Socialism: Dave Rubin vs. Bernie Sanders (on ⓐⓡ⊞ⓘⓞ)

16 May 2018 [link youtube]

You'll find the full video (15 minutes long) posted to my new channel ("politics only"), ⓐⓡ⊞ⓘⓞ:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

now there are many things that I think
Dave Rubin says in this one video rejecting socialism that are deeply philosophically flawed disturbing and the materials political science just laughably wrong he says this is a paraphrase but not far off the precise wording that it's ridiculous to imagine that we exist to do things for the greater good that we exist to do things for the greater good is totally antithetical to the purpose of being human he claims that this is antithetical to being human itself that socialism itself is incompatible with with human nature now what does he mean by socialism what does any reasonable person mean by socialism you can take the position that soft core socialism is not truly socialism is not worthy of the word you can take the position that softcore pornography is not truly pornography and it's not worthy of the word but this is all a matter of semantics I'm going to bring in two very different witnesses to the meaning of the word socialism one being Bernie Sanders and the other being Milton Friedman when Bernie Sanders was asked around 2015 to 2016 which country he considered a model of socialism for the United States to emulate or what what he meant by socialism when he said he wanted the United States to be more socialist he said Denmark no he didn't just say this once that's why I say 2015 2016 it seems he doesn't say that so much lately and various politicians in Denmark and pundits and personalities said in the press and respond to this saying no no no Denmark is not a socialist country now there is a sense in which we can all agree Denmark is not a socialist country and there's also a sense in which we all know exactly what Bernie Sanders is talking about from an American perspective in pointing to Denmark as a country that has higher rates of Taxation dramatically better Social Services in terms of health care for the poor or employment services what-have-you and as providing a working model for the sort of hybrid economy that Bernie Sanders thinks of when he uses the word socialism positively their ideas have never worked and will never work because a system built on strip our humanity is in direct conflict with what it means to be human I think anyone enjoys you know public sector bureaucracy whether it's for education or for the healthcare system or have you but we know that if we give up on this if we give up on the struggle to have you know a democratic transparent public education and public health care system that is indeed pursuing the greater good that's pursuing you know exactly what he rails against if we give up on that then we will live in a society where access to education is based on the ability to pay and that's immoral we will live in a society where access to health care is based on the ability to pay where some people will get treatment and some people will not on the basis of their ability to pay so what they're not telling you is that the greater good is usually for the tiny minority in the elite protected class this depiction of the greater good as something that's unknowable something that's overly abstract and something that ineluctably it's a tyranny is a false fact all around the world it's thanks to governments it's thanks to socialism that poor people can access education and can get into their jobs be they humble or great that they have a level of knowledge of science and they are able to play a dynamic role in a society in our economy that they would not have if we live in a society where access to education were entirely based on their ability to pay were entirely operated as a for-profit affair I don't think Dave Rubin has a single thought in his head when he puts together videos like this I don't think he he meditates on for one moment what the consequences would be of preaching to a crowd of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions that it is incompatible with human nature to have any concern for the greater good or that any I notion of the greater good isn't this way a slippery slope to tyranny [Music]