Living in the Moment: the Permanent Vacation Mentality (With TED CARR!)

24 June 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

that's not liking to set okay the next
five years I'm going to be the regular being in the moment oh yeah so I used to think whatever you want to be be in the motet car you cannot just be an athlete in the moment it's yours either part where you cannot just be a painter or a sculptor in the moment you cannot just be a medical doctor in the moment and let's take it back to language learning you cannot speak loshon or you cannot speak Thai or Bernie's or Sinha Lee's or any of those languages in the moment years and years of hard work dedication over a period of decades and you know what you can't be any age in politics in the moment because politics you deal with things that is a legacy going back at least a hundred years and you got to look forward a hundred years old so you got to know the history you got into the historical context you got into the background politically to what's going on and you got to think about consequences those things take place on a totally different [ __ ] time scale but even picking with even sticking with your shitty choice of examples ted car no [ __ ] you meet and talk to a real sculptor so much put in the time had their hands torn up bowling glass have you met and talked to glass blowers I have have you men talk to people who work with [ __ ] bronze casting [ __ ] Jesus Christ that I was going to be a writer I was going to be a writer but before right the techno again this is bent so he just said before his dream was he was going to be a writer and then he put in great he was going to be a writer and actually his bio the only bio Department refers to that that he spent so many hours today working on his writing okay and this is the sense in which his philosophy it's probably supposed to be recommendations for you because you take his advice so seriously but it always seems to come back to it's so tightly bound to the self-justification the fact that he's a [ __ ] loser that he never became a successful writer he's never written anything that anyone wanted to read or buy or publish right Ted so now we're going to get the justification for why he wanted to be a writer but he didn't have any ambition so he dropped at a university and he's never really written anything he just takes off his shirt on YouTube further was pens and pencils you want a writer you you leave an artist who did some cave paintings burro's no identities were able as he's a writer she's a writer they are writer don't even have to come up with Owen I'm going to be a writer we would really had a technology they were the technology Chris came out then people started to adopt that their job title in daily I'm going to be a writer so now we're moving away from the pen and paper a lot of kids earlier on a right anymore they're leaning to type on iPads learning to read write on iPads on iphone the whole manner of his [ __ ] speaking here I'm just saying this was sometimes being face to face I would just stand up and walk out of the room I wouldn't insult him I wouldn't criticize me would reply to any of this I would just leave the room okay Ted so this is why you you gave up on your life stream on your ambition you're incredibly modest ambition of being a writer right that's what I'm hearing here right and why everybody else should just be a [ __ ] dropout loser with no ambition like yourself what everyone else should go to Thailand and live a fruitarian diet and live for their joy in the moment blah blah blah instead of pursuing their vision critique of identity that being a writer's yeah you know what you know what Ted I've known people who are professional writers and they had ambition and they had pride in the fact that they had a resume they had a CV where they could walk into an office of a for-profit business in Hollywood and say I'm a writer I want to work for you I wanted to they could role walk into a newspaper office and be taken seriously yeah you know what some people have that as an identity tape because they made the sacrifice they paid the price they have years and years of hard work and pursuit of that ambition and they have a resume that says I am a writer even if they had to work in a coffee shop or do other jobs etc etc so they could pursue that dream where they had an ambition and a dream that drove them and the result is they take on that identity of saying I am a professional writer that's something you're never going to understand Ted because you're a professional loser on permanent vacation so eventually has to be feasible it could be feasible together not say will be for sure but it definitely the pen no no Ted it'll never be phased out altogether never even though there's so little money in writing even though many of those people have to resonates people are going to have a CD that says I'm a writer I want to be taken seriously here's why and you'll never understand that 10 because again as far as I know you're just a born rich loser you're just a Bruce Wayne who never had any interest in becoming Batman just say - because I just said I've met a lot of rich people doing humanitarian work met rich people in museums and even when you met rich people didn't really understand what they were doing or why when you met a rich person who was donating money to an art gallery because they wanted to provide art education to poor children like really those people exist and you think is this really the best way to spend millions of dollars teaching children how to paint a picture in downtown Chicago