Forgetting Donald Trump (with Jaclyn Glenn!)

27 November 2020 [link youtube]

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i just voted i'm so excited that was fun what are you doing you're throwing away your receipt [Music] hey remember before the remember remember for the apocalypse but back in my time yeah it's still like it's still going to feel so much better to me that the election will be over i won't have to [ __ ] worry about donald trump anymore and i'll stop hearing people [ __ ] on facebook i'm so annoyed with all that um so it'll be nice and also like what are we all gonna argue about over on facebook oh we'll find we'll find a way we'll find something new but you know even though like the female thing isn't like a huge deal it is going to be kind of cool to like finally have the first woman president so that's going to be like a moment in history yeah it's going to be a moment in history you know like her our great grandkids are going to be reading about it in the history textbooks in the history textbook first three i'm looking forward to her victory speech where everyone's cheering and then it's like this feeling of unity hopefully it comes to that point where there's like some feeling of unity even though there's been a lot of like you know arguing of course but anyways two hours later hey guys so i am intoxicated right now and i'm watching the election results and donald trump won the house the senate that went republican too republican majority so we're essentially [ __ ] what do you think about this tiffy tippy's really pissed she's a democrat so i don't know guys i'm gonna go i just i wanted to make a quick video and i don't know i uh i'm really sad i don't even know if i properly conveyed how sad i am in this video but i'm very sad and i'm very defeated and uh scared scared for what's gonna happen in the future a lot of people say it's not gonna matter it's not gonna matter who wins but i think it does matter i feel like a lot of the progress we've made a lot of uh social rights are going to be taken away and then people are going to be like oh i can't believe it i'd be like well that's what you [ __ ] get it just kind of crushes me a little bit i'm kind of i'm scared i'm scared for for the progress that we've made for for women's rights and gay rights and uh you know advances in environmental issues and healthcare like i just donald trump doesn't even believe that there is climate change like he i um i don't really want to uh go into my disgust with donald trump obviously you guys know how i feel i've made several videos where i talk about how i i think he's a misogynistic racist piece of [ __ ] um so i won't go into that in this video i just i don't have words one eternity later before uh kanye did go in to vote he tweeted this god is good today i am voting for the very first time i live for the president united states and it's someone i truly trust me kanye west's first stab at the presidency ended with him reportedly accumulating about 60 000 votes in the 12 states where he appeared on the ballot the rapper appeared to concede his longshot bid on twitter tuesday night posting a photo of himself in front of a map of the united states along with the caption kanye 2024 do michael flynn a key figure in what will be one of the defining scandals of donald trump's presidency he is now at the center of a new controversy in the united states trump is giving him a full pardon for crimes related to the russia investigation and keeping with something he's done throughout his time in the white house he is doing it announcing that he's pardoning him in a tweet and now it's time for the moment of our guest of honor they've been waiting in this case he's been waiting for this and uh bring him out look at that beautiful beautiful bird oh so lucky that is a lucky bird between you people don't answer don't talk to me that way you're just uh you're just a lightweight don't talk to me that way don't talk i'm the president of the united states don't ever talk to the president that way all right [Music] but i think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of january a lot of things massive fraud has been found we're like a third world country you know this tradition for previous presidents to go to the next president's inauguration i don't want to say that yet i mean i know the answer i'll be honest i know the answer but i just don't want to say it yet president trump took in a round of golf early friday before heading off to camp david speaking to reporters on thanksgiving evening the president again made baseless claims this election was a fraud this it was a rigged election friday a federal appeals court in pennsylvania added to the president's recent losses rejecting a lawsuit there the judge a president trump appointee wrote charges require specific allegations and then proof we have neither here oh my god i'm tired why am i why are you tired because of the election you