Rappers Reply: Kitty Pryde asked me to make this video.

20 December 2017 [link youtube]

Rap / Hip-hop / Lil B / Simon Rex / Dirt Nasty / Kitty Pryde / Kitty Kitty / moira main / kittaveli / Orion's Belt / God's Father Mixtape

Youtube Automatic Transcription

commentary about rap music is one of the
things I do on the Internet and that I've always done on the Internet I hope nobody ever puts together a collage pasting together all my past comments on rap music some of them some of them I'm not too proud of but you know over the years - I've had rap and hip-hop artists respond to those those comments one that sticks out in my mind is actually rapper by the name of Dirt Nasty Dirt Nasty he first came to public attention I believe as a VJ for MTV under the name Simon Rex and then he later repackaged himself as the rapper Dirt Nasty a comedic rapper and I remember he repeatedly reblogged and commented on a comment I made it but as his then-upcoming next album and you know I remember one of his comments was he just said this matters to me you know it's interesting and it's an interesting element of criticism in the 21st century is that you know I can do a book review and really reach out and touch the author of the book probably much more than any of the readers of the book and one who might read the book and that happened not too long ago if you check out the of the book reviews playlist on this channel I got an extreme reaction from the authors of the author of one of the books that I reviewed Casey Taft Casey Taft PhD really freaked out he lost his cool entirely over a very sincere and I think probing and substantive book review that I gave him but it is a very negative book review it's and his book is terrible so it was a well sur- poke review so any with us this is one feature of life in the 21st century in many ways the internet has destroyed conventional journalism it's destroyed the possibility of earning money from your writing or your words but it's created this magical possibility of making your opinions matter to an audience of at least a few hundred people and amazingly making your opinions matter to you musicians themselves the authors of books themselves and so on so I just made a brief but cutting comments on Twitter that I addressed to both Lil B the bass God and the artist formerly known as kitty pryde and I commented to these two rappers you know the difference is the difference between little B and Kitty pride is when little B says that he's gonna work on a project for four years when he raps up an album and he says he worked on the project for four years he actually means that he worked on the project for four years my point being that Kitty Pryde after a delay of more than four years finally put out the rap album which you can't even call rap that follows up on the potential that the whole world got excited about again more than five years ago now I guess when she put it especially the one track Orion's belt Orion's belt stole this day if you if you listen to that track you can see why people got excited about Kitty Pryde as a rapper and in the intervening years where she did fundraising I think Kickstarter I think Kickstarter rather than patreon she took donations to get people to pay for this album she has really just demolished everything that created interest in or hype the interest in her as an artist and hype for her work right like why were people ever interested in Kitty Pryde as a rapper yeah week instead it was like really shallow you can say well she had red hair she bleached her hair blonde why did you do that why did you eliminate something that was a Connick and recognizable about you but obviously also was the unpretentious emotionally porous nature of really rocks in our first couple of tracks that came out right talking about having a crummy relationship with a guy or you know dating the other dating young men and you know feelings and misgivings and stuff and she wraps it with the fact that she can't wrap and she's not a gangster and you know there was this you know insouciance and sincerity to her lyrical content and of course she had a style that was partly her struggling with her own lack of technique as a rapper that was really fresh and original and different and on that one track Orion's belt she hold her she held her own next to riff raff a very experienced rapper another rapper who's now burnt out and worthless who at that time had some hype and had sunshine had some respect as a rapper and on that one track Orion's belt the whole world sat up and paid attention and said wow what's happening next for for Kitty Pryde right now I mean you could say that also but little B but you have to go back way further I would say a little B on the gods father project that was really where the mainstream press said okay wow this guy that will be is a real talents till this day God's father mixtape downloaded it's free that almost all little beats music you can you can download for free immediately so you can you can check that out and see what the see what the excitement about and a lot of people since then have criticized a little bit feeling that he didn't live up to the potential didn't live up to the hype the tracks like that well the whole projects are that whole albums like that created for him well you know you were entitled to your opinion if you feel that way but I say again little B took several years years to work on black Ken so that's his latest big project black Ken the next day and I think he did that to challenge himself because before them he really had this working methodology of only putting like five minutes of work in each track he put out one mixtape that had over a hundred tracks on the mixtape where he'd just show up at the studio improvise do everything last minute he you know he was famous for taking his beats straight off of what was it not Facebook MySpace you have people centipede on MySpace put together in five minutes put very little thought into it throw together these very improvised tracks and maybe one at a ten you know something magic happened and I think he was challenging himself to do a much more traditional old-school rap album with black Ken I've already given that album a very positive review on the same Channel so that's what it is guys living in the 21st century we all have the opportunity to make our opinions matter especially to the small number of people on the internet who for whatever reason watch our videos or read our articles feel some connection with us and care about our opinions and yeah incongruously enough I can even reach out to Kitty Pryde a little B little B did comment on my last video about his album it's a little B watch that video or at least watched a couple minutes of its nted to comment you know this is um it's a peculiar out it's a pure era we were sitting at breakfast today in a restaurant I commented my girlfriend she's just here off camera I call ins my girlfriend you know when I was in a restaurant like this ten years agos and fifteen years ago we had the internet but people didn't have the internet with them at their table at the restaurant while they're eating breakfast you know he used to be and come to a restaurant of this and people would spark up conversation with each other and know now everyone's having a conversation via FaceTime on their phone or via Facebook or other writing email you know they have mobile phones that allowed the exits the internet in a big way you know in ways subtle and profound the evolution the internet has changed all of our lives and I had to admit I said even I'm guilty of this if I feel like chatting with people right now I'd probably just start live streaming you know open with my computer start live streaming over breakfast I don't have any reason to start up Congress with these randoms so yeah for better and for worse death the air in and shout out to Kitty Pryde for uh for replying to me on Twitter