80/10/10 vs 90/5/5 (Doug Graham vs. Freelee & Durianrider)

22 March 2016 [link youtube]

Unnatural vegan on the 80/10/10 diet, and the importance of brushing your teeth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg7g8...

The earlier video alluded to on Freelee's credentials (or lack thereof): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNzElhpjgjQ

Quote: "Well, my name is Dr. Doug Graham. I have a doctorate degree in chiropractic and a doctorate in natural health."

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/024860_hea...

Youtube Automatic Transcription

what are the origins of these magic
numbers 80/10/10 and 95/5 I made a video just a few days ago asking and answering the question of what credentials freelee the banana girl has freely as one of the world's most influential leaders of diet and exercise advice at the moment in 2016 and one of the tag lines that made her famous her and her boyfriend during Ryder was promoting the idea of a 95/5 diet now in that earlier video I quoted her as saying that most of what she knows is from self-study and her own research I think it's really worth pausing to consider what we mean by the word research when she promotes a 95/5 diet does that mean that at one stage she put on a lab coat got out a bunch of test tubes and conducted original research to establish that 95/5 was the optimal number does it mean that she did a cohort study where is this research published what is the research she did to come to this slogan this title this magic number that sums up her diet 95/5 if you watch this video and you don't know I'm happy for you that you don't know but the 90 refers to 90 percent of your diet being carbohydrates 5 percent being fat 5 percent being protein was it based on an in-depth analysis of the results of the diets of 10 people or a hundred people or a thousand people said no no no it's not it's not gonna be you know G 80/10/10 it's just the numbers aren't quite coming out right we've got a push forward with this original research we're doing and oh there was no research there was no scientific discovery we all know that the real origin of this slogan 9055 was simply a response to the established popularity of another diet that was called 80/10/10 80% carbohydrates 10% fat 10% protein now that in turn if you asked was it based on research in what sense could you call it research well that originates with a guy called Doug Graham dr. Doug Graham if you're searching on the internet there is more than one medical doctor named Doug Graham and one of the first problems you'll have with dr. Doug Graham the vegan promoter of the 80/10/10 diet is figuring out what his credentials are we've already gone over the fact that Frehley doesn't happen e dr. Doug Graham says that he has a PhD in chiropractics so that would make him a chiropractor and not a medical doctor not a nutrition expert not dietary expert and he also claims that he has a PhD in natural health I believe let me just check a doctorate in natural health I was unable searching the internet as well as I could with Google used intensively I could not find out where he got either one of those PhDs what the institution was or what his training was why would that be hard to find out with legitimate medical doctors or legitimate people with legitimate phd's doing original research in health that's not hard to find out and the idea of a PhD that is called a PhD in natural health that already raises alarms for me um I'm not saying it's completely impossible to have a PhD called a PhD in natural health but already I'm interested in what is the name of the University and what is the actual curriculum behind that because that's not a PhD in the science of nutrition or Dietetics or even kinesiology you get a PhD in kinesiology today and you learn a lot but you don't learn the same things that a medical doctor learns so on and so forth each one of these academic specialization is different now if you're new to this channel you may not know I myself am deeply cynical about formal education but that doesn't mean it's worthless I myself have met many many people with PhDs from elite institutions from Oxford from Cambridge from the most elite universities in the United States and England and France who are idiots I you also meet people with PhDs who are not idiots but who are incompetent in their own field of expertise of specialization and for some people I guess that would be shocking or that would be that would be a surprising revelation like not for me that's something I've been familiar with him and comfortable about my whole life and I used to be a scholar involved with tera vaada Buddhism with Southeast Asia with the languages and politics of Southeast Asia and many many times I got to see that people who were professed experts did not have basic competence in the language they were supposed to be expert in in the history and the politics or they were religious maniacs posing as secular scholars of a religion like Buddhism who were really intentionally spreading disinformation so I am very familiar with that now obviously the world of fad diets is in some ways even more extreme because the economics are even more extreme people are making money out of this um I'm gonna post a link below to a video it's somewhat rambling from a natural vegan in which she explains her reasons for having lost faith in this guy Douglas Graham who invented the 80/10/10 diet one of the most well documented scientific advancements in the history of human civilization is the effect of fluoride in toothpaste and even without fluoride the effects of toothpaste simply as an abrasive agent in