Jill Stein: Fake Vegan (Green Party, U.S.A.)

16 October 2016 [link youtube]

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the word fake vegan has to mean
something most of the time here on the Internet it gets thrown around as a caddy and really hypocritical insult by that I mean many of the people accusing others of being fake vegans themselves would be guilty of the same thing if they applied the criteria fairly on all sides but ultimately the word is not meaningless and there are people you'll meet in real life face-to-face who are fake vegans in the strictest sense I think they say they're vegans and they're not and sometimes when you meet those people you wonder are they actually unaware of the meaning of the term or are they trying to sit cynically manipulate the term are they trying to make you like me or the trying to manipulate you why would they say this this video is gonna be about Jill Stein Jill Stein is an American politician and I think it is fair to say that she's a she's a fake vegan in just one moment I'm gonna read out a quotation from her showing exactly what the problem is more broadly I think there is a question early early this morning I was being asked on Yunel and by social media to comment on the problem of vegan celebrities and the problem is that they're not really vegan now in some cases they claim to be vegan and they're not but more often they're celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio or currently Arnold Schwarzenegger they're celebrities who made vague statements in support of veganism but who did not really claim to be vegan themselves if you pay attention what they said and how they said it they weren't really rapping the cause they didn't claim it was their own diet their own lifestyle uh you know nor even what they were pursuing as a political goal but sometimes vegans dinner have been so eager to appropriate these people that they misrepresent them as being vegans and then we get a different kind of fake vegan phenomenon where people are being perceived as vegans they're being expected to represent veganism when they're not vegans when they don't represent veganism and this sets up a peculiar cycle a cycle in which the most high-profile most influential most visible vegans are not vegans thus the question of who is a fake vegan is very real and very significant so Jill Stein is an American politician who is now running for president nighted states and she represents the Green Party on this channel I've criticized the Green Party many times but I'm normally talking about the Green Party of Canada not the Green Party United States Jill Stein was cornered in an interview on reddit she was finally asked directly are you or are you not vegan because she makes some kind of big statements about these vegans from my perspective self contradictory statements both decision and I will now read you in entirety her reply it's a couple sentences long this will feel like the longest paragraph of your life so to quote Jill Stein quote we need a sustainable food system industrial animal agriculture is not sustainable not healthy for the planet not healthy for people and not humane large-scale feeding operations pollute the water the air at the soil and fill our food with antibiotics pesticides just at the paws you already can tell she's not vegan because she uses the word food here they pulled our food with antibiotics pesticides at home what what food has hormones in it why are you talking about potatoes Joba meat we see people with chicken vegan for few years you actually don't use the word food this way you don't complain about hormones in your food because you don't drink milk and you don't regard milk as food anyway just it's a Shibboleth it's a little implicit thing here but even the way he's talking about it's clear that he's someone who still considers eating you know meat and dairy natural normal and necessary all right and I continue with my quote ah we need a healthy food system our green and New Deal will move subsidies from harmful corporate agriculture to small-scale healthy and sustainable operations pause F pause again stable small-scale meat farming meat agriculture just talk about slitting the throats of cows she talked about pigs and goats and sheep and chickens but because it's small-scale you know it's morally it's morally pure right anyway I've discussed as many many times people face-to-face and on the Internet and what have you if you were looking at a good Hospital why would you assume that a small Hospital is morally spiritual our jaw spittle if you're looking in factory conditions whether it's pollution from factories or the conditions of the employees of the workers and so on why would you assume that a small factory is better than a large factory sometimes a large factory treats people better than a small factory there is absolutely nothing rational or reasonable about her approach here which is making excuses for the industry it's saying if you break it down into smaller pieces its moral whereas if you look at it in the aggregate hole it's immoral so anyway this is to be blunt to you if I'm not set himself the turmoil user this is [ __ ] in the parlance of our times in the slang in the in the Brogue of the streets of our era this is what you would call some [ __ ] this is just nonsense but anyway this quotation ends quote I have been vegan or vegetarian for forty five years currently I am vegan plus fish and occasional dairy for health reasons so that is why the term fake vegan exists or a close quote Jill Stein you are a fake vegan either you sincerely do not know the meaning of the word vegan which seems impossible because you're the leader of the green party or you're intentionally trying to manipulate me the audience the reader if you eat if you eat dairy you're not vegan you should know that that's obvious you included the words vegan you said vegan or vegetarian you at the contrast there so you should be aware of the difference between these things so first and foremost that's obvious secondly if you believe there are legitimate health reasons to eat dairy you're really not vegan that is that is totally impossible there are some extremely obscure health reasons by the way we're eating meat has to be justified they're they're really less than one in a million I've read articles dealing with that the very very rare health conditions where you've got a look at some non vegan but dairy dairy for health reasons of course if you eat fish that you're not vegan or vegetarian your pescetarian at best so yeah you're you're vegan plus fish and dairy and and you claim what by this very malleable standard of the meaning of the word vegan you've been vegan or vegetarian for forty-five years I think so for forty five years you've been lying that's what this means you're you've been a liar for forty five years you've been a fake vegan for forty five years and of course I mean it's always an irony but that's if you're a real vegan you have much more contempt for this than you have for someone who's a meat-eater who's honest about it it's one it's part of human nature it's how life on Earth goes um look guys the Green Party in most countries is a joke not everywhere May if you're watching this in some of the countries in Europe there's some Green Party movement worth talking about go to Google Image Search and take a look at Green Party conference Green Party conference near you search for your country or your state of your city as hopeless and pathetic as the Green Party seems from a vegan perspective and believe me in Canada it seems especially pathetic in many ways they have in many places reach the critical mass of having conferences of having of making events happen in a way that we don't you got to be self-critical what have vegans really accomplished in the last couple of years and what can we accomplish if we continue to work alone in the way that we have maybe maybe where you live it's a smart idea to get involved the Green Party maybe but maybe also you have to make the hard decision that these people in terms of their principles their constitutions what organizes them they're guiding you know what the the aspects that define who they are as political movement that's not going to change that it's a waste of your time and energy that you're better off starting your own movement starting your own foundation study your own organization or working with other people who respect you for being vegan and working the people whom you can respect as a vegan because this Jill Stein inevitably brings on you know hatred and al-baqi and scoffs of disbelief from vegans who have very few choices for who they would look to delete for leadership but they're not looking at you they're not looking at the green part