or in Cambodia or whatever share remember one example that from Laos two people were raising money donating money relate to art galleries and Fine Arts you know whatever my opinion is irrelevant you meet which people and maybe their idea of how to help the poor is kind of [ __ ] up it's kind of ineffective there's also this whole charity I could talk about where they were obsessed with digging wells digging wells to give people during water and a lot of time it was like they come to a village they already have enough drinking water they don't need any well and you're coming here and digging a well and there were environmental problems there problems with the well water being poisoned there were all these problems because they these people didn't understand the the actual scientific element you know what though when you meet those people at leat there are people who've inherited money and they have some concept to trying to make the world a better place those people are infinitely better than you take care you're making the world a worse place and you're trying to pull others in - you're [ __ ] pathetic downward spiral of self justification for why you've never even bothered making the world a better place Oh David that should it so in the future there might not be writing and the way of expressing yourself could just be to making videos like this technology did not exist maybe didn't very crude form 10-15 years ago go but now it's so commonplace for zero two year-olds making videos on their iPhone and four year olds making snapchats and everything it's crazy so video is a new mode of expression and it's people are tuning into people we read anymore in these days when you go to a news article website you see the big paragraphs needs to be big chunks paragraphs now paragraphs on your open newsletter you go to a blog or something paragraphs what why do you think you say that Ted people hardly read anymore these days could that be about you Ted could it be that you hardly read any more these days who who do you think hardly reads anymore these days Ted losers like you I know a lot of people who read 10 I know a lot of hard-working people who read then you ain't want them so like a sentence each each paragraph to the sentence paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph because George swore short chunks of information so watching videos typically breaking up and it's just easier to passively consume this information so anyways that's point number one big point there I used to express resent the writing now I do it through video it's just so much easier to pick up the pick up the camera and film there is something magical writing I love writing or editing writing love making the sentences is perfect but video is just so much easier to get out there quickly and quick music the second point I want to make though is that we've heard this before but let's see it in a different way and that is we don't know what we've got till it's gone they say you don't know what you've got till it's gone like when you go for breaks up a do you look I'm an act I didn't know what I had until she laughter when you've heard from but except if you say oh I didn't know what I had until he left and for the gender-neutral P part there you say oh I didn't know what I had until they left and with raw food and cooked food especially you know get animal products the street I'm in right now I'm totally just content I'm totally just I feel no no no please neutral feel fine when we first got our food like mister feeling is totally always there some digestion things going on or something fatigue happening or so high that's happening but when we grow up when you certificate or normal after like you just become so oblivious to how you feel lonely you feel that you better kind of just slip up and go back to cook food to feel oh [ __ ] like that's how you feel like we don't Li appreciate the stability of doing awkward debt and can't go back to cook food and feel of rooms rather the topic of this video is discovering your life calling and career this has been the longest four minutes of my life trying to force myself to listen to Ted car without interruption gonna bring it back to my light motif and end this video now I'm really glad I didn't discover Ted car earlier in my youtube career this is like [ __ ] kryptonite to me this is like the antithesis of everything I believe in and care about man and it's it's within veganism and I know it connects to a lot of other things that people believe in and talked about within because right ambition gets a bit of a bad name because people so often associate ambition with a narrow focus on just earning as much money as possible and that's really not the meaning of the word okay ambition can be many things whatever your moral aspirations are in life whatever your moral code may be it is meaningless without ambition and on some level I think it's genuinely dangerous to have people like Ted Coe on the internet glorifying a life devoted to self-indulgence all ordered a life devoted to short-term pleasures a life totally devoid of ambition but a life that is the same at the same time praised and promoted as if it adhered to the highest standards of morality as if it represented the highest calling for human being imaginable as if the highest and greatest and grandest thing you could possibly do with your time with your talent with your money is to resign yourself to just being happy at any cost as if the best thing you can do with your adult life is to snuff out your personal potential and commit now to the permanent vacation ah ba Liu Yin