Matters of Principle: Vegan Cheetah PWNS à-bas-le-ciel on Younow.

03 September 2016 [link youtube]

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but US yen okay guys can you just say in
the chat if you can hear eyes'll through the microphone because I got you through a microphone can you guys just say can you can tell me if you can hear eyes'll through the microphone we can hear him we can hear him negative in fact some blood and I mean I assume one thing I assume you weren't actually set and we would talk about it at some point so never reason to get upset assumed you would like help me out in the practical sense of answering questions before I was just interested to figure out oh he actually talks about swipe or not you know that's just the conversation that's asking you to help me personally I assume you talk to email or like now on you know that we you're out whether it was a catfish or not let's just stick with that topic real quick um if it's not your ex-wife aisel are you listen listen listen if it's not your ex-wife who like who can you think of that file the privacy complaints and then somehow I got my home phone number and called my house like who do you think it was if it's not your ex-wife or your wife or whatever it is now do I know for a fact that the first phone you was max wise like legally I know that no but I've confirmed that ex-wife has contacted other youtubers and I suspect gene diversity is contacted during rendering so why would you do that I don't know what gets views before hi I just talked about the fiction is speculation difference between something coming from me and something coming from an unknown source might come could be a gap you know just being on how much you know and that's what CMC does that's what everybody else does big game so you know nothing ever easy boy and you know you got a competition guys like Joe Keegan who operated by a different set of rules and there are things he'll do and things you won't do vegan does doesn't do you know I mean I do what I do I don't really concern myself with Joe Dugan does our dog do like you know I am I don't play by his rules I don't play by your rules don't play my jersey know that play by Mojo's rules I played by [ __ ] cheetahs okay sure I have some competition but you said that you should be mad at me let's keep it on topic so why should you be mad at me I can't say he owes me anything but in the past you and I really have been friends so the fact that you just wouldn't talk to me at all but something look I'm talking to my lawyer this has implications for my real life problems you have a casual conversation with you like no like you know do we think this was really master-wife or not yeah well it's kind of going back to I mean aisel listen I hear what you're saying but it's kind of going back to the mojo thing like you know that's kind of what your argument is for mojo that you know while we were kind of cooled mojo we're all on the same team so you know vegan cheat is a [ __ ] [ __ ] no don't think you should treat mojo better or worse he's our friend and I don't I think moto deserves the same basic treatment as any other human being who I don't even know I think mojo visited during right but I think it's completely wrong - colder advisor or pedophile for the same reason it's morally wrong to call me a pedophile like I believe in equal treatment and equal human rights and it's true no I don't I don't feel that way about mojo and I don't feel you've betrayed mojo or betrayed adventures in mojo and I don't even think I've said this to you before but I didn't think you should censor that broadcast and says I think you should have said nothing about mojo I just think you should have been more realistic about it like I said in the email I thought if I if I need editors I'll let you know if I need editors on my on the content I'm gonna publish I'll let you know oh boy I mean heh sincerely you're saying as my friend you're saying I would have thought that maybe you would have talked to me first and you know told me what's going on or maybe not you know anything to you the speculation is that you're misogynist I'm just going by what people will find the quote exactly find the quote exactly player if it were true that I was dating to him the same time that does make me misogynist it's ridiculous you know that I don't care if you're a misogynist or not like I actually don't care like we could still be cool of you're misogynist or your sources on that story because I know they must have been either catfishing is completely for complete nonsense um you know so again I don't know I don't need to know what the background was for that story now dude in terms of old media new media nobody's talking about being editor but it's about following up what you do have to work when you run a story with us whether a newspaper or anything else then half the words you say ho it turns out to be false and you kind of did that with mojo anyway well what that book guys this is the deal and all because that media new media whatever it's not a question of sensory if a newspaper publishes a story about someone that turns out to be false and then that first writes into the newspaper it says look you've slandered me or this is wrong and this is incorrect the newspaper follows up and TMZ follows up everyone folds up and you go to follow up and it would be a friend it really is nothing it is a I'm going so okay so if you don't know him like that he's not your friend you don't give a [ __ ] about mojo do you really think it was appropriate for you to upload those statements against me the way you did I mean do you really think that was appropriate considering that you didn't give a [ __ ] about mojo and now you're saying all you know you know I consider you a friend I mean do you think it was appropriate for you to do what you did like on that one video do you think that was appropriate do you think that I mean do you think that's appropriate do you yes for me the principal the thing is I do not I do not want you to call me pedophile Oh call who I want to call a pedophile believe that he's completely irrelevant I think he's a sexual predator and I think he has HIV his name on this ocean you think we even talked about this but you had said that I was wrong and calling source show white supremacists when you could actually go to her YouTube channel and she has said that about herself when she said he didn't know about it and listen when I said I will call boy I want to call pedophile like if I truly thought somebody would you know and I had source on that I would come out with that be like look this is what people are saying like I'm not saying like I would just slander somebody randomly I've actually never called I don't think I've ever called during Ryan pedophile my life anyways we realized oh you said you got a quota be saved during Ryder's pedophile do you think he's a sexual predator quite possibly a pedophile and I think he has HIV and he's spreading it in Thailand so you guys know who I'm talking about where I'm gonna mention his name on this channel did he ever quote of that you know you dog Chuck wants to ask you a question Chuck once asked you why are you willing to defend his enemy that's I don't know what Chuck is for everybody or nobody well I guess that would be the difference between you and me you seem to be a man that at least tries to portray the idea that you you you live out your principles no matter what you know I am willing to flex on principles if it seems outrageous you know what I'm saying like like you for one have described yourself as somebody who if you're at a bus station and all they have is non vegan cookies to eat you won't eat it and you'll go 14 hours starving I'm not that guy so there's a different that's great that's great but does that you know principal stones is doesn't always serve your you know your best interest your self-interest it doesn't always serve you well I mean that in my personal opinion yes yeah