White Knighting HEAVY w Rationality Rules x Rachel Oates

15 September 2019 [link youtube]

Oh, you want links? Oh YOU THINK you want links. Rationality Rules "Reflections on the Essence of Drama" = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqZMgLgGlYAWvSU8lZ9xiVg/videos (2) His channel = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqZMgLgGlYAWvSU8lZ9xiVg/videos (3) Rachel Oates = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC6ue7UYt1yeS621xmTMKrQ/videos (4) No spoilers, the source quoted at the end = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrzsS5SPnow

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

can we seriously just stop with this us
versus then thing already it's tired is boring it's not helpful to anyone that's the main thing it divides people it helps no one I'm really not a big fan of drama in general and my disposition is to ignore her but due to ethyl essence a Thor relentlessly bullying my good friend Rachel oats into self harming and then heavily insinuating that she's using the color of her skin to manipulate people I'm done with silence I'd like to have an argument please no this is my first time on the 29th of March I published a video on transgender athletes and I screwed up bad ever published a response that was in large decent just like the aforementioned people effort accurately pointed out many of my mistakes but unlike the previous people she incessantly assigned to me malice motive she insisted that I had made the video with the intent of deliberately hurting trans people just as a means to attack trans women and their place in public in fact she straight-up asserted that I was jumping on the anti trans bandwagon simply to cash in on a far-right paycheck Oh Deary me the ultra light man is here to teach us about his fears for women's pores Stephen wood food form rationality rules is jumping on the anti trans bandwagon because when the bible thumpers are too busy to blame us for every natural disaster on this planet the trademark skeptics step up to claim that we're destroying Western civilization anyhow while flying back from the warm hospitality of the ACA the ACA publicly denounced me and since receiving a denouncement from such a large and respected organization can be absolutely career-ending I had to put everything aside in order to reply immediately he as a creator was acting on transphobic principles when he made it he formed his argument from sheer prejudice for trans women based on preconceived notions and stereotypes of what they're lying oh this is an argument contradiction on the 1515 I published my updated views and seven days later ever published a response titled rationality rules proves himself a transphobic AK one group including yourself is arguing fumu or certain human rights for trans people to be clear you are not supportive of the trans community you are certainly no trans Ally you are a transphobic hack this is futile so it isn't ok but argument argue is not the same as contradiction danby during the month of July fo asserted that I had had a transphobic meltdown claim that the ACA had died you to transphobia and attacked Matt Dillahunty who is considered a massive ally of the trans community for not publicly denouncing me and finally on the 24th of August FL created yet another video on the topic in which she somehow quadrupled down on her defamation stating as fact get this that my one and only goal throughout this entire ordeal has been to maximize the amount of harm to trans people that I possibly can Woodfin is not setting out to him through sport he's setting out to maximize the amount of harm he can cause trans people collective statements to establish a definite proposition this as anyone with eyes can see is absolutely detrimental to the trans community look if I argue with you I must take up a country position automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says yes but after trampling over the reputation of these figures who are let's not forget considered massive allies of the trans community ever found someone who simply couldn't ignore her accusations my close friend Rachel Oates after harassing and demanding that Rachel denounced me as a trans folk and manipulating everything that Rachel had to say while blocking her from defending herself as Ethel does Rachel replied in video format I don't care about sport I don't know anything about sport I have no interest in sport so I didn't even have an opinion on the video that's it just getting interested sorry the 5 minutes is up this is exactly the same as the people who say oh when did you stop hitting your wife I never viciously attacked trans people I can't stop viciously attacking trans people because I never started after months of Lies and bullying Rachel Brooke she posted a video in which she was profusely crying with blood trickling down her arm from self-harm just as a means of getting effort to recognize the harm and abuse that her nail core causing honestly Ethel you've become the very monster that you set out to slay an abusive intolerant bigoted bully Rachel while you may not feel like it you are extremely strong despite all of the bullying and manipulating you didn't cave to Ethel's demands you didn't condemn me you didn't endorse a lie and for that you have my utmost respect it's truly an honor to call you my friend thanks link I guess [Music] hey it's a dirty job princess but somebody's got to do it I'm glad it's you Linc I wish I had the chance to live those few moments again I understand fortunately I can I forgive me I'm going to what happened and most importantly I'm not gonna sit here and make any excuses Oh make it excuse me I'd say great part of me being able to exercise self-control what I did was inexcusable what I've done my mother and my spiritual teachers have taught me way better than that I have toriana countless time to tell that [ __ ] I mean really people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know