Season 8, Episode 5, of Game of Thrones [ASOIAF]

13 May 2019 [link youtube]

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so this garden is in fact the middle of
a high-intensity Taiwanese manufacturer huh that's true the train station is visible in the background they're somewhat distant but yeah they really make an effort government industry work together here to make this a lot more beautiful than it could be I'm here with my girlfriend who has not yet seen episode 5 of season 8 but I wrote to her to tell her we'll watch it together tonight it is actually a good episode I think by any reasonable standard this is the first good episode in three years I was thinking myself is growing what if one day in the future my daughter wants to watch Game of Thrones my daughter is now six years old with many years of idioms is out I want you to you know I'd say here's my advice kid watch seasons one through four and then skip ahead to see today episode 5 the other even within this season the other episodes of this season have been so awful I would say so not remembering exactly when this happened the chronology I would say you watch up to the point where Aria departs Westeros where she departs to go to train with the the faceless men and then at that point you cut it off and you jumped to the finale episode 5 everything else that's happened in between is so awful I did look around to get the sense of what the what the reactions from from veteran critics of Game of Thrones have been after this and I understand a lot of people are upset with the episode really for reasons that are external the episode it's it's the bad writing that's led up to it that remains a problem so I just ask this Tyrion Lannister even half a character history Lannister like have motivations or objectives Orkut no and he is like the most writing devoted to live like it's early in the show the most lines of dialogue the most time with his facial expressions on screen hit a major character so it's not really like the bad writing within this episode it's the consequence of years of bad writing leading up to this that sure there's stuff to complete over there uh there mister garyun first story arc her character like you get that if you look at this episode nice inhalation if you did what it suggests you skipped a couple years you'd be like whoa I missed something whoa yeah it's because there's been a lot of bad writing leading up to this episode if you just look at this episode in isolation it's like a movie unto itself her character makes sense with it but no you're not with one good episode you're not gonna turn around the legacy of years and years and years of bad writing it's interesting I don't particularly give credit to to Dan and Dave the showrunners but the team of people who are working with them here they certainly are very very competent they're certainly very adept at some presenting a sense of the aimlessness of war I remember I read various things that been about obviously not all war has this this sense but I remember reading the autobiography of a guy who fought in the Cambodian Civil War with a lot of you know down on the ground details the day-to-day reality that we read people's accounts of what was like fighting in Laos there was one account I read by up by a white American who fought in World War two in Europe fought in the American side and just you know I remember he said like you know describe walking around these devastated city escapes marooned and empty city escapes he said we were like a bunch of teenagers running around throwing rocks at each other like you don't like like some game he played as a kid in New York City or something except you know the rocks were bullets you get a story about you know where there was a group of other Germans patrolling they wouldn't attack each other unless they were directly under orders to do so it was late in the war when the German you can guess German started really lost the German cities were devastated so in general the Germans actually wouldn't open fire on them they wouldn't open fire on the Germans unless their own emergency so because everyone knew look sooner or later there's gonna be a peace treaty signed it's gonna be an armistice this war is done and there's no point kill a bunch of strangers you ain't got nothing against nothing she's another interesting element of war the the strange camaraderie between enemies that that sometimes arises especially after it years and years that's not a thing we've seen chance triplets anyway in this this kiddies without him patrol he says you see that that German there says I'm gonna hit him with a bullet right between the arms and it is a count the guy riding the super said that the rifles they had were of such abysmal Easwar quality that was like a given their distance so that was a one in a hundred shot it was so unlikely to Scott would get the devil to the eyes that he didn't even try to stop him this guy raised his rifle it takes one shot and hits this German kid Crypton s but then what made this description so so evocative and memorable was that everyone responded with with confusion and look what whoa what do you do know it's a battlefield oh it's the middle of war what are you doing shooting this kid why did you just kill someone who didn't have to die you know so I mentioned this you guys have already seen this episode all of this has that very strange quality again it's really the last couple of years the Vietnam War over like that where people involved in the war we're like well this war you know this war in a sense nobody's gonna win we all know it's gonna be an armistice no that's gonna end this is certainly is going to end with an American victory on earth could give it all must have it for the past several years in Afghanistan assume for the past several years in Iraq that strange sense of enemy when a war that started with a seer clear sense of purpose a clear idea of victory I mean again I know World War two is a really extreme example but even in World War two after a certain point there was this sense of over what a week more each each other before again and look you know the politicians are gonna sort this out this doesn't mean anything nobody so some of those themes some of that sense and again even though it's remembered is one of the worst episodes Game of Thrones if you compare this to the battle between Jon Snow and house Bolton the Battle of the bastards couple seasons ago where that was I I would I remember that is one of the worst episode of the show but nevertheless the lower level people managed to make that a very evocative artistic statement about the aimlessness of war so here also this has a lot of quality aesthetically in terms of giving voice to that sense of the aimlessness to misrepresent so guys TV shows a disaster it's been terrible for three or four years or more however we've been counting the writings been terrible for a long long time this is one episode that really does work as a film as a work of sinful isolation it's true you kind of have to forget there's there's some weird plot holes here what happened to bran didn't it seem like bran was gonna be a major character just what episode go you have to forget all that you have to watch you in a vacuum you have to watch it with no context though that had been said sure credit where credit's due when they had awful episodes and terrible rating I came here and said it honestly and when the writing was decent I got I got to give it to them they made these men here is the beautiful contradiction of modern Taiwan enormous factory in here it enormous factor the site and look at that look at the mangoes hanging off that tree just beautiful this whole street in its way really really beautiful palm trees of the Setting Sun and what can I tell you that's that we live Chinese tradition and the brutality of economic for the Rd come on and so on Danton [Music]