The ex-vegan ex-girlfriend phenomenon. #NotSatire

14 March 2021 [link youtube]

Co-starring "Joe Vegan", whose youtube channel (and younow channel) have long since disappeared (along with his commitment to the future of the vegan movement, I might add).

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#joevegan #veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i think what's happened here is i didn't personally attack anyone but what it is with veganism is veganism becomes a part of somebody's identity it was a massive part of my identity and my personal reasons for no longer wanting to be vegan shake that identity [Music] according to her post she's in a relationship for three years her boyfriend had been a vegan and when they moved in together he asked her to try out the diet everything was okay at first but apparently the author of the post says she started getting cravings for very specific meat products is this real is this stuff real sometimes i wonder if these reddit posts aren't planted because they're too perfect [Music] oh my god what are you doing here what are you doing here what is that this is vegan i would watch matt stoney videos and get so jealous so at least twice a week i would sneak out of the house and say i'm just going to the supermarket or running errands and then i go to mcdonald's and eat a bunch of nuggets or a big chicken i would then quickly go to the grocery store and buy random stuff so he didn't think i was so you thought was really at the supermarket even if she explained herself he still might not be cool with that he'd be like yeah hey what about the vegan thing you were trying now you're dreaming about these mcnuggets over here [Music] it doesn't matter why she was sneaking around the point is that she was lying about it and keeping secrets from him so of course he doesn't trust her anymore and that's true as well yeah maybe maybe there's a discussion to be had yeah so but obviously there will be no chance for that discussion the story's too perfect and we don't we don't have a headline if they don't actually break up so uh yeah are you serious though this isn't even vegan anymore i'm done with it i'm done with you controlling my life i don't want to be confused this was a joint decision at the time i was just trying to aggressively [Music] [Applause] well this is my restaurant and you're making a mess and i don't really appreciate it so you can either go and take your food outside all right people i'm pulling up here to starbucks and i'm about to give the workers a message from the animals hi how are you hey i just want to let you know that dairy is death and you should be ashamed of yourself check out james aspie on youtube he's a hero so from my experience three years in the vegan community and i have been a militant vegan actually went into it and quit very quickly was absorbed into the militant crowd i've been where you are and throughout the three-year period i've always observed others within my community because i truly believe that it belongs to a community i don't anymore i don't even want to if there is a community i don't want to be a part of it i don't want to be vegan there are several types of people in this community and one of the types of people i've noticed are people who have come into this community and they're recovering from some form of eating disorder and i think what it allows them to do is restrict but have something that other people are encouraging them to restrict which is the worst thing i believe you can do for someone with an eating disorder in the name of something which they believe is bigger than themselves and on top of that then you have a group of vegans who exploit those people make money from those people and offer them false promises they do this in the means of like an ebook which they'll charge an extortion amount of money um promising them that they'll recover from their eating disorder because i did it's like that's that is criminal and i think these people should answer for that crime there are two types of people that have come across this community the other type of people are people who make money from this community not by selling people stuff but by inadvertently causing trouble um to get their name out there it doesn't matter what they do or what's being said about them don't give they get the name out there they use bigger youtubers i've done this i was one of these people at the same time there's a cognitive dissonance because i believe i was doing that and entertaining people but i also believed in the actual cause itself which we'll again refer to we're going to talk about the hypocrisy of veganism they'll just say the most outlandish things and so disrespectful to the fellow human beings and fellow members of their community this one defined community that is not it and the situation that these people have created is a position where you can raise more money in one night suing somebody right then you can in one year trying to build an animal sanctuary just think about that so you can make more money suing someone in your community then you can trying to do the very thing that the community is ultimately trying to achieve okay as an outsider looking in i can now say that your community is vastly flawed there's too much ego there's too many narcissists there's criminals literal criminals who've been over fraud um there's bald people in china there's um there's too much ego and they can't actually achieve the thing that you're trying to achieve those are three types of people there are others at the moment who have come out they're either mentally ill which is another type of person or it seems that so there are five types of people the the fifth are people who are actually mental they have problems and again it ranges in variety extremes not extreme but they have actual mental problems when you have human relationships you can do good together look at what this community has achieved on youtube nothing nothing i want to get on to the hypocrisy of veganism and what it stands for so fundamentally it boils down to four things animals people planet health i'm not going to drop any names of anyone in this respect obviously i've got a reference towards certain people because some things are just totally crazy like the criminals the narcissists you know all the business scammers whatever i do not want to be a part of it and i get a great sense of liberation freedom and even happiness from saying that we were our life was we were ruining our life lives and our son's life he's seven months old like it's it's madness it's madness you need to start taking your community if you can call it that if you want to call it that seriously and really start to think about yourself and your future and if your life is being affected by this you have the right to take your life into your own hands this cause is only as powerful as the people who believe in it