Bodybuilders: Chronic Pain, Walk With a Cane.

11 September 2021 [link youtube]

Talking about #exvegan Jon Venus, and the ways in which the pursuit of personal beauty can lead to chronic pain --and worse. @Jon Venus @Jon Venus Podcast #vegan #jonvenus Support the creation of new content on the channel (and speak to me, directly, if you want to) via Patreon, for $1 per month:

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good genetics
if you listen to bodybuilders talk on the internet for whatever reason because you're interested in vegan politics or hear a lot of talk about good genetics what does good genetics really mean does it mean that you look good with your shirt off does it mean that with the right application of steroids you look good with your shirt off because how you absorb the steroids how the type of utilization your body makes in steroids the results you get with the steroids that's genetic too right what if good genetics has more to do with whether or not you make yourself into a [ __ ] or a drug addict whether or not you spend the last 20 30 40 years of your life walking with a cane taking opiates coping with chronic pain brought on ultimately by a combination of your own competitive spirit and simple vanity so i really want to connect with you guys in a way that is very transparent and i feel like i haven't been able to do that because i've been going through a long period of deciding contemplating what i want to do with this channel do i want to delete it do i want to throw it away when i stopped being plant-based in 2020 in the beginning of 2020 i was experiencing some joint pain and some back pain that was resolved within a very short amount of time after eating animal products in the beginning of 2020 beginning of last year so that meat-eating period didn't last very long so i went back into a plant-based diet and felt great in the beginning again just like i felt felt great for five years or almost six years doing it it didn't get bad until october of last year where my joints uh in my wrist and my shoulder went completely painful it was horrible even to move not even when lifting weights but just you know moving around in normal life and so i decided to give it another shot with eating meat and so i ate meat and eggs and animal products again that we have here locally and within a very short amount of time my joint pain started to decrease rapidly and i had kind of given up going to the gym and decided to quit the gym all together but since my joint pain has drastically reduced and is almost non-existent at this point i decided to go back into the gym full time around one month ago training almost every day starting slowly etc but it's been feeling amazing this is the part where we're all supposed to pretend that it's some scientific mystery as to why john venus would experience intense joint pain why would a man looking the way he does at his age have intense pain in his wrists in his elbows i heard a documentary about a fire in a meat processing plant it was notorious locally but i think not really a famous enough accident to make national or international news it was in the united states of america and as you can imagine both for insurance reasons and for sort of criminal investigation purposes because it was suspected that management had mismanaged things in such a way that resulted in unnecessary deaths made a very careful inspection of all the corpses and it seemed that nearly every single dead body had multiple plastic vials of painkillers for joint pain drugs like robaxasset you know these are people working on an assembly line that takes pieces of chicken and covers them in breading and cooks them and freezes them so people can have the convenience of buying a box of ready-to-eat processed meat it is basically like a 21st century sausage factory people picking things up off of conveyor belts and putting them down loading things onto shelves and racks just this moderate exertion repeated over enough hours was causing intense chronic joint pain to the point where the entire staff of this factory was high on painkillers during their work day like morning noon and night sooner or later if you haven't already seen one you will have seen an interview with a career wrestler career boxer anyone who's been a career athlete especially if they pushed to keep that career going as long as possible into their middle age about chronic joint pain and how you know there's one stage where they feel they're surrounded by athletes all of whom are addicted to steroids and then there's another phase of their career where they feel they're surrounded by athletes who are addicted to opiates because of the terrible pain in their joints their difficulty sleeping they take painkillers to make that possible then they take stimulants to make getting up and going to the gym boss pool or you know painkiller addiction amongst professional wrestlers exhibition wrestlers pro athletes of that kind it's at epidemic levels there's no mystery as to why john venus has chronic joint pain the mysterious thing would be imagining that this is a condition that is caused by a vegan diet or that could be cured by eating a non-vegan diet by eating the combination of meat milk eggs that he has here so vaguely alluded to i have you know grown as a person not saying that i've grown into a better and i'm too good for veganism or anything like that i'm just different i have a different perspective and as life moves on that's what happens it's not going to have anything to do with vegan fitness or anything like that although the similarities will be there it's just that i'm not going to be vegan i eat meat it's easy to talk about nature and it's easy to talk about our natural limits but we live our lives constantly ignorant as to what our own true nature might be and we don't really know our natural limits until we discover them i had a girlfriend once i'm not going to tell you which girlfriend i'm thinking of i've had many i had a girlfriend once who came to one day and said that she wanted to go and visit a doctor because her vagina was sore and she felt like maybe we had to take a break from having sex in a while and it was this same kind of attitude like oh like this is a mystery for the doctor to solve i remember i asked how many times did we have sex yesterday eight times no i remember the number was eight you know because the nature of this whole anecdote i was like and the day before that like i did before maybe it was eight maybe it was nine maybe it was six and the day before that maybe was eleven i know it's like look if you go in to see a doctor and say hey you know my vagina is sore and i just have no idea why he says oh well how many times have you been having sex per day and you tell them the truth you say oh well yesterday i had sex eight times the doctor is going to look at you like you're completely insane and say uh uh oh well i think i've found the explanation for why you have a sore vagina you've been pushing yourself to your limits you've been reaching your natural limit for just basically how much friction you could endure if you're crawling around on the floor in your hands and knees and scraping your knees up on the carpet for some reason now nothing real scientific about it you've got a natural limit on how much friction your knees can endure before you start having physical pain before you start having a problem there is no mystery to be solved in explaining the chronic pain and fatigue that john venus complains of the mystery is explaining how it is that he's become so deeply committed to his own vanity that he wants to put in the work and for the next 10 years try to force his body past that natural limit that already did so much damage to him in the last 10 years why it is that he's willing to take this risk to end up like one of those old men in those wrestling documentaries and those boxing documentaries to end up as one of those old men with a terrible crippling chronic pain condition and quite possibly a drug habit to help manage the symptoms [Music] you