DxE's Sex/Rape/Cult Allegations (READ THE DESCRIPTION)

17 May 2018 [link youtube]

LINK 1, below, quote at 11:00, "Wayne Hsiung told my rapist to sue me".

Wayne says to her, "I love you dearly, I'm trying to support you in grad school, I'm trying to support you in your legal case…" (around 8:05–8:16).

At 10:45, he says he'd pay her even more if he could, but, "I don't have any money". She replies, "Wayne, you know that's a lie"


LINK 2, below, DxE admits their elections involved "40 to 60" participants. At the 45:40 mark they say, "It's not like only 5 people [were allowed to vote,] it's not like we voted ourselves in… there was [sic.] 40 to 60 people, I can't remember off the top of my head, who voted…"


DxE is an abbreviation for "Direct Action Everywhere".

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys I'm vegan I engage in a lot of
criticism of what's going on in veganism as a movement not because I want veganism to fail but because I want to succeed I don't think that film critics criticize films because they want the film industry to collapse or fail they want to see the progress of the art form they in general want the industry to succeed to do better to make more meaningful films maybe to make more successful films they want to see people's creative visions realized I don't know whatever mix of motives they bring to film criticism but political criticism is indeed a very different thing but as of right now 2018 I have made 17 videos criticizing direct action everywhere and I have never once dealt with the very open sex scandals going on within that organization today's the day a steak we finally addressed that you're on this channel I've never once dealt with the looming odious cloud of controversy that surrounds the fact that many people within the organization signed non-disclosure agreements some of them maybe felt they were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements or they signed them and read them but any case direct action everywhere is led it's founded and led by corporate lawyer Wayne's young and he has a habit of asking people to sign non-disclosure agreement which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to get someone on camera to talk about what's going on inside the organization what's right with it what's wrong with it what the road of the future is but look guys I just reiterate right off the bat I'm engaged in this criticism because I want to learn from the successes and failures of various things going on within the vegan movement now in some ways direct action everywhere is a success story they claim currently to have 100,000 members I would say the word member might not be so appropriate maybe they have 100 thousand people who are signed up for their email list who are supporters in the sense of following them on social media and what they want to do when I look at their YouTube channel I don't see signs of a hundred thousand people who are even interested in seeing one video a month out of them not even when their videos are indeed you know right on their core message I mean these videos are just telling people stuff they already want to hear you know they rescued a cute baby goat they're protesting against people wearing fur they're against Trader Joe's eggs I mean you know this stuff is all preaching to the converted I don't do that kind of stuff on my channel people come to my channel and they watch videos that tell them you know horrifying unfamiliar provocative things they don't want to hear um you know I remember getting hate mail because of what I'd say about video games I told people that playing video games was not a good use of their time people were shocked and horrified and people unfollowed me and said they didn't want to ever watch my videos again because of my political position on video games certainly in a major way I had people respond very negatively to what I said about marijuana marijuana causes brain damage and there is scientific evidence to prove this fact I would encourage you to not use marijuana even this is controversial but sure within the vegan movement I've criticized a long list of to my mind important political issues I've crossed swords with other aspiring vegan activists and leaders in the movement of disagreement things and yet I seem to pull in you know I don't know interested core of at least 500 viewers and what I see with direct action everywhere is that even the core of people who still supports them they don't really want to hear what the right action everywhere has to say anymore so you know they maybe have a hundred thousand supporters in some sense they have a certain level of donations and budget I mean that's part of the controversy today it's a proven fact they're getting a certain amount of money donated to them every year so that the capacity to make some difference in the world they're the capacity organize certain types of events but let's face it this movement kicked off with the slogan it's not food it's violence and with tactics that are based around disruption too as they defined it and it gets old it gets old quick it gets repetitive and for many of the people engaged in the tactics I know it gets exhausting and and heartbreaking I had a conversation the realist conversation I ever had with Hania Kenya's YouTube channels called Hana mania a lot of you will know her she became like a lifestyle blogger within veganism but back in the day she used to do real street protests and she said you know after you've done it a hundred times remember talking to me about just her sense of being morally and emotionally exhausted and feeling that it doesn't make any difference in the world but if I interestingly that's really what DXE was was founded on on they started with the premise that giving out cookies to people in the streets was not effective handing out pamphlets on campuses was not effective and they were gonna learn the lessons of the social sciences and take on radically new and more effective methods such as running into a Chipotle restaurant and screaming it's not food it's violence such as breaking down weeping in a butcher shop and demanding that the butcher kills you instead of killing the pig such as running onto a baseball diamond to interrupt a baseball game because people are