Doja Cat "Mooo!" (I'm a Cow) ALBUM REVIEW

02 October 2018 [link youtube]

If you want to click through to the song being reviewed… it went well above 20 million views in its first month, and then was UNLISTED…

Yes, believe it or not, this channel has a playlist of videos for "Rap Music / Hip Hop (Commentary)".

And if you'd like to hear more of the song that ISN'T reviewed in this video, but pops up in the second half, it's by C-Swag, found here:


Yes, I think that one (n = 1) of the supporters paying to support new content on Patreon is there for this reason… but more than one (n = 2) of the women in my life got in touch with me in the first place with rap music as the reason/pretext… so… yeah, I should probably just transition to doing nothing but album reviews and hip-hop commentary at this point. :-/

Youtube Automatic Transcription

thank God I don't understand if this is
like a vegan this statement being idle or if it's just like a random and intentionally trying to go viral kind of thing you're 16 you're a high school dropout and you start doing the music [ __ ] I'm a cow to you today it's a political message meaning here is more than just about you know me in oh that's the point of the titties I brought nothing to this video because I don't even know what I just saw I got a cheeseburger in vegan ah I don't hate vegans I just don't give a that you're vegan stop oh my thighs stop shoving it down my throat I don't know I feel that way I like animals but I also eat them oh I'm conflicted I'm with her on that I do eat cows I hate vegans I don't give a [ __ ] that you're vegan stop shoving it down my [ __ ] throat I don't care great what you're doing thank you for helping the cows and the stuff and the amps and the [ __ ] fruit flies and [ __ ] that's great do that and I'm really happy for you keep doing it because I like animals but I also eat them um so I'm kind of conflicted considering like I don't know people love cheeseburgers you know that's one of the biggest businesses is the beef industry you know industry whatever I couldn't find any cute like gifts for like cows and like burgers and I was looking for like cute little dancing cheeseburgers I could only find like one I couldn't find anything only thing I could find a big cow that I thought was worth it is really like that we've cows and yeah the week regs I didn't know the story at first watch it I'm like do they really go out to a farm and put a big thang all they did that I mean that blue one it's hard because it was like that the wind was blowing so out of the week stay on the cow you must have had the lace front this is the most hypocritical thing I've ever done in my life let's just admit it I'm going up to a cow I want to pet him with beef tenderloin in my knapsack I can still love you I'm sorry I want to pet you want to pet this cow do cows bite Hey hey buddy oh my god anybody oh my god all that is so gold I've never touched a cow before guys I feel like such [ __ ] on this diet like it's not like I'm not an animal lover it's such hypocrisy I know that I feel it it sucks and hopefully we won't have to be doing this too much longer [Music]