Barely Legal Bikini Haul Censorship Crisis: The State of Youtube in 2019.

21 February 2019 [link youtube]

Whereas in recent months the crowds have been crying, "Less censorship! Less censorship!", the none-too-shocking revelation that Youtube has videos featuring people under 18 in swimwear (including the peculiar genre of "the bikini try-on haul") has set of a wave of slacktivism in the opposite direction: cries for "More censorship!" on Youtube. Rather than just complaining about the phenomenon, this video proposes a solution: youtube should be split into several mutually-competing websites, with several different standards of censorship (for different target audiences, and different styles of content).


Links to sources mentioned:

(1) Philip DeFranco "YouTube's Predator Problem Stokes Fear and Concern…"

(2) JaclynGlenn "The Downfall of Social Media - More Than Just A Conspiracy"

(3) The female in the thumbnail does indeed try on swimwear in her youtube videos, and is (AFAIK) a university student: Caroline Zalog

(4) The male in the thumbnail is the notorious Faze Censor:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

there's been a lot of hand-wringing
about the state of YouTube just in the last few days if you've been following the state of YouTube for the last few years there's an irony right now what everyone's asking is why doesn't YouTube have more censorship more censorship more censorship please YouTube why there are 16 year olds and 14 year olds posting videos of themselves wearing bikinis I'm sure there are male youtubers also posting themselves in the male equivalent of bikinis okay male and female and this has caused storm of controversy in examining what YouTube is and what it should be wasn't it just a few weeks ago that YouTube was being you know demonized and pilloried for for censoring too much if you were saying no no no YouTube should have had a less censorship it's just so hard for for Jacqueline Glenn to earn a living by getting high on hallucinogenic drugs on camera and then monetizing that and having advertisements while obviously promoting to young people the idea of of getting higher and illegal loose and genetic drugs Wow that must be really hard for Jacqueline Glen boy YouTube boy that's just too much censorship what what was the other completely insincere controversy oh you know sargon of akkad or oh some other kind of softcore right-wing crypto neo-nazis oh they don't have the freedom to come on YouTube oh and there was the other you you probably missed this babe my girlfriend's just stuff camera there was this controversy about YouTube not quite blacklisting Flat Earth videos and not quite blacklisting like conspiracy theories about September 11th videos but it's creating a new kind of gray listing or soft black listings so that they won't come up at the top of search results if you're not searching for that so people are searching for what happened on September 11th the first five results aren't insane conspiracy theories from the same people who probably do believe that the earth is flat or what-have-you so there's been this sequence of self-contradictory controversies people were saying less censorship less censorship less censorship and then when it comes to human sexuality all of a sudden it's more censorship well guys I'm not just here to complain as per usual that the audience are a bunch of idiots I think that's that's a bit implicit in the first two minutes of this video yeah we got problems with the audience you know what I'm actually here to tell you what the solution is and the solution is both more competition and more complementary competition YouTube should be divided into several different companies stick with me for one minute this hypothetical exercise will not take very long what if you wanted to have a website just like YouTube but that was being marketed towards children aged 8 to 11 think about the precise type of censorship you need the type of advertisers you'd need to appeal to and encourage toy advertisers children's clothing food the types of food applesauce popsicles you'd have a whole website and of course an app that could be on a smartphone or a tablet and it's just like YouTube but everything is aimed at the demographic age 8 to age 11 okay right now YouTube if you take this idea and run with it you will make a lot of money of course it shouldn't be called YouTube but you can give it a new name give it new coat of paint new decorative elements but I'm saying the underlying reality the website is exactly the same but of course with way more censorship just totally different Terms of Service that content creators sign up well you can't have any bikini videos you can it's just content that would be acceptable for that Adrian here's the thing boys aged 8 to 11 actually do watch cartoons with quite a fair bit of violence hmm Superman punches people in the face Batman kicks the Joker in the groin you know whatever there's a certain acceptable range of violent slapstick behavior certain types of humor jokes so you need another channel again a not even other--all a whole new website just like YouTube that's targeting children ages 0 to age 8 so that a six year old or a four year old can sit there with a tablet or phone and watch that channel and that would again have a totally different set of