eating hot dogs at a baseball game or maybe because they use leather mitts I mean I don't know base baseball is a bit of a soft target for veganism we think about it such as trying to interrupt Bernie Sanders such as trying to interrupt on and on and you know that this this is their their style of disruption now interestingly this is a one of the things that brings us to today's topic Wayne's Young was himself disrupted when he was giving a talk recently and he posted the videotape of this to his own Facebook page so two very controversial hour long videos both approximately an hour long went up on the direct action everywhere Facebook pages lately to my knowledge they are not on YouTube anywhere and I do suppose they choose to do that so that they'll have fewer response videos fewer people editing clips of the video and reacting to it now to my knowledge the first of these two videos that went up this is not the one where Wayne is interrupted and corrupted they decided to do a semi spontaneous sort of Q&A session talking to the crowd that opens with opens with the statement that direct action everywhere is not a cult so within the first two minutes I think it's a minute and thirty seconds in a minute 45 in I did actually take notes I did listen to all these videos in their entirety while studying Chinese if you guys wonder how can I possibly make the time to listen to hours and hours of this stuff from drugs and everywhere learning Chinese that's a time-consuming hobby and you can listen to a lot of podcasts while you're doing it the sort of thing anyways right off the bat they they kicked off this video by saying that they were going to address concerns that they were a cult and actually in large part the way they address that was in describing how their own leadership selection process took place how they make decisions about what they're gonna do in terms of public protests and try to kind of reassure people that the social gatherings they have are alcohol free they said several times there's a grandmotherly atmosphere it's not a lot of people trying to get laid they kind of joked around a lot about the extent to which Wayne's leadership is not at all cult-like or not to cult-like so they they tried to be reassuring but I think they were not at all addressing people's real concerns that were not addressing the reasons why people accuse them of being cult-like now about forty minutes into the video we had the hilarious statement from one of the chief organizers sitting next to Wayne so young said that quote look I'm sorry sorry this is a quote but I'm slightly paraphrasing because she interrupts herself she doesn't quite speak in a in a purple sense here but paraphrasing ever so slightly she said quote it's not like we voted ourselves into office ie they really were elected it's not like only five people voted or something I don't know forty to sixty people I don't know off the top of my 40 to 60 people photos so the exact quote and the timestamp I posted on Twitter I posted to at least a group somewhere on Facebook and I posted for my patreon subscribers and then patreon um this is an organization with allegedly over a hundred thousand followers they're defending the legitimacy of their leadership and of course that they're not a cult by saying that maybe 40 people maybe up to 60 but 40 people I mean in a room voted for who's in charge leadership now this doesn't contradict the other accounts have been given about what's what's gone wrong with the leadership process of the democratic process that traditionally it confirms it you know the complaints were that basically in response to rising criticism of Wayne's leadership he stage-managed a very small meeting with a very small number of people who were hand selected where everyone kind of knew who they were in a support which side they were on and at this meeting so Wayne's leadership was confirmed and in general the the direction and character of the organization was confirmed now also legally and financially direct action everywhere exists as to bank accounts one of which is called DXE global which is sometimes also referred to as DXE international and that account is controlled by Wayne and there is one other account which is based in Santa Cruz California which is called Friends of DXE and that is legally controlled by Wayne's sister so among the complaints kind of like well you can have all the democracy you want but Wayne is the self-appointed dictator for life this is the complaint there are there is no possibility of actually changing the leadership at the top and there's definitely no possibility of financial transparency and accountability now sorry I've made I'm saying this as shorthand if you think this is an unreasonable criticism you can refer to my earlier videos they talk about what the issues are and Wayne did address here not for the first time I think complaints that if you donate to direct action never workers they've had calls for donations that for example show you a picture of a pig that's been rescued and say donate to support this pig being a shelter and it does indeed seem no matter how you do the math less than 15 percent of your money could possibly go to supporting these animals and shelters I'm based on what I've read and based even on what I've heard when say I believe it can be quite a bit less something like not just slightly less than 15% but really significantly less a very very small percentage of the money you're donating is going to help animals and shelters now is that a problem well it depends it depends on transparency and accountability and messaging if you're calling for donations if you're making these these appeals to people on the basis of showing them pictures of pigs in a shed rescued pigs and saying this is gonna go to support animals and shelters that's a very different thing from saying hey donate so that our members can live in group housing in Berkeley California not a cult hashtag not a cult um so that we can pay them honorariums not not employees with the contract not that they have social security and a salary not that they have to live up to a professional code of conduct or that they go through a vetting process or hiring process now that there's any professions no no no they're just being paid in