Jon Venus, Fake Vegans Jump Around.

17 December 2019 [link youtube]

Sources quoted in the video. (1) Title: "5000BPH/6000BPH/8000BPH chicken slaughterhouse, chicken processing line, chicken dressing plant" Link:

(2) Jon Venus, "Am I REALLY Vegan! Handling the Hate😡" Link:

(3) Jump Around remake by


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a little bit pissed off right now a
couple days ago I posted a video about me experimenting with eggs a very short experiments done in the way that I thought was worth it but the video got picked up by a lot of other vegan youtubers who basically send a lot of hate ten tens vegan gains now I'm not here to talk bad about anyone I want to talk about what is the meaning of veganism and also how to handle hate so if you take a look at the official definition of veganism from the vegan society it says veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude as far as as possible and practicable all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food clothing or any other purpose instead of animals but animals and any human beings because what I'm seeing in the vegan movement and a very small part of the vegan movement a very very small part but very latter part what I'm seeing is the exact opposite veganism for me personally is about compassion and empathy that is why I have it tattooed on my hand my wrist it's about health it's not about by building building muscle this is not about anything other than an ethical choice because my empathy and compassion for animals can someone tell me why we're forgetting that human beings are also animals it is extremely hypocritical just say that you love animals and they you do have anything for them and then do the exact opposite towards your fellow human beings you are not perfect you're the furthest from perfect that is even possible there is no perfection and being a human being and seeking it and trying to achieve it is stupid that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to be better and try to be more empathetic compassionate and positive and happy but it means we should stop criticizing and hating on other people for not meeting your own expectations it's not about you it's not about here why are we judging people hating people trying to bring people down and doing everything you can to make those people feel bad why do you have no context for who they are as a human being