Izzy Davis is ex-vegan; Plantriotic is a coward.

05 June 2018 [link youtube]

If you want the link to see Izzy Davis eating meat (and talking about eating meat), here it is:



Plantriotic has a name that's pretty easy to find via google:


Both of the videos quoted from his channel had "Durianrider" in the title, e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=905Npkwn40E

Youtube Automatic Transcription

people think you're a hater but people
have they're saying crazy things about you and about Raja for calling you a cult leader everyone who follows you is a whatever it is a cult we encourage people get healthy we encourage you to ride bikes or sustainable transport encourage people to be transferred and help people and shared tough love so in that aspect it definitely is a cult I'm gonna deal with two related with separate issues in this video both pertaining to Izzy and her ex-boyfriend plant trionic pledge erotic recently brought out a video condemning Izzy Davis I guess as politely as possible for the fact she is now I'm making this video not to hate on either of these two women I'm actually not going to be talking about Izzy at all it's just it's in the same light why I think both Izzy and Lexi after years of being vegans and knowing about the ethical reasons why they dropped veganism and started eating animal products again and the title this video states not merely that she's stopped being vegan but that she never really was vegan that to me conjures up memories of the the old straightedge movement is he just like me I struggled with disordered eating and she felt that it was really important in her recovery to completely take any restriction out of her lifestyle and eat animal products once in a while straightedges an ideology that has nothing to do with veganism but a significant number of voices and veganism were involved with straightedge before they joined the vegan movement and significant whenever you're looking at any political ideology not just to examine the ideology and isolation not just to think of a political identity as a hat that someone picked out of the department store and decided stop wearing but to think of it in terms of what it might be replacing what in their mind it might be contrasted to indeed what it might be liberating them from a lot of the time we adopt one label we adopt one political identity precisely to enunciate what it is that were not it's an act of Contra distinction to give an example for my own life the single most liberal Christian convert ever met ie the most liberal person I met who chose to convert to Christianity was born in the religion was someone who was instead born Muslim so for her becoming Christian was a choice to reject what was restrictive if you like about Islam so even though it's the same religion her version of Christianity or what Christianity meant to her was much much different than it would be for someone who was say born Buddhist or born and raised a theist and who made the decision to convert to Christianity from that position of perspective so in this same way we have a lot of people looking for different types of meaning within the movement and with different expectations what they're looking for and what it is they want to differentiate themselves from what is they want to separate themselves from when they had to choose to identify as vegan or when they embrace some other more specific identity within the movement so was very strange for me to see this particular reproach against as he Davis not merely that she stopped being vegan now but she never was my main problem with Plantronics approach here is that it is cowardly it makes me sad when my friends think that they need for their health to harm animals but it's a free world and I guess you can do whatever you want and the idea of cowardice is the segue between two topics posed in this video because he responded to accusations of cowardice many times in connection to durianrider and my struggle with durianrider in court in the past few days some of you have called me and my girlfriend cowards for not sticking up for ourselves on behalf of the hateful and unjust comments that durianrider made to Izzy my girlfriend a few months back it's cowardly that in this video plant trionic name's izzy davis Oates her for being an ex vegan but then rather than criticizing is he davis he states a disclaimer that he loves and support whatever decision she made and launches into a parallel critique of a different thinking youtuber who is no ekend it's a very strange frankly very passive-aggressive way to lash out at your ex-girlfriend for giving up on veganism and as stated in this video allegedly is he has somewhere on social media publicly addressed this i googled around i couldn't find anywhere i didn't see anything on her youtube channel that addressed the fact that she is now ex vegan but he states that he has license stuck with us publicly because is he already has disclosed it in the case of izzy by the way the reason i don't feel bad saying any of this is is he put out all this information on the internet people looked up dizzy davis and i don't think they looked up to her because she was a scantily clad blonde on youtube i think there were just so many scantily clad women giving diet and exercise advice that she would fade into the background if that was the only reason people had to pay attention to her channel i think that with Izzie davis there was the illusion or the possibility that she was going to be a significant leader in the vegan movement in future precisely because she was enrolled in biochemistry at University of California Berkeley she made videos talking about her studies how competitive and difficult the university setting was and I don't think it was unreasonable for people to look to that channel and expect something better expect something more in future than what will be offered by I don't know the innumerable number of fitness and beauty bloggers all over the internet now within the vegan movement of course her announcing that she's an ex vegan instead makes it clear that what we can expect henceforth is something much much less plant trionic in his you know air SATs criticism of her III do find it very strange because he instead criticizes this other youtuber after dis claiming that he's not going to criticize is he davis and the question he he's sort of hinting at again again is how can you make it out how can you pretend that this is is too difficult for you to accomplish given the other challenges in your life that you are overcoming and you know on a human