fellowships and honorariums so that they can live as professional dissidents in this movement in Berkeley California if you're supporting the lifestyle of these activists if that's what you know you're doing you know that's you're paying for if you're paying for them to hang out at this funny little vegan corner shop that they operate out of the same budget they call it of course an activist Center but I've I've now seen a little bit of videotape and photographs of what that place looks like they're Berkeley Center for animal activism you know it looks like a vegan a little miniature vegan grocery store a little vegan corner store if that's what you're paying to support you know that then you know there's no reason why you'd be scandalized by this being less than 15% of the budget but anyway already here a scattershot you get the point that they uploaded a video over an hour long which was indeed trying to reassure people in their own words that they're not a cult that was first and foremost secondly to reassure people about misgivings that they're not sufficiently democratic or transparent including the issue of elections and thirdly that financially there on the level that there hasn't been something misleading or inappropriate about what's been happening to the money in particular the question of what percentage of the money has been going to actually support rescued animals or the rescue of animals or animals living in shelters so the second video to my knowledge the second video that was uploaded in corn chronological order the second video that happened a wean is giving a presentation on a sort of standard grist for the mill topic for vegans which is completely uncontroversial and he is himself disrupted someone stands up from the audience and disrupts his lecture and starts demanding justice this is seven minutes into the video by the way I heard this link with some people and they're like what why should i watch this this is just another boring lecture about veganism it's the same thing for $10 I said no no no no fast-forward to seven minutes annual you'll see why I shared you this that's like someone stands up and demands two demands accountability from Wayne about a controversy that I've indeed heard about for quite a long time from many different angles involving the sex lives of people within direct action everywhere allegations of rape a reconciliation process that concluded with people signing non-disclosure agreements and then what's currently some kind of ongoing lawsuits some kind of ongoing legal action that arose out of allegations of rape so both videos dealt with this actually the first video in which they're establishing that they're not a cult we're told at quite some length that Wayne regrets that in the past these Truth and Reconciliation processes had been in the hands of amateurs and that in the future what they're going to do is hand over any complaints about sexual misconduct to a professional someone who's a professional in the field of handling these types of complaints and they will just send out an alert through their network that someone is a sexual predator or is guilty of some kind of offence now already there when he said that I thought no have you thought through that this could lead to lawsuits and if you just send out an email to your 100,000 followers you're one of thousands subscribers saying that somebody saying for example that somebody is a rapist that can lead to a very serious lawsuit because I could have devastating consequences on their lives professionally personally and otherwise and under American law you are impugning their chastity which lowers or basically eliminates the burden of proof unlike other forms of defamation in America when they're of a sexual nature that kind it's quite easy to to prove defamation and anyway as some of you fold this channel for some time I know I had a dispute with another leader in the vegan movement he didn't have a leg to stand on and criticizing me so he alleged he just made up a story that I was having an affair with a 16 year old and the 16 year old female by the way she and I had never met we'd never spoken you know so it was a ridiculous she she never claimed anything the sort she openly on her own blog of the time was like no she never met me this was a complete nonsense so there was absolutely no there was nothing about this to make this credible but nevertheless it was a very nasty conflict and that also ended up in court could have ended up in the boxing ring but for some reason even though that guy threatened to beat me up and indeed threatened to have me stabbed or kill me there were a lot of threats from his end but when I offered to meet him he was a no-show alright that's another story but my point is a mentioning here sadly these kinds of allegations of sexual misconduct they are used to discredit political figures we just had that happen in the province of Ontario in Canada so in Ontario Canada the Conservative Party leader there were some allegations made that fell apart on just cursory inspection and fact-checking that were used to try to destroy his political career patty brown patty brown whom I in fact went to primary school with so the lead her or the would-be leader of the Conservative Party in Ontario just had that I knew him as a child and you know allegations were contrived against him to destroy him politically I think to destroy him personally to some extent to so this is a real problem in politic and vegan politics are real politics so in any case Wayne was dramatically disrupted by this young woman who stands up and if you go to see the video I mean I'll provide a timestamps below for some of the bizarre user in the description below this video there will be links with timestamps to some of these more explosive and bizarre statements one of the strangest things again in contrast to this claim that hashtag we are not a cult Wayne repeatedly says I love you I care about you he repeatedly says that he's given this woman money that he'd like to give her more money that he's helping to pay for her go to her to go to graduate school that he cares about her I think maybe twice he brings up the fact that he's a Buddhist that he was raised Buddhist and he believes in various Buddhist virtues you could