price to be the minimum i could it's not worth describing all the different options you have to click when you publish on amazon okay but if you want to know more about that these are you know important questions and guys we got to start coming up with new answers and i am not some egomaniac who thinks that i have the only viable answers i wish i could tell you i had competition who's my competition peter singer who else is offering any kind of intellectual leadership intellectual introspection or just brainstorming about what the vegan movement can be and is supposed to be right i have basically zero competition so i'm not out here saying that my my solution is the only solution that you must follow my my guidance if you've got better ideas leave me in your shadow eclipse my contribution to the vegan movement but right now it's basically me and peter singer and gary yourofsky and gary francione like this is the this is the brain's trust veganism has going for it and i've got to tell you yeah what i have to say about the future of the vegan movement is it better than peter singer you're damn right it is is it better than gary francione or gary yourofsky is it better than the only competition of god of course it is so i do want to say to you take the time buy the book for one dollar if you read the first five pages of this book if you get the free sample of this book you are going to realize it's telling you things that have never been discussed on my youtube channel this is not a repetition of what's on the youtube channel it's not a summary of what's on youtube channel this is a really powerful question pardon me it's a really powerful statement about the most important question of all which is what now what next yeah the critique of what's gone wrong in the last 20 years in veganism is tremendously important you've heard a lot of them in the channel the critique of what's wrong with freely's approach and what's wrong with durianrider's approach it is important okay but with all that having been said and done i did not write a book repeating one word of that critique the book is about what now what's next and the answers to that question the answers you come up with again you can use my answers you can steal my ideas i encourage you take my ideas if you steal my answers great more power to you but otherwise you've got to start coming up with your own answers all right this is going to change your life in the next five years if your answer to the question what should be the future of the vegan movement is you think it's people standing on the sidewalk covered in fake blood holding a sign chanting is that what you're gonna do you're gonna do that one day a week you're gonna do it two days a week every week every month for the next five years and what are you gonna have to show for at the end of that process is that what's up is that is that the future is that the future of your life you know and guys i mean there's a whole range of just crazy self-defeating stupid forms of activism and those forms of activism are so stupid and so depressing that it funneled people into the freely enduring writer phenomenon and i get that like i sympathize they're like hey the old model of activism is disempowering and denigrating here's someone freely enduring writer here's someone who's saying that you can be empowered you can be influential you can change the world by getting on a bicycle going up and down a hill having a lot of sex going to the beach and swimming that's it when you compare just those two options it seems really appealing and i knew when i spoke to all these people who signed up for it and yes some of them were middle-aged uh some of them were teenagers yeah oh god yeah right maddie lindberger i'm thinking also of the um the girl i interviewed on my channel sorry maddie lindberger melissa is a great example of that but you know i interviewed a young woman on my channel and she dropped out of high school to go live this life in chiang mai and of course one of her fundamental problems was that the weight loss diet actually caused her to massively gain weight not lose weight she was she was a totally slender person before freely's diet but she was an example of someone who gained a ton of weight living in chiang mai eating these massive amounts of fruit every day she was not the only one we had quite a few case studies of that now it hasn't been mentioned up to this point because that's not what i'm interested in i'm not interested in the most effective way to lose weight or gain muscle mass but it is at least a footnote to this that actually the diet and exercise advice given by frilly enduring rider it was terrible and you know when the fool and his money are soon parted you know you you tell me you can go ahead and buy their buy their ebook and and try it for yourself but you know again you know so that was someone i believe she was in chiang mai for two years that's just from memory you can actually watch the youtube video and she'll talk about i want you there were people who dropped out of high school there people dropped it out of college to go to chiang mai and study at the feet of the master and live this lifestyle and to many cases to try to become famous and successful on youtube not all not all of that some of them just wanted the body or wanted the sexuality some of them wanted to save the planet some of them wanted to save the animals some of them wanted to make the world a better place where there were all there were all these people brought together and galvanized by this new model of activism and partly they were running away from the hopelessness of the old model of activism i'm out here and i'm publishing this book and click on the link and get it for one dollar you'll never get the free sample and start reading it um i'm publishing this book saying to you both of those models are wrong and i'm saying you even if you don't think i've got all the right answers i'm asking all the right questions and i am presenting you with a new better positive model and it's not just a model for the vegan movement it's not a model for society on the scale of millions it's not a utopian plan on a huge scale of what millions of people should do with billions of dollars all right it is a model for what you should do this month and then month after month how you are going to