face to face level I have asked other people in my life that same question including sometimes professors co-workers friends relatives or what have you um whatever you know psychological problems you may have whatever gastronomic problems you have whatever practical organizational problems you may have in transitioning to a vegan diet or sustaining a vegan diet because in some cases it's not easy I recognize the difficulties infinite across-the-board if you're capable of having your act together enough to get into University of California Berkeley to study for prepare for your exams your essays to compete at that level if intellectually you're at a high enough caliber and again sorry I shouldn't even say intellectually if you're just at that level of self-discipline and a rigger why would it be unsustainable for you to consistently choose to buy soy milk rather than the cow milk to buy vegan ice cream rather than non vegan ice cream to make the effort to beans lentils broccoli you name it instead of the non vegan alternatives and I wonder - is there something comforting in taking this identity away from a person from claiming as he does no justification I mean it it just doesn't make sense to me that the fact that you're not vegan now means that you you never really work is there some kind of comforting illusion there that there's some something essential there's something that marks us the vegans who remain vegan as intrinsically ineluctably different from the people who try it and fail is it comforting just to think that would never happen to me that would never happen to someone like me whatever misfortune or weakness that's entails is something I can't find in my own psychology something that's that's wholly alien instead of maybe looking at the circumstances that brought us into veganism as really a sort of happy accident and recognizing that if we lived our lives in a slightly different way we might have never heard of veganism might have heard of it ten years later or ten years earlier and we might have very well had to drop out of veganism for all kinds of practical reasons if you've been following this YouTube channel for a while you'll know that one of my most successful videos of all time is advice on how to take the how to take the IQ test for Indian military they have an intelligence test where he's trying to get any military and a lot of people have been sharing the link to that video so there's quite a few viewers now I did sign up to join the Canadian military to fight against Isis back when that was the war they were fighting and if I had joined the military at that time it would have led to my doing very non vegan things I think it probably would have at least occasionally forced me to eat non vegan food you can go go around I have some some people managed to maintain a vegan diet some of the time when they're on active duty depends how active your active duty is I suppose alright and now the segue to the other topic of this video to be honest with you was just about an hour ago that I finally did click on and take a look at what planter Yorick had said about me and my past / ongoing conflict with Duran Ryder I've got some comments literally got some comments saying you are one of durian riders victims how could you support and now it's just the triangle is getting more and more corners the polygon is growing you got durianrider you got freely you got this isil guy you have the Hannah Chloe girl who's now accused during Ryder of sexual assault out himself there's so many points of drama you probably there's a 99.9% chance there's probably a 100% chance that if you think that you have a opinion on this and you've like made a comment oh I hate Jackson for those I hate Izzie for this during writers a terrible person there's no chance that you know every single one of these people personally you're just trusting what they're saying on the internet you're probably not qualified but if it turns out that during Ryder totally made up that information and simply called this guy sexual predator because the guy had criticized during Ryder in a legitimate way in his videos then during Ryder has almost no credibility and makes up lies about other people to destroy them just because they were hating on durianrider that's the biggest sign of narcissism and ego centrism ever so but guess what there's only one person on the planet that knows if during ryder made the video claiming is not a sexual predator simply because he thought he was sexual predator or because he was trying to just defame this guy the only person that really knows that answer is during Ryder himself so everyone else speculating anything is just speculation we can't know what during Ryder's intentions were all we can do is take it in from everyone else's videos that's why the whole thing that [ __ ] show and it's just us talking on the internet but essentially my stance which I think hopefully everyone stances is that if Darren Ryder was lying and making accusations about someone simply because he was criticizing during either then during Ryder has no credibility in my opinion and if during Ryder was doing it because he felt that this guy was a creep and he was trying to help others and I appreciate and respect her either for that so I know I've talked to him online now I'm gonna summarize this video you know I think that she is a really funny entertaining guy I enjoy clicking on his videos but for now I don't know any of this information so my opinion would be I think that he's funny I makes me laugh I like that he spreads the vegan message and he's been nice to me he has not done anything bad to me thus I am open to continuing a relationship with this guy what I see is so despicable in the stance he adopted on this issue is cowardice and it's ironic because in these same videos what he is addressing is apparently a complaint he received from his audience that he was a coward for not standing up to durianrider given the during Ryder had insulted and defamed him had insulted and defamed his girlfriend is he and then he sat down and was flattering towards and courted Fame or support from during Ryder at the first opportunity to do so rather than standing up for I suppose truth and justice I don't think any name-calling personally and I believe he's a good person it's a peculiar fact that in framing my situation with Durham Ryder planetary otic explicitly and repeatedly states that he knows from his own direct experience that during Ryder lies that he lies about unbelievable things because in his own conflict with during Ryder - Ryder lied about