Ryan from HHV: Vegans Against Violence and Defamation? (Happy Healthy Vegan)

13 January 2017 [link youtube]

A casual conversation with Ryan from HHV about defamation and slander… and his peculiar approach to dealing with these controversies (basically by supporting whomever he happens to be friends with, or, apparently, whoever is the closest to downtown Los Angeles at the time, with zero interest in the facts, and zero interest in the consequences for either the individuals or the movement as a whole).

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i minus y n right i hope you've recorded
this and you can walk about watch your back later Ryan I've explained you very clearly I'm a man of principle even if durianrider is being harmed even if it is durianrider who is being defamed by cheetah I say this is bad and wrong although durianrider is not my friend okay therefore if you want a man of principle I'm going to finish this sentence Ryan because you have trouble understanding me if you were a man of principle lion you would care that someone like vegan cheetah is engaging in serious defamation against others even if they are not your friends whether it's durianrider or Anna Scanlon or me cheetah is someone who has done bad things that have serious consequences and yes you have a moral responsibility to do more than the bullshit you have been doing if you're a man with any shred of moral decency and that new can I just say I also had the experience of trying to be his friend and trying to be supportive and trying to be understanding and trying to assume the best about his intentions but the reality is we're talking about someone who has acted with real malice who's really defamed people is really slander people just had a negative impact not only on their lives as individuals but who has had a negative impact in the vegan movement and the question of many people don't know this now because people forget what happened three months ago or six months ago on the internet at a time when cheetah was really supporting me publicly he had supported me during my fundraiser I criticize cheetah even when he was defaming durianrider for me on point of principle I came out and said no although it's wrong when durianrider defame me it's just as wrong when she did the same durianrider and that's when she just stopped being my friend because from his perspective idea to criticize him at that time in the definition he said about during writer maybe wasn't so serious but he was saying that during writer had eight hiv/aids he alleged during writer was sleeping with a 16 year old that you know he was sleeping with Julia bore a number of other lives like that he military writer and at that time which was immediately after my fundraiser when he sported me I said look this is over the line is it I don't care if you're my friend of mine i don't care if during writers infernum enemy even though during maybe literally my worst enemy and I'm still in court with them now there's a line and this is the line you don't cross so that's how I dealt with it even though I was friends with cheetah for quite a long time up to that point and that's how he dealt with it did it are you I issuing a suggestion for i'm not i would be a fit are you offering a suggestion on how to deal with it like cut it off completely because that work it work when I know him obviously I try to make it a point to go they almost all vegan youtubers and I just kind of them what's what I'm looking for kind of randomly got to know him because just because he was brought out the Los Angeles for that source conference so I know you you you know for any various reasons and stuff like that any what I'm getting at is I um when I meet vegans who I disagree with I you know I don't take at active like namakkal to differ and I take a tactic of dialogue diplomacy engagement I find that to be my my tactic my strength as far as like trying to get my my two cents over to their great okay but but not with me yeah yeah Brian look we're all imperfect human beings I don't hold you to an impossible heist and I really don't and I really believe and that also relates to my situation with cheetah back when cheetah people were asking me to denounce him because he was using the n-word on camera he was using coarse language and racist terminology and homophobic slurs from time to time and I am actually very forgiving of other people might not get said about me but I can remember for a long time saying well you know cheetah comes from you know he's of ex-convict he does swear he someone says racist things but you know he has good intentions this kind of thing I want you a long period of being very forgiving towards him but you know you've just claimed that you're into engagement people you know you made no attempt to engage me and that's fine we're all human moment so many hours in the day I mean you you know but but I just say you don't actually have a code of that kind when there was a video you disagree with with me you didn't talk to me you've never sent me a single you know you never talk to me back from the dhuryam writer thing what's happening you've ever talked me any stage after that this is the first would ever spoken in any format you've never sent me a Facebook message and you know you and so many people had taken up here cause I guess Carl's being the main one back then I mean I did that but that's that's not what my point is not to complain that I wanted more attention for you I didn't I wasn't asking for your attention my point is you've just claimed you've just claimed that you treat cheetah the same way you treat everyone else that you try to engage with somebody where there's a problem and I'm telling you really in practice that's not true I'm sympathetic I understand why but no you are choosing to ally yourself with cheetah and not even to talk to me when does controversy what you're describing about your mo which I understand the human reality is something else we can't deal with every situation that way you could have at any point whether it was the jury and writer thing or the need or anything you could have at any point sent me an email and you didn't that's okay but I'm just asking you to acknowledge or you know you don't do it now listening you were fighting this there actually is a big gap to what you're saying your mo is and what your elbow actually is in the situation age with people who I already have some kind of relationship of some kind with it could be right one time I know them i really don't watch your content don't take it personal i don't want all that much youtube content so i really don't i really know very much i know this Ryan this started off with you basically trying to claim that you're not supporting cheetah and now basically you're acknowledging you do support treat up because he's your friend because you have to know him that's very human I understand but that's the reality by which is enemy the reality is the way you treat someone like cheetah and the way you treat someone like during writer is very different from the way you treated me and you have shown zero interest in the facts in any of those cases briefly like you know you know the story Ryan I don't care I'm not either i'm not i wasn't asking for attention some of my fans were in order to write you right now look at the comment section there are still people who because of the misinformation campaign against me by vegan cheetah think i stole six thousand thousand dollars do you think you are neutral in a situation where cheetah is defaming Lee sheet is the same llevo criminal allegations about my ex-wife that I'm a wife beater sheet is defaming me saying I stole six thousand five hundred dollars fraud and you think you're neutral you think you just engage with everyone equally you don't you are taking sides you're just ignorant of what the sides are ok serious defamation you just have no interest in what the fights situation is this broadcasters I can give you an equally long list of slanderous things that cheetah its name oh really really financial problem white beating a soul that I'm facing assault charges and they stole six thousand five and dollars in aunt financial fraud has he made allegations that serious about you and you're still as friends really because you didn't lift a finger with me and out at the other end of that situation yeah it wouldn't be asking a lot to you Ryan for you too if you think you're neutral you could have heard two sides the story and you never have you've only taken interest in one side of the story and those are very serious forms of information there's negative impacts of the vegan movement and negative impacts on me it's not a game Ryan if you think I'm asking you to help me your willfully ignoring what I've said to you very clearly I have never once asked gentlemen it's the sound I can't look at it so Ryan what what was my actual point Ryan eyes when I gotta move on I it sounds more dance I'll give you one more shot to explain what what letter client is quickly like anything 20 yeah yeah Ryan Ryan I hope you've recorded this and you can walk about watch your back later Ryan I've explained you very clearly I'm a man of principle even if durianrider is being harmed even if it is durianrider who is being defamed by cheetah I say this is bad and wrong although during writer is not my friend okay therefore if you are a man of principle I'm going to finish this sentence Ryan because you have trouble understanding me if you are a man of principle Ryan you would care that someone like vegan cheetah is engaging in serious defamation against others even if they are not your friends whether it's durianrider or Anna Scanlon or me cheetah is someone who has done bad things that have serious consequences and yes you have a moral responsibility to do more than the bullshit you have been doing if you're a man with any shred of moral decency understand