change and develop as a person how you're going to influence the future of planet earth in the next five years and yeah i think you're going to start seeing results right away i think the message of this book is going to be something really positive in your life and standing on the sidewalk pouring blood over yourself another protest wasn't holding the corpses of baby pigs holding little dead pigs holding signs weeping chanting quote unquote demonstrating so-called civil disobedience if you do that for the next five years who are you going to be and what difference are you gonna make after those five years and guys it's been five years let's look at maddie lynn burner let's look at bonnie rebecca let's look at henia mania let's look is he this my favorite let's look at izzy davis is a great example it's true okay five years later who have they become and what is the difference they've made not only did these people discredit themselves they discredited the vegan movement timothy chief timothy chief the vegan prince as he was once called again he became a very prominent vegan leader in athens what who is he now who and what has he become and what has he accomplished for the past present future of the vegan movement hey guys hey give the video a thumbs up we got 30 people in the audience we should have 30 thumbs up help people discover okay do you know any other youtube channel that asks these [ __ ] questions has earthling ed ever once come on camera and just said you know what looking back at the last five years who of my colleagues is still here in this movement what have the real outcomes been in this movement or lesser years are you ever going to get this level of honesty and reflection from paul beshear or wayne syong will you just stop turn around look back at the last five years and say hey guess what this basically just [ __ ] up a whole lot of people's lives and didn't accomplish anything positive and hey guess what durianrider and his psychotic sex life really were part of the problem and they still are the fact that people the most prominent and most successful people in the movement were motivated by money fame power respect sex not necessarily in that order for a lot of these people sex was number one those are the type of people who were your leaders it was people with the the moral and ethical character of durianrider because i just want to say this like i i know at least i have at least two or three youtube videos in my channel of me speaking to teenagers over skype right my point is not that there's something bad about talking to teenagers journey writer does that to me constantly when i'm talking to teenagers i've talked to some teenagers this month i have one fan of my channel who's he's male he's still in high school i have another fans of the channel who are in their first year of university and stuff right but like and again you can watch the youtube videos of me talking to these people male or female i'm not trying to seduce them and i'm not trying to build up my own fame and i'm not trying to sell ebooks i'm not trying to make money out of it i'm not trying to get laid out of it like you know the younger people i've reached out to it's for exactly the the motivations and reasons that are so explicitly iterated and reiterated on my channel again and again and again uh you know so that's how i've played the game and i have how long is my track right now eight years ten years like it's again so i said earlier here's a statement from freely about how scandalous during writer's sex life is it isn't it isn't defamation or slander for me to quote this statement freely guess what none of my ex-girlfriends have ever said anything like that about me not not even i'm sorry ex-girlfriend no woman who has ever met me has ever said anything like this about me on the internet it's all been a fiction invented out of thin air by durianrider it's been real defamation okay that's a kind of negative inference the absence of scandal the absence of innuendo about myself okay but guess what you also have positive evidence you have all the evidence of how i actually have been living my life how i actually have been talking to women and men young and old the message i've been delivering again and again and again and by the way that includes what i had to say to people like maddie limberner and so on where i said look you know what you know what kid don't get by on your looks i know you can i know maddie lin burner is capable of getting buying looks i know essen o'neill is capable of getting better sorry the ultimate nina and randa test bag oh god test bagging oh uh oh the one is in hawaii now um forgetting her name claire michelle claire michelle great example clara whether it was claire michelle test bag who dropped out of high school to do this thing to do this thing you see right here test whether it's claire michelle tess begg or nina and randa what i'm saying to them look you really need to cultivate the life of the mind like you need to develop yourself as an intellectual that's what i've been saying to young women again and again and again and guys it may not be university not everyone gets to go to university you may live in a country where all the universities are crap i live in canada i don't know a single university here i can say anything positive about i used to live in cambodia i used to live in thailand i knew one young woman so i knew her in canada but she was born and raised in thailand and she went to university in thailand for one day and she could see it was so bad she got the refund you know she was like look this is not like i see what this is this institution and she ended up you know years later she went to canada to get a university education canada where also the universities are terrible but dude i'm not saying university education is for everyone like you know and today all the books you need you can order off amazon like literally the [ __ ] every single textbook used in every university in the world certainly in english this is not actually some languages it's not true chinese it's hard to get university textbooks in chinese but anyway if we're talking about the english language english or german or french you can get the books you can do the learning and you can without a university you can become someone of real intellectual substance of real