the action of brushing your teeth because there are there are fluoride free toothpaste and the effects of that have Albans I need there's toothpaste with fluoride and that's been studied and this this guy so dr. Douglas Graham already you have a tremendous warning sign about what kind of doctor this is in that he is recommending that you brush your teeth without toothpaste right click on the link below and really think about it there are a lot of warning signs that this guy who really should not be calling himself doctor he's not a medical doctor it's not clear what his ph.d is where her came from to me there were question marks floating around that put above all else the origins of his titular claim the claim that he makes the title of his book 80/10/10 what was the research that established that what was the process of saying oh well I don't know what why isn't it you know eighty twelve eight why what was the scientific process that led to this sloganeering there there was none there is no set you know this is a joke but to what extent can you trust someone who you know tells you not to use toothpaste with any other health advice I think that's a that's a very real question when you compare 80/10/10 to ninety five five the reality is that the contrast between these two diets is exactly what the title suggests ninety-five five is one step further into madness into nonsense Akala tea from people who have no credentials who have done no research it's freely says she did her own research and self-study who did not establish what they know through research of any kind and it's one more step away from any kind of sincere engagement with the real world problems that people encounter in trying to have a healthy diet that's compatible with their work schedule their limited ability to exercise living in the real world of 2016 which is not a world where for example you know raw organic produce is cheaply or readily available to too many people it's certainly not a world where you can solve your b12 problems your need for the vitamin owners be told by simply not washing your fruit or by your can't closely they gotta be kidding me um I scientifically I doubt that's true anywhere in the world but it is it is definitely not true everywhere in the world I remember one of the more bizarre criticisms of my work when I was publishing articles about Buddhism was that I was an origin astaire had never seen before that I was a person who put an emphasis on the origins of things and this was presented as if it were a problem with my work this was invalidated what I had to say or should feel quite funny yes you have to be really careful about the origins of concepts and ideas and the motivations that people have in employing them and it is not with any I don't know jae-joon belief in the education system that I say you have to be very careful about the credentials people have out what credentials they claim where they come from what they say about them I would be entirely sympathetic if any of these so-called experts were writing in a really honest way about how lousy their education was I do that myself I'm very critical at the education I've received in Canada of what's wrong with our universities of what I did did and didn't learn in the classroom and then I also talk about what I learned outside of the classroom what I learned independently and through independent research but I'll actually tell you what that research was what it is what I learned and so on so you know the critique of the educational establishment is something I am warm to and encouraging of and regard very positively but that's not what we're talking about here these self-appointed health experts are strangely evasive in stating what exactly their education was where they got it how they got it what they learned and then how it has been possible for them to sustain pseudo-scientific and anti scientific beliefs such as Doug Graham denying the importance and efficacy of using fluoride when you brush your teeth denying the importance of vitamin b12 and the problem of having vitamin b12 deficiency those are really fundamental warning signs that you should not be willing to take this person's advice at face value that you should apply real scrutiny and real doubt to what they're telling you um and yeah what are the origins of the 95/5 diet I do think the origins matter I do think that it matters that basically an ex crackhead and his bimbo girlfriend who were trying to get famous on the internet simply came up with a sequel to the 80/10/10 diet called the 95/5 diet because it was one step more extreme it was that bit more edgy and to me I don't see any good motivation in that apart from the fact that it's not scientifically valid I don't think the motivation there is to help you the motivation there is not to discover the truth or share the truth the motivation there is not to help sick people you know it's it's certainly possible to criticize the guys behind the starch starch solution diet you know mcdougal and company they're not perfect but at least their real-world experience is sitting down next to people who have had heart attacks and holding their hands and talking to them and coaching them through look if you don't want to have another heart attack here's what we've got to do and why and again yeah formal credentials are part of that you know the fact that their medical doctor is dealing with people with real diagnosed medical conditions etc as part of that but human sympathy is also part of that and the intentions of why the diet was devised and how it was spread and how it was used in treatment those things don't matter too