Extinction Rebellion Wants YOUR MONEY!

22 September 2019 [link youtube]

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

extinction rebellion is not the
stupidest social movement I have ever seen in my life however spent a large part of my life studying the history of social and political movements and they get very very stupid alright so the first thing to say is there's some fundamental point here which is any group of people have to decide who you like this is I am an old digital fairly pointless mine site and if you don't have a group of people who decide stuff that someone will decide anyway I want to suggest that the rebellion the international rebellion is on the 7th October so you could come to me and say hang on one sec you know how come you're deciding now was so special about you and then you could say well I'm going to set up this process through which you can decide X and then someone else could go along to you and say in a minute what gives you the right to decide how to decide this cosine this is the role of centralized actually you have to have a group that makes that decision up they can make enough to this to get away for the bottom line is you have to have a group that decides oh in should have got that yeah Piper group that decides how to decide and you just have to do it in his favor lose first thing at the 59th so we were a centralized group who was required to correct this decentralized movement we didn't say this is what we think and all these other the ideas to come reset this is what we think if you don't agree with us that's cool you know set up your own social movement but this is what we've taken this is how we're going to do it so you know this is a paradox isn't it you know this is when you actually get to you know to the actuality of organizing things these are the main issues have to do with it's not some high moral politics about you know hierarchy or whatever it's about actually getting a job done taking money yeah you put a take it and it doesn't matter that it comes from some on rich that's just a virtue thing you know it's like I don't want to be associated to these rich people not as a Meyer I mean it might matter in nineteen ninety or something all year 2000 it doesn't matter in 2019 we need that money to grow the movement so let's just take it that's the fundamental point you know rich people don't want to die as well rich people care about their kids so something fundamentally structural is changing here in the global social structure though all those old stories those left-wing stories of had well maybe they're still cracked but as good evidence to show that they're not which is the climate crisis affects everyone including these super rich people so what does this super rich person do right I mean what do we want them to do commit suicide and burn all their money no no what we want them to do is do the decent thing ring us up and give us that million quid because we need that the fact of the matter is we need to change the global economy in the next 12 months right in order to do that some people are gonna have to get paid it's just a reality of a situation some people are gonna have to administrate a mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people you can't do that through voluntary activity you want to pay someone to do that you need to pay someone to take the emails off you know to open the post these things are all the boring stuff that requires social movements and social movements needs some this idea that you know you don't have hierarchy and all the rest of if everyone's a volunteer it's actually bollocks in my opinion because what it means is is people that have got the time end up making the decisions right end up like doing stuff and becoming powerful and it's no surprise that the people that have got the time are older people and middle-class people so there's this idea so eager latarian sort of paradise because no one's getting paid it's just a Pyrrhic lee not cracked you know there's thousands young people when they give all their shitty jobs and we're at full-time forex teams from rebellion and they're not able to do so because they've got to do some board job in the evening when they could be doing talks because they don't got the cash so let's get them the cash right and another demographic of months right or parents you know they've got kids so who's gonna pay for the child care who's gonna pay for the babysitter right well if you're poor you're not gonna have that money so let's give those people some money so they can do what they're crying out to doubt is the work full-time extinction rebellion or wherever noon we're talking about I guess so you've heard the pitch you've just heard his mumbling stumbling self-effacing explanation for why centralization it's necessary hierarchy is necessary to some extent an unequal even authoritarian command structure is necessary and he presumptively will be at the top of that structure then most importantly of all you've heard why rich people need to line up and give him their money maybe fairly convincing maybe you didn't I've been lately talking to one of my long-term viewers who says that he's an anarchist well if the end goal you agree with is anarchism and what you want are to take the steps along the path leading towards anarchy then that would completely reject this kind of approach that is instead not merely tending towards hierarchy but to ah cracy it's going to reproduce all the advantages and all the disadvantages of a large well-funded organization like peda people with the Ethical Treatment of Animals and while they pretend to radicalism and they claim they're going to change the world in just the next 12 months this group extinction rebellion you can look back at the history of peda people who have contributed animals and see that with their millions of dollars and their huge numbers of peed staff just how little and just how gradually they have changed the world with equally pious motives and with an equally great sense of urgency