moral integrity who you are intellectually emotionally ethically that's what really matters and look at what the [ __ ] happened to henia mania look at what's left of her today look at what's left of any of these people frankly tess begg she's a [ __ ] basket case she's the youngest of all of them look it's what's left of nina miranda seriously look at the [ __ ] ruin of a human being of nina nelson and and randa nelson look at them ruinous it's pathetic you know guess what you you you bought into durian riders lie about what the meaning of life is you bought into this model of the meaning of life where the only thing that matters is showing off your uh your abdominal muscles showing off how lean your abdomen is showing off your body on the internet to earn a living and you know guess what long term now you're a middle-aged woman and you look it's theoretically possible to be a fitness influencer and develop the musculature and leanness of your midriff while also developing yourself intellectually nobody does it i mean you know it's so incredibly scarce have you ever met a stripper who also develops yourself in this way it's possible there's nothing stopping you but most people don't because they're making a meaningless life their priority and look guys look i'm really opposed to people watching sports on tv like men waste a shed load of time watching football on tv they waste all this time watching ice hockey on tv soccer football whatever okay i'm really opposed to that but if you said to me is it impossible to be a sports fan and also develop yourself intellectually and and in the way you're describing to have the life of the mind of course it's possible okay it's possible but nobody does it right is it possible to develop the life of the mind while being a competitive poker player being really like a an inveterate gambler being a gambling addict and like a really serious gambler look i can't tell you that's impossible but in reality nobody does it and if you talk to those people and talk about what their whole life is like when you have a life that's built around competitive poker playing you'll start to see why well guess what look at nina and randa look at look at the warning i gave them five years ago and look at what the [ __ ] is left of them today look at bonnie rebecca look at any of these other people okay and guys these are not the worst case scenario because the worst case scenarios are all people who deleted their youtube channel without a trace deleted their instagram without a chase and some of them are already dead okay the vast majority of negative examples because there's a brief digression i just say this okay if you walk around the city of victoria the city i'm in is called victoria if you walk around the city of victoria you only see the vegan restaurants that are still in business you need someone with a long memory to point out to you and talk to you about all the places that used to be vegan that are now gone without a trace okay you only see the youtube videos the youtube channels the internet personalities who are still successful enough to be a going concern look at stella ray wow what an example what stella ray another disciple of dorian writer look at her today it's pathetic what if stella ray was your daughter what if stella ray was your sister how bad would you feel for her and she's not the worst case nerd i mean look at vegan cheetah look at what's left of him you know i mean but my point is this no matter how pathetic stellare is no matter how pathetic kenya mania is these are people who are really pitiable what's left of them today once during writer and freely are done with them frankly once they're done with living that life and pursuing that dream the key the most important thing of all are the the stores that are just gone the store has closed and disappeared there's nothing left on the map to mark that used to be there there used to be vegan bakeries here there used to be vegan restaurants and it's easy to tell yourself veganism is a great success story because you're only seeing the successful examples right and look so everything i've just said about the lifestyle activism model the permanent vacation model the durian writer and freely model how many youtube channels have disappeared that were from those people who really believed in pouring blood on themselves and holding up a sign and chanting on the street i've known a few of those people face to face who did that for a number of years i know one woman who still runs a um an animal rescue shelter one of these places and she knows she's honest with me i know she's honestly it's ruined her life it has completely ruined her life and her whole life revolves around doing fundraising never having enough money for the veterinary care for the animals providing the food and literally chasing around and cleaning up these animals on a farm where the animals aren't happy and the humans aren't happy it just perpetuates their lives until they die a horrible dirty death you know it's just awful being with these animals as they get older and older and their health falls apart you can't kill them you can't you know put them down because it's a vegan rescue shelter just how horrible her whole life is now doing this thing she thought was going to be ethically wonderful was going to help transform the world and create a vegan planet so you know she has no youtube channel she has no weapons she isn't coming out and talking about our life is ruined by vegan activism most people just stop most people go back to eating meat and so on too right but like i'm just saying the negative impact including the particular teenage girl i mean she was a teenager once i started i forget when i interviewed you it's possible when i interviewed her it's possible she turned 20 or 21 but when she started she was a teenager in high school um she has no youtube channel today she has no web presence there's nothing you can find and she has no the only video you can see telling her story is my interview with her and i i don't think she goes all the way on that she doesn't talk about how following durianrider and freely and moving to chiang mai and gaining a ton of weight on this diet and if it didn't ruin her life it seriously impacted her life for at least five years at a crucial stage right so you know again the most