Are there Video Games in Heaven? Boogie2988 at 400 Pounds.

04 October 2021 [link youtube]

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#vegan #vegans #veganism

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first thing i want to talk about this
week is weight loss because that search term is coming up a lot again but i've also seen people discussing it on twitter and instagram there's a lot of people who are just adamantly convinced i have put a good chunk of the weight back on couldn't be further from the truth a couple months back i weighed in and i was about 400 pounds almost 400 pounds 3.95 and i don't know if you know this i've said it on channels on the youtube videos i've said it on twitter i've said it everywhere else i've made myself a promise if i ever got over 400 pounds again i would check myself into a rehab that can help me with my eating disorder that would help me with my food attention uh but for those of you not followed for the past couple of years i lost a lot of weight for a short period of time i lost 67 pound pounds i went from 567 pounds to 500 using a ketogenic diet as was recommended to me by my nutritionist by my doctor and by the good folks at keto so as you can see buoy is in a terrible place at the moment and i could not believe it when he said that his doctor and nutritionist put him on a ketogenic diet i was like are you serious like this guy obviously does not have a deficiency of fat in his diet he obviously has enough fat in his body and in his bloodstream so pretty amount of high fat animal products diet low carb diet is like a recipe for death i did put on some weight during covet and yes i'm back up to 355 but the idea that i'll even remotely close to 400 is absurd i have no intention nor plans to getting to 400 pounds plus or anything like that ever again in fact i'm trying to go in the other direction i wanted to show you what i'm eating because i'm doing it you know i didn't eat breakfast i didn't eat dinner i eat once yesterday i want to show you what i'm eating today i don't think i'll finish what i have but i want to show you what i have i wanted to go a little bit lighter so i did grab a couple pieces of fried chicken because this is what nazis carried those non-scary farms is famous for i also wanted to get just a piece of bread and mostly one of the shrimp the shrimp are pretty good for you in a couple of deviled eggs and i'm going to lend myself to that got some water to drink and some diet coke as well to flavor that with i know this is probably a lot of food for the people that are out there but considering i'm barely eating out here i'm kind of pleased you know you could be checking on the plant at any moment you know if you follow if you keep trying to go on this ketogenic diet like you're trying to go on it again i'm telling you it is a recipe for a heart attack i know a lot of people are disappointed at 355 pounds i'm disappointed with 355 pounds to some extent but at the same time i'm coming up on the third year anniversary of my gastric bypass surgery knowing that i used to be 587 pounds knowing that i was 500 pounds the day of surgery knowing that i managed to lose over 200 pounds and keep 200 pounds off as fast as i still am i'm pretty proud of this if i'm being honest with you i know there's like a lot of screen caps of me out there looking like this but this one goes when i walk i lean backwards like a pregnant woman uh but yeah this is my actual size is what i'm gonna actually look like and as fat as i am i like this so i undid all of that progress and got back up to 397 three pounds away from having to check myself in if i get that thing that's going around dude even though i'm vaccinated i'm probably a goner i don't think i could beat it i barely beat that flu i had two weeks ago we just lost a youtuber to that damn thing and that puts he was only 38. i'm 47. i if i catch that man i'm a goner [Music] too young you