Don't Date a Youtuber. Don't. @hiding in my room @Kristen Leo

25 November 2021 [link youtube]

Oh, what, you think I have nothing in common with HIMR and Kristen Leo? When the camera's off, you think I'm not, like, 50% HIMR and 50% K-Leo, in real life? 哈哈哈哈哈哈😂

Credit for the music goes to Benedict Grey:

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

some people need to stop being so nasty towards women i mean can we show some respect to women this hottie over here just turned 30 like a month ago i've not yet had breakfast so a shot of portuguese liquor is what i'm having so they want to see you cry and they want to see that you have feelings for them here is to be 30 years old with no kids no husband no loans and no responsibilities not even a boss what's she doing now oh she's standing outside [Music] she's watching the stream no she's stripping [Music] i saw what he said about me and i'm upset so daniel has been this poker face guy for like how many months been holding holding it in and biting his tongue woman one emotion don't really want to have the up and down i probably self sabotage and ruin the relationship myself by being grumpy all the time i'm like a grumpy miserable boring guy to be dating i can't even be bothered to get out of bed until like 3 p.m or 1 p.m only because i desperately need to pee i just it's just so much easier to sit here playing games all day and i kind of want to step in the face but i'm not gonna do it i didn't say you're annoying leave me alone you're fake as [ __ ] what did you expect i was gonna do obviously i want to film and vlog what i'm doing if you're so against people filming or talking about you then don't hook up with a bloody youtuber she thought she hooked up with you right a youtuber so obviously she expect that you will film something and create some drama because daniel has always been that drama queen sort of guys right his channel is all about him being an [ __ ] so she expected that subconsciously she was looking for that in fact there were quite a few girls uh who are fans of daniel and and slept with him but more than that because they crave the drama because daniel has been everything but boring leave me alone you're fake as [ __ ] you know guys the reason why i like daniel is because he's honest on his channel but actually he's just faking it and he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and yes i'm mad by by taking that away from the equation daniel has become this like soulless emotionless uh drama-free but also boring guy and i know i probably sound entitled and i guess you could say well why do you expect to be able to have all these great things and have ultimate happiness as a human being when you're not willing to put in the work and you're not willing to put in the effort to achieve or accomplish those things why is why should you just be handed it and yeah i guess that's true i can't really argue against that i don't imagine that there were many women before me that had the option to just not get married not have any kids you know they were usually if they didn't want to do that stuff and their family supported them in that they would usually be forced to either become a nun or a priestess or something like that which maybe would have been better than my current reality i get moody and grumpy and end up not wanting to do anything i just want to stay at home and play video games and watch youtube and then the girlfriend gets fed up with me because that's not what girls want to do they want to go out and have fun and have a fulfilling life not just sitting at home all day playing video games that's just kind of what people do when they're all depressed and they don't have any drive in life and i guess that's just really unappealing and unattractive and that's probably why i keep getting dumped over and over again one more little toast to being hot and 30 and unavailable emotionally