him - writer lied about Izzy during writer made up things at a thin air and lied about things that he knew were lies because of his direct connection to the situation he knows he does I think used the word crazy many times to refer to during Ryder but he nevertheless comes to the cowardly conclusion that he's going to continue supporting during Ryder and that it's somehow an open unsolved mystery as to what extent during Ryder was lying for his own convenience to support his own side and to what extent during rider was heroically standing the telling the truth pardon me to what extent your honor was heroically telling the truth in standing up to me but the last thing I'll address is the member that is old drama where like essentially during Ryder accuse this dude of being a sexual predator and being a weirdo and it turns out that the guy had a ton of videos like criticizing during Ryder's philosophy and claimed that he was a sexual predator so let's let's just talk about this issue if during Ryder legitimately thought that this guy was harming women and harming people in a sexual manner and during Ryder made a video exposing that you should 100% be on during Ryder's side that's very heroic to see someone doing injustice and harming someone and then going out publicly and making a video about it absolutely but if it turns out that during Ryder totally made up that information and simply called this guy a sexual predator because the guy had criticized during Ryder in a legitimate way in his videos then during Ryder has almost no credibility and makes up lies about other people to destroy them basically I think his audience are correct that he's been cowardly and you know today I seem to have quite a convivial relationship with vegan foot soldier foot soldier was one of the absolute last true believers in Durham Ryder he lost his faith very very late in the game another guy the glucose network his his real name is Abdullah Abdullah zeyneb one of the last true believers lost his faith late in the game and I believe just yesterday vegan Ava vegan able be a distant memory for most of you vegan Ava just wrote to her today I got a very brief reply from her vegan Ava finally publicly stated that she lost faith and durianrider I already knew that she add six or seven months ago I think she says because at one point the video she made indicted me pointing the finger of me all disappeared from her channel it feels it was about a year ago but I forget one exactly she did that and when she did that when I saw that she had intentionally from her end deleted the videos she made against me I thought ah so she also has joined the list of people who even though they were personal friends with Durham Ryder knew him face to face trust him face to face at some point they realized that everything to him right it was telling them under this heading was a lie and they started to question how many the other things he was saying were dishonest or reflected by intentions I met plants trionic and Ossie Davis face to face in Shanghai that same fateful summer when during Ryder threatened to have me killed threatened have people beat me up so on and so forth when all those when all those things happened and as I recall we sort of spoke to each other for like ten seconds but then we were standing around in the same room together for 15 minutes it's not very memorable and honestly if I found out that it wasn't them it was just somebody else who looked like them I'd shrugged my shoulders and it wouldn't matter but it seemed to be the the two of them it wouldn't take much bravery to do the right thing for him at these circumstances and if he had any doubt cuz he disclaims that he doesn't know which side is right it wouldn't have taken any effort at all for him to reach out to me send me an email get in touch through one of ten different forms of social media and he could have verified you know any of the facts the situation or the other side of the story I made a video just the other day asking a question why is it so hard for a country like Canada or a country like Japan to stand up and do the right thing when there were human rights abuses in Cambodia when democracy in Cambodia is is falling apart now by the same token I understand just how hard it is for country like Canada to stand up and object when there are human rights abuses or corrupt elections in the United States of America and that's not pipe in case you've forgotten the first time that George Bush jr. George W Bush was elected that was a corrupt election absolutely no International Tribunal will regard that as a legitimate election and Canada could have put the US flag at half-mast they could have closed down their embassy they could have in theory stood up and you know walked out of the room and refused to recognize the newly elected president states because those were those were corrupt elections that would be that would have tremendous consequences for Canada it would delos be very hard for Japan to stand up against China but there's something very sad about the fact that none of these countries will take a stand do the right thing even when there is no risk even when there is no cost even when it's just a matter of standing up to Cambodia neither economically nor politically is there any cost or any threat to do the right thing in Cambodia and none of these countries have any interest in doing that so likewise I have to say to plant erotic and Izzy Davis is he Davis who I then spoke to once later than that I remember during a during a live stream I remember I just asked her about the fact situation she didn't want to answer there's a there's a special kind of cowardice involved when there's no risk to yourself when it's so far past the point when everyone has recognized the truth on this even vegan Ava even vegan foot soldier even angry vegan personal friend Tara Meyers when everyone is has figured out the truth when there's no risk and there's no cost anymore and you are still in your cowardly way pointing the finger at me when there's there's absolutely nothing crazy low in carbs like that's crazy look like I think between probably start around 60 grams a day and drop it down so that I'm technically by definition in ketosis which is like 20 grams of carbs a day so freakin everything I like has carbs everything I eat and this is gonna be different it's gonna be different do it soon uh is it safe tension I got no wow pink salmon wild king salmon can Sardi's oh my god look at the bags probably protein some fat in one sentence of protein heavy grams of protein zero grams of carbs