Seeking an illustrator for a VEGAN storybook (children's picture book)

21 November 2017 [link youtube]

You can see the script for the storybook (in multiple languages, with various readers performing it aloud in English, German, Russian, with Japanese and Chinese text, etc.) here:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys this is a real short update
video but about a subject that's important to me and I know it's important to maybe fifty or hundred of my patreon supporters many many months ago I wrote a children's story book I wrote it in Chinese it's been translated into English Japanese Russian German quite a number of languages and there was real excitement for the upcoming process of my getting a professional illustrator to work on it and then take this forward to actually publishing it as a story book so it is in case you hadn't guessed it's sort of a vegan propaganda story book it explains some of the concepts of veganism to children in a way that you know definitely parents could sit down and read this story book to children I'll provide a link in the description below this video you can hear the script you can hear the whole book as if most it's meant to be a picture book so they're not that many words there are not that many pages of text but a lot of the responsibility is gonna hang on the illustrator so there was an illustrator who expressed passionate interest in the project and for many many months we've been hoping that she would progress at least past making concept sketches to really working on the book and I could get into the details but it seems like it's a moot point now it seems like there's just no point in explaining what has it hasn't happened because that is not gonna work out and it's not the case that I've cancelled the project with her and I have somebody else or I have a list of other people of other great vegan and list traders who can stick step up and take on this project I would say that you know if I was just gonna mention one fact that really pertains to both the past illustrator and the future illustrators of the project is that if you read the story it describes a number of kind of surreal landscapes where we look out over a large area it you know it describes a view of the ocean it describes a view of various animals flying in the sky that describes birds sitting on a telephone wire but you know there's another scene where it describes the world as it would be imagined by a cow that's lived its whole life inside a factory farmer in the the mechanized you know me industry leading into a slaughterhouse so there are a number of these sort of landscape views of the world and there are some there are some Arjun illustrators who are my patreon supporters by the way I mean I know I have one patreon supporter who is a portrait artist but if you think about it even if you're comfortable doing a portrait you know the human face there on my face and shoulders would have you it's still quite a creative challenge to take on that kind of landscape in this case it's a bit of a surreal and provocative landscape in the context of a children's story a children's story that is in some ways fun and light-hearted and in some ways a little bit grim and thought-provoking and and saddening I mean ultimately this about animals being slaughtered for meeting someone so know at this point I still have not received my very modest inheritance from the death of my father I mean nobody even listens to durianrider anymore but during writers been saying for more than a year that I'm supposedly a millionaire because my father is dead the total amount of money I stand to inherit for my father's death is 25 thousand Canadian dollars which is really nothing in US dollars it's like 20 thousand US dollars I think it's probably less than 20 thousand euros whatever the exchange rate is now but twenty five thousand dollars is a very modest sum of money and it always was out of that inheritance that was planning to pay for the book to be illustrated I was also hoping that I could get an artist who was enough of an independent career illustrator that they could bring in some of their own except me know some of their own fans and we could do something like a Kickstarter mostly is to promote the book where people could buy copies of the book in advance its create hype and expectation you know among people who are fans of the artist people who are fans of my youtube channel and then more broadly reach out to vegan parents and get some some hype going through the book however with things as it stands now it looks like I'm gonna have to proceed by just going ahead and hiring a heartless corporation put it that way you know one of the for-profit companies that just provides illustration services on a straight up you know someone who's not a vegan activist not an independent artist cuz I have no other options and the real question facing me will be do I try to work with a Canadian illustration company which has some advantages Publishing the book in Canada or am I going to say employ illustration company corporation based in Taiwan or South Korea somewhere in Asia so that is the stage the book project is at now as I've mentioned I mean anyone who folds material knows I'm not a millionaire and I have this very modest inheritance and I'm looking at really very difficult chapter of my life coming up where I'm returning to Canada from living in China this last year trying to get back into the Canadian workforce back onto a viable career path and at the same time almost all of my money that I have all the money that I earned is being spent just trying to spend quality time with my daughter because I have a very difficult divorce arrangement and my ex-wife is not cooperative at all where I have to fly over to south of France and spend time with my daughter over there on a schedule that's really wildly available with my situation for my own education career in Canada so that is what it is but nevertheless this book is something I really value it's something evaluated positively in my own life it's something I value for the future of the vegan movement and yes absolutely it's a book I hope to get Illustrated so that I can sit down and read it with my own daughter one day