have fooled me Wayne I don't know I think you were raised as a corporate lawyer those are unhappy these people I'm not the statements I don't know I don't know which one is more your religion today Wayne you never I'm a former scholar tear about of Buddhism I actually learned to read Pali I read the Canon and I've meditated with Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka to New York State Cambodia to Thailand well you know um oh but you could have fooled me Wayne I don't I don't see a whole lot of Buddhist influence in your act at any level or at any stage your career Wayne but anyway he invokes his religious background as a Buddhist he makes these statements that he cares about her and that at one point he so he says repeatedly that he's broke that he has no money and she several times rebuts him by saying that's just not true I also would tend to assume that's not true and these are um stanzas and he says no no it is true that he's broke he has no money but he says that if he had money he would give more money to her he said if he had a I think he says if he had a billion dollars he would give her a million dollars at one point that's again these are pretty close paraphrases of what was said and you can you can hear it yourself so there were repeated assurances that Wayne cares about her and cares about her perspective and cares about her her opinion that he wants to support her and even that he loves her and so on but and there seems to be a but what she's demanding is that the lawsuit against her be dropped and of course Wayne has to say that's not in his power he's not the one pressing the lawsuit and what she insists on is that Wayne himself advised or counseled or encouraged the man who was pressing the lawsuit to do so now I have heard things from other people who are not even six degrees of separation removed from the scandal I've heard things people who are one degree of several people who were connected to the people involved the world is not that broad and the Internet makes it narrower and gossip you know travels more quickly I've managed to get through 17 very substantive videos criticizing what's wrong with the right action everywhere without even once commenting on the sex scandal side of their story and this is really linked the sex scandal the issue of these legal costs because you know this young woman was also talking about the cost of the lawyers Wayne was talking about the cost of lawyers but also the cost of her going to grad school and the allegations of direct action ever being a cult I've formally studied cults I have some articles on the internet talking about that the extent to which Buddhism itself can become cult-like or an outright cult the extent to which political ideologies like communism can become cult right the cult like pardon me lapsing into into Chinese here I do not think by a formal strict definition of cult I do not think anyone really can call the right action everywhere are called however on the other hand people refer to being a fan of Star Trek as a cult so there is a broader more informal use of the word cult that's in currency and I can't pretend people don't use the English language that way however strictly speaking no I would not describe to our data force a call however what's very clear from both these videos is that people do regard Wayne's Young as responsible for the Aurel minutiae of the lives of his followers they regard him as if it is in his power and it is his responsibility to censor expurgate and manage what's on everybody's Facebook wall what's in everybody's hearts of hearts what was what are their beliefs how politically correct they are how racist they are etc down to a very fine precise level of scrutiny and in effect that he's put in the position of managing their sex lives um some of the examples I've read about when people date people break up they have acrimonious breakups people of course people sleep with other people within the movement a lot of people have heard hennya herself admit this on camera hang pardon me kenya mania Enya mania has admitted on camera that she she used to go to protests to meet guys to get laid a lot of people love it that's you that one of their reasons for going to vegan events whether it's a food based event like veg fest or it's you know an explicitly political event that one of the reasons for going these things is indeed to meet members the opposite sex or members of the same sex depending on what they're into so yeah people fall into love people fall out of love there are acrimonious breakups and sometimes along with that there are allegations and counter allegations some of them are true and some of them are are false but tell me something guys why would you want your boss at work to be involved if you go through that most most people watching this video have been through a bad bad breakup did you go to your boss at work and get him involved is the status of wayne's young in this movement that of being a boss at work or is he indeed more like a a priest is he more like the the leader of this flock is he the pastor looking over his flock of sheep what really is going on here um naturally my videos tend to criticize leadership because it's the leaders who make the decisions but ultimately the problem here is followership anyone who's been seriously engaged in critique of what's right and what's wrong with direct action everywhere has to come to the conclusion that a large part of what's wrong with it is that these guys put up a flag and that flag attracts a certain kind of person and you see I mean when you're recruiting for this kind of movement what kind of person you want to show up what kind of person do you want to participate well they've got exactly what they asked for they asked for a certain type of personality that wants to disrupt baseball games and weep and cry and restaurants that wants to pitch a fit and kick down doors and Wayne has now repeatedly said that he's facing ten years in prison and I it's hard to say if he's boasting or complaining but he's repeatedly said in these same lengths you'll see hello that he may do ten years in jail for his proper type of activism so you're asking people to sign up to do things that are illegal that can get them in legal trouble that can