Climate Change, a Vegan Perspective, by Mady Blueberry.

05 August 2016 [link youtube]

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globo [ __ ] warming god dammit this is
a real actual issue like in no time of it was this [ __ ] heat that's outside this clock that I got right here is gonna [ __ ] look like a salad or dolly [ __ ] painting someone needs to do something about this luis got global warming or climate change whatever the [ __ ] you will call it deniers honestly it's enough evidence that's the bikini sizes I'm going down oh this is what people were and now people they looking at this by the way we're coming out in 20-30 years dying Antarctica is gonna be a [ __ ] tiny ass desert island with the bearded stinky man talking to a [ __ ] beach ball with some health and two eyes drawn with blood like honestly the [ __ ] statue of liberty is probably going to have to become a stripper that [ __ ] dress it's not appropriate for the amount of heat there is and we all know that the argument of any denial of climate change is probably going to melt with this planet's ice caps what could possibly argue that you know the sea level isn't rising and it's just people are becoming so [ __ ] obese that it's actually just a continent sinking into the bottom of the ocean I guess I guess that would probably also explain the amount of cow farts you know one can only speculate honestly people if we don't fix this problem then I'm just gonna I'm just gonna have to I'm gonna cry okay I'm gonna cry if we don't fix the problem I don't have to cry and you don't want to see me cry what are you to these you know uh deniers local warming isn't real because it's cool where I live today [ __ ] kill me you have no idea how it actually works just look at the [ __ ] grab look at this one look at this image and tell me that that ice cap didn't become smaller and cause these four [ __ ] penguins to have to bundle on a [ __ ] iceberg honestly it's so goddamn hot corn on the cob is probably turning it to [ __ ] pop corn on the cob by now climate changes real guys we're all gonna die by 2050 but guys seriously here is my biggest concern we need to stop global warming look at the [ __ ] killing Aquaman keep this up honestly I think I'm gonna move my room into the inside of my fridge I guess it's not that bad if we don't fix this problem then I'm just gonna I'm just gonna have to I'm gonna cry okay I'm gonna cry Oh No