terms and conditions and definition of what could be a political can and then on that channel you can't even have rude jokes you can't even probably have aggressive shouting you could have super high levels of censorship you can't even have Superman punching someone in the face you would have really really limited just educational content maybe songs like nursery rhymes hyper censored and everything that gets uploaded gets reviewed and then you have a website that's safe for children aged 0 to 8 okay my own daughter still five so you know I can relate all right you know what doesn't make any sense having the five year olds the eight year olds and the eleven year olds on the same platform that has adult content that does indeed include nudity and violence and what-have-you there's no real reason why all those things would be here on the same website and the main reason why that has happened is lack of competition all the people are being kicked off of YouTube do they go to Vimeo not really right now there is no viable alternative to YouTube and one of the ways YouTube could actually continue to make more money would be if they voluntarily broke up their own monopolies if they divide it into several separate companies that's happened historically with some oil companies once they want to get one giant company inque we had one company that controlled the whole telephone system telecom market broke up into several competing companies probably it would be a good idea even for YouTube if they either created the semblance of separate competing companies so complementary competition have described four different age groups or if they actually divided they could have separate stocks trading on the stock market and YouTube for kids could compete with YouTube for Joel's here's the subtle point I'm coming to when YouTube was founded before it was acquired by Google Corporation and actually adhered to a bunch of principles that were more like Wikipedia so if you look at Wikipedia attitude towards nudity Wikipedia actually boldly proclaims that unlike other dictionaries or other websites they allow and encourage you to have nudity where it's appropriate so nudity explicit photographs of you know suffering devastation of war diseases things that might be disgusting the Wikipedia actually always has allowed that and still does allow it just where appropriate so if you look up an article on that type of theme you're gonna see that type of imagery likewise even though YouTube never wanted to be a pornographic website when it was founded or quite broad categories permitting nudity and there was a significant amount of unity so you could have something like a medical exam and then you could have nude bodies in the medical exam and there were videos on this channel that got huge numbers of views under that pretense of one way or another yeah so there always was softcore pornography on YouTube if anything I think there's less now than in the early days of the website it says part of them grow and Google now has two very different ideas of what YouTube should be or if there were three ideas I already mentioned one of them the idea of YouTube for kids right and one of the ideas of YouTube is that YouTube is actually going to compete with CNN and NBC and the nightly news that it's going to be just as respectable as the highest level of television infotainment that it's going to be a place where you come it's where I come I watch my news on YouTube I don't I don't use a conventional tell about having for many many many years right that's gonna be a trusted source that isn't full of crazy conspiracy theories and misinformation and also isn't full of things like bikini Tran videos right and then there's another concept of YouTube there's a very separate concept of YouTube as being like what myspace used to be as being a place where YouTube is about you so if what you want to do is try on a bikini and some people are gonna watch that video because they're sincerely interested in buying the bikini and some people are gonna watch it because they're sincerely interested in look at your body that's okay anything goes within the stated rules it's really conceivable to me that YouTube the adult YouTube could split into two branches into two brands into two websites one of which has much much more strict censorship than what we currently have and is aiming at the market of being just as respectable as broadcast television and we could say more the highest standard of broadcast television currently you can't do on YouTube what you can do on HBO HBO is an American television broadcaster they have a lot of nudity they have a lot of violence they have a lot of course language I can't do any of that on YouTube so actual broadcast television already is way more permissive than YouTube and that's the opposite of what YouTube was initially designed to be but if you split it that way you have the respectable YouTube where everyone has to wear a button-up shirt and meet really strict standards of censorship and then on the other youtube anyone can wear a bikini guess what the implications of that are guys anyone anyone can wear a bikini and anyone can watch that video with any set of motivations you don't get to choose you choose the content you upload you don't choose your audience your audience chooses you