important negative consequences and indications they've disappeared from the internet without a trace um and i ask you who's asking these questions you know who is asking the questions millions of dollars millions were donated to black lives matter babe could you just grab the front part of the new york times all right okay just just an example okay new york times magazine i've searched on the internet okay i have not been able to find one editorial or one article in the new york times ever asking the question where did the millions of dollars go the money donated to the black lives matter movement what happened asking tough questions and doing investigative research to find to find out answers now i think there are some other newspapers that are asking those questions right that's the good news for that specific example okay millions of dollars in hundreds of years of people's lives have gone into vegan foundations vegan charities vegan organizations the new york times is never going to ask that question they're never going to say where did the money go what were the outcomes never all right and when you scale it up when you look at on a huge scale all right you have a planet that's dealing with acid pardon me ocean acidification you know it's dealing with climate change under various headings terrible irreversible life-altering climate change the melting of the polar ice caps so on and so forth all right we have this whole [ __ ] political discourse going on that we can supposedly solve this problem through solar panels while everyone goes on eating pork and bacon three meals a day all this crap like oh yeah the whole world is gonna keep on eating cows and pigs and chickens we're gonna keep on having billions of these animals on earth we're gonna keep feeding these billions of animals and having them pooing in all the rivers and lakes with untreated sewage on a scale of billions and billions of animals to feed billions and billions of humans [ __ ] unnecessary unhealthy you know oh oh but you know um oh we can solve the problem by driving to the beach to when you go on beach vacation instead of taking an airplane no no [ __ ] i have seriously seen this argued like in england people are saying instead of flying to spain they're going to drive they're going to take the ferry in their car and drive from england to spain because that's going to solve global warming that's that's what's going on okay billions of dollars all right i have never seen any other youtube channel asking the question sorry a vegan youtube channel at least but to be honest even the meat eaters they don't really ask these these questions right guys we're running out of time we're running out of time for the planet when you look at ocean acidification the other really serious really irreversible effects of climate change right we're running out of time and you and i are running out of time because we're gonna die all right you have only so many years on this planet and that is part of why i'm so passionate and saying to you don't become a gambling addict don't go skiing i'm morally opposed to downhill skiing guys you know because a waste of time is is a moral and ethical problem you've only got so many hours of the day and so many months a year where you're really mentally sharp if you have a two-week vacation from work don't spend it downhill skiing i'm serious i'm against gambling i'm against downhill skiing and i'm against the whole model of the permanent vacation that these people fall now again just just want to say the restaurants that closed and went out of business you can't see when you're getting the tour of the city when you're walking down the street you only see the successful examples okay the most successful person in the permanent vacation category the perma vacation lifestyle and his career was really in part created by freely the banana girl because she promoted him on his youtube channel is james aspy what is left of james aspie today all right and let's be real how much better a person could james aspie be if he had started following my advice just five years ago if he had followed the isil mazzard model instead of the freely and durianrider model all right maybe i'm an irrepressible optimist i really think there's a better person james asked me could be today if he had lived his life my way if i didn't believe that i wouldn't say this [ __ ] to you okay and we can go through the list of all the other people like james aspie you know okay let's let's take a [ __ ] look at joey carmstrong when i was in chiang mai thailand he was still in chiang mai supporting durianrider eating durianrider's diet and very unhappy that he was getting fatter and fatter on journey writer's diet that was part of their conflict was that the diet didn't work okay he was very much in dorian ryder's shadow until quite some time after my confrontation with durianride i remember being more than a year after my competition but if not about one year at least one year let's put let's put it that way and then finally he stood up and rebelled against durianrider and coincidentally or not that was really part of him spreading his wings and becoming much more experienced as a vegan actress now very two very different guys joey carp strong and uh uh james aspie james aspy part of the problem is ongoing drug use right here's history he's ongoing drugs right james actually part of the problem is the sex life yeah yes uh but james aspie when he had this controversy about the stock market him trying to get rich out of uh cryptocurrency he set out very clearly and honestly what his conception of vegan activism was and how he planned to change the world through this kind of lifestyle activism that what he wanted to do was become rich and famous and handsome and sexy and then have other people want to be like him it was basically we could put it this way it was the durian rider model on steroids right he wanted his own celebrity status his own lifestyle of totally reckless endless childish self-indulgence right him on the beach with his girlfriend in a bikini him living a lavish lifestyle as a vegan he wanted that to change the world that was his model of activism i am here asking you five years later like i mean today looking at today in the context of the last five years what is left of that broken down ruin of a man what