put them in prison you're promising them a certain alluring combination of danger and save-the-world rhetoric you know one of the distinctive things about direct action everywhere is that they claim there will be no compromise in reality they have compromised the protest in front of a butcher and then the butcher says look what can I do to end these protests they say okay put up a tiny little placard a tiny little placard like this put it up on the wall saying that eating meat is immoral basically that it's not food it's violence and then we'll stop the protest that sounds like compromise to me waitin that sounds like your logo is being used to endorse a butcher shop to give it a stamp of ethical approval to a butcher shop or at least a get-out-of-jail-free card to a butcher shop where you said you'd never compromise you said it was about you wouldn't you wouldn't compromise until all the animals are free till every cage is smashed till they're all liberated but anyway the uncompromising slightly menacing slightly violent utterly illegal you know I mean overly emotive methods that are used to you they're an embarrassment to veganism I've already had videos criticizing that but also you know they create a crossroads that attracts certain types of people and then Wayne has put himself in the position of first and foremost trying to exploit those people for fundraising that's what it all comes down to you know how are you gonna monetize the antics of these freaks how are you gonna put on a freak show that's gonna get donor don't do it or money rolling it that's that's the challenge he's got and you see how it plays out again in these same videos you see them talking about how they brainstormed oh should we have this protester lie down in a pile of poo and a pile of feces a pile of you know animal Iseman yeah it's that kind of work or not and then they're so happy that they got on the TV news or got into some newspapers with this snot you know I'm sorry but in any other industry this would be called famewhoring this is an effective activism this isn't basing your judgments and your strategies and tactics on the lessons of the social sciences this is anything of the kind what you're doing is is famewhoring what you're doing is trying to get on camera get on YouTube and get into the newspapers the antics of these people you've recruited and attracted again with these peculiar promises with this uncompromising you don't quote unquote direct action for a methodology that's built on disruption and overly emotive outburst and then once you've got those people there and they're breaking into factory farms and they're kicking in the doors of restaurants and weeping at first shop sand Chipotle and you know once you've got these people and that's the that's the cycle of you know public protests they've they've engaged in how are you gonna manage them what wayne has shown us again from many different angles in these videos it's very very hard for him to manage and in many ways what they've done is they've had to retrench themselves that used to be a decentralized that can still look this up the archived web pages where they used to promise this they used to promise that they would be a fully decentralized fully horizontal grassroots activist network where nobody was in charge leaderless resistance was their model and they've switched to being ultra hierarchical ultra top-down they claim they have elections maybe 40 to 60 people vote in those elections it is very clear that Wayne's Young is the one man at the top of the tower trying to manage everything his his followers do their private political believes their private sex lives when they get into fights with one another he's trying to provide them with housing in Berkeley California the complains is very expensive he's trying to Shepherd them along towards this revolution and trying to raise enough money to keep paying wages to the the staff to the coterie of his closest followers who stay with him there in Berkeley what can we learn from direct action everywhere what can we learn from their successes what can we learn from their failures we live in an era when politics is dominated we live in an era when politics is dominated by figures preaching compromise it can be very appealing it can build up a lot of interest when you preach a creed that rejects all compromise you could preach it and then we all get to see whether or not you can practice what you preach Wayne's young as he boasts himself is now facing 10 years in jail I don't think he even claims he's not guilty I don't think he can claim he's innocent I think he can just claim that he wants to commit these crimes film them put the evidence of him committing the crime on the internet have people watch that film and donate money to support him committing more crimes I think that's his moral position I don't think DXE is gonna collapse I don't think it's gonna disappear People for the Ethical People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Petta they've been through a long series of scandals they've made reforms they've made adjustments but one thing with petaa that didn't change is that the same one person the same self-appointed dictator for life remained at the helm remain in control at the top of that organization I've used this quote many times but the former director of the FBI said an organization is the shadow of just one man one man or one woman as the case may be pet his case it's it's Ingrid Newkirk there are many lessons we can learn from veganism as it's gotten this point but I think one of them is obviously the type of tyranny that's inevitable when this type of movement is controlled by just one woman or just one man even if they have the best of intentions that when you scale it up to a hundred thousand people in chapters in chicago california and allegedly around the world there has got to be a better way Wayne's young if you really cared about the future of this movement I think you would have stepped down back when your followers were asking you to it's not that long ago back when you had the mutiny against your leadership back when it was so clear across the board that the very people you'd recruited to demand change we're looking to you and asking for change within organization itself