the [ __ ] is left of james aspie what the [ __ ] is left of henya mania all right it's no coincidence and guys you know like i'm not full of optimism how much better a person could joey carbstrong be how much better a person could earthling head be how much better a person could win xiang be you know you know i admit i'm not that optimistic i'm really not how much better a person could bonnie rebecca be or a test bag or uh sorry the one his name i give him michelle claire michelle you know better okay they could be better than they are now how much better i can't say but yes they could be living a better life if they were living it my way and those people could be powerful effective advocates for a vegan future for a vegan movement if they were living their lives my way and they can't and they won't because they didn't because they instead lived durianrider's way all right period and i'm going to tell you something i think the damage is permanent i think james asked me could have turned his life around five years ago and now he can't and he won't and he never will i think it's game over from him say the same about richard being gained you guys know i was positive and encouraging to richard for years and years and years before i started coming on youtube and saying look you know richard this is really dark this is really messed up before i started really criticizing him in a harsher and more more condemning way okay yeah you know what um maybe eight years ago maybe seven years ago at some point richard i think could have turned it around it could have started living a better life and he didn't this was the path he got on right and there is no saving him today i mean with a lot of these people i just feel it's a matter of time before i get the because someone sends me an email letting me know that they're dead you know that's it you know there's i have no hope whatsoever so guys i wouldn't be saying this to you if i didn't think it mattered not just in some abstract sense of a society of millions of people the future or climate change right i'm talking about you i'm talking about the immediate future for your for your life right and right in this video i haven't even gotten into there are even worse leaders for the good movement so we just got to mention in the in the comments about being uh put in prison for terrorism right there are a lot of forms of vegan activism that'll put you in jail and there were a lot of people on youtube you know making excuses for it okay guys so look that was my update on this i think i'm going to wrap up the video there i will just mention i mean i thought i would read this stuff out but it's probably kind of boring it's just on a lower intellectual level than everything we've talked about here but the emails i've had from durianrider many of them are posted on my blog i can give you this link right now this gives you i mean like i would feel embarrassed it's a gentleman don't want to waste your time i don't want to provide you with a hundred pages of emails but you know this is a link to a long list of emails that i received from durianrider the sad fact is that after the end of this list of emails he continued writing to me and fundamentally nothing in his attitude has changed nothing in his act has changed he reverted to trying to bully me trying to extort me and directly threatening to invent lies about my sex life and then put them on the internet in a way that would ruin my professional reputation so we're getting like in terms of a court of law we're getting a full modus operandi here right we're getting a full and like you know he is threatening me and he's demanding that i delete my own videos and so on and that if i don't um you know he he's saying that he's going to make up lies about my relations with teenage girls and he's saying the police will go after me uh so on and so forth so it's you know and he claims he uh he has facebook posts he can use against me that will i use screenshots of facebook presumably facebook i made or something or a facebook post of other people uh saying these things about me so you know he claims he has something that uh socrates said about me i should give you guys my my blog update i had a blog uh whatever happened to socrates and uh what there was another one on um uh whatever happened to you you mentioned a minute ago the girl from california izzy david there you go yeah those are two good blog posts i should give you guys you know so you know i know it would be nice to imagine that uh so i'm just giving a synopsis here of the email rather than you know reading it out to you guys it would be nice to imagine that durianrider had made some kind of progress had made some kind of intellectual ethical change where he now looked back on what happened in 2016 and realized that was wrong and he wouldn't do it again but the hilarious thing is not only is that untrue he is doing the same thing again he is doing the same thing right now and this is also true into in terms of his lies about health and diet advice by the way i have a youtube video of him so i a video from his channel that i that i downloaded where he's making things up off the top of his head about hashimoto's syndrome i mean he makes up bizarre health claims you know just to market his own over-the-top diet advice to his fans he is still trading in pseudoscience he is still trading in ridiculous unscientific or pseudoscientific claims about health and diet he is still denouncing defaming and bullying people and and even me in particular even someone who's demonstrated how hard he is to intimidate like i'm guess what i'm a hard person to intimidate not going to win this way even someone like myself he is still very much up to his old tracks he is still doing the same things he was doing in 2016 continuously without any improvement without any change [Laughter] so when we come back to the question that opened this youtube video what if i hadn't stood up against durianrider right what if i hadn't taken a stand i can tell you how the world would be a different place because i know durianrider would still be doing the terrible damage to the vegan movement in general and the terrible damage to particular people's lives that he was doing before he hasn't changed what has changed is the political context surrounding him and yeah god damn it i changed