Cory McCarthy: A Racist, White Supremacist Vegan Bodybuilder. (2 of 2)

16 August 2016 [link youtube]

NOTE: THIS IS PART 2 OF 2 (You might want to watch part 1 first).

(1) Here's the link to my first video on Cory McCarthy, the material in that video is NOT repeated here (title: "Racism exists within veganism…):

(2) Here's the link to my earlier video on "The Golden One" (title: "Vegan Neo-Nazis Actually Exist"):

Please note that in the past Cory would disclaim that his political views were significantly different from The Golden One's, but, more recently, he seems to present himself as sharing the latter's views.

vegan / vegans / veganism / animal rights / racism / anti-racism / politics / negrophobia / Black Lives Matter / slavery

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's not really my job
to give a fair and balanced account of the um racist and white supremacist worldview of cory mccarthy i'm simply giving you the opportunity here and now to hear him explain his philosophy his world view in his own terms you know blacks get on whites for slavery they want reparations for it when in fact blacks were selling their own kind into slavery to whites and to the middle east and to this day i believe there actually is still slavery in africa yeah so um there is way way way more fuss about something white people did a few hundred years ago um and virtually no fuss about the current slave trade and sex slave trade going on yeah the same thing with where's black lives matter when you know blacks kill blacks in chicago [ __ ] virtue signalers [ __ ] dumb virtue signalers that's what you are you're worthless well basically they want white people to pay out of white people to pander which we have been doing for way too [ __ ] that's cause there's too many [ __ ] cucks whereas in africa it's literally like the most violent man gets the most women you know in these kind of situations um so they just have not evolved in the same way that we have all these guys are kind of stuck in an echo chamber um the golden one is a neo-nazi and he does not consider himself a neo-nazi now why is that because he surrounds himself with other people who are even more extreme we're gonna talk about adolf hitler and the second world war let us have a mature and intellectual discussion about all of hitler and the second world war now first of all and we've all seen the the bad side of adolf hitler i'd suggest that you have a glimpse at the good sides as it were i will link the greatest story never told below so you can get an alternate view of things for me other hitler was a very accomplished economist realize this there are no good and evil there's only tribes and nations fighting against each other the golden one says that he's not uh neo-nazi although from my perspective from the majority people perspective the gold month definitely isn't neo-nazi but reasonable definition cory by his own definition explains that he does not consider himself a racist and the core of his apologia's defense of himself is that he he says his beliefs are based on facts and are not based on hatred but i think anyone if you watch this video you can very easily come to the conclusion that yes actually most of what he's saying it is hateful it is motivated by hatred and again if if you really feel that these other ethnic groups are infuriated you in the way as he says it's his example someone born with it with a small penis who can't do anything but more it's not their fault as he says you know you were i know you can't help being born under in a specific country with a specific you know a specific race or a specific iq or whatever you know but the thing is like let's say you're born with an 85 iq just like somebody who's born with a two-inch dick that's like i'm sorry you got the [ __ ] of the stick i mean what you can't really do anything about it but why are you so hateful of these other ethnic groups you know perfect i don't believe in any of the factual claims major i don't believe in any of the historical assumptions i feel none of this is convincing to me uh from premise through conclusion believe me to me it's it's all laughable it's all a joke and you can tell by watching this i mean has he ever opened a book on any of these topics whether it's the history of the native people of north america or the history of the colonization of africa or india or china there's a whole world of of history here that um they run roughshod over and seem to have absolutely zero sensitivity to and zero real factual understand um but the core conceit of his worldview is that he doesn't hate black people he hates stupid people and he believes that black people are born intellectually inferior with some exceptions because he also claims that he has some some black friends claims he has one good black friend i wonder if that one friend is still a friend of yours after they've seen this video corey i wonder how you think you can be a vegan fitness icon i wonder how you think you can make a living selling diet and exercise advice um when these your political beliefs in the world uh and you're not allowed to say blacks keep going around killing people they're the number one deaths by murder or illegal weapons uh and when even when they do commit murder overall um it's it's like 90 of the time done with an illegal gun yet these murder rates are given to us an excuse of why white people should have their guns taken away when what the majority of um killings by white people with guns is suicide no one is allowed to speak openly about these racial and religious differences that are causing white countries massive problems and if you dare to say anything about it you are the evil incarnate and you know you deserve you're literally hitler apparently yeah uh people i am not remotely exaggerating people have lost their jobs for saying things that have been perceived as racist yeah and this brings me back to the whole point that facts can't be [ __ ] racist facts aren't racist whispering uh we are told oh the only reason that we could conquer them was because they were such peaceful people no a lot of them were cannibals a lot of them were doing human sacrifices scale you know they were committing genocide within their own little groups um these these weren't just as savage people you know and that's what they called routinely savages and that's what they were when we turned up um and of course you can you know that's i guess that's the subjective description so you can say well i don't think they were savages but the general consensus um was that a lot of these groups of people who we conquered were savages and the reason why we thought earth savages was because they acted like savages they do such things as crafting in their own water supply which they still do yeah which was still spending millions and millions of dollars in foreign aid and trying to educate them not to do europeans would come in and like build farms for them and try to show them how to farm and and then once those europeans left the farm would fall into disrepair because they just either they just [ __ ] didn't they didn't either they didn't know how to do it or they got they were too lazy to do it but when you live in a country you can walk outside a coconut falls in your head i mean you don't really have any need to like have to learn how to do complex things like farming to to survive basically because you can just find food like easily you know it's just you know whereas europeans let me go through an ice age and therefore had to learn how to work in groups how to learn how far we started and plan ahead we started using agricultural technology eight to ten thousand years ago when we settled after the ice age as the original humans settling in areas of ireland britain france etc and so the r1b haplogroup yeah is basically responsible for 90 of the world or more their inventions basically the top inventions i mean the r1b haplogroup uh which seems to branch out around the british isles and parts of western europe um basically has been responsible for some of the greatest literature the greatest music the greatest artwork the greatest sciences it's just it it's like it's all focused in that one little area that one little region little by from paris one small region um that all shares the same y chromosome yep is that a coincidence you know is there a genetic cluster in this particular area that has conquered most of the world containing north italy which is rome um greece which obviously had its own little empire i believe um that germany which had an empire france which had an empire spain which obviously conquered the south of uh south america etc and the british isles which conquered virtually and even to this day you find that a lot of like medical research and uh is being conducted also in america and australia and why would that be think about that because the r1b haplogroup then was sent over to those two places they're colonies you know british colonies you know scottish irish and british colonies so that would make sense yeah yeah because there's a heavy german population in america there even was during the colonial times uh um there were uh and australia's got a lot of uh mediterranean evolves like just look at every single civilized country in the world um aside from the east asians which are kind of like a separate issue that we could talk about another time i don't really feel need to go into it um they're all colonized by white people and this is not because white people have gone around stealing and as as we are told like they just stole the gold of the locals or something um which i'm sure they did steal some gold but come on how much gold did these people have they couldn't even they don't think they were very technologically advanced enough to eat from that yeah there was gold there they weren't working with metals they probably didn't even know there was gold there like you know we just happened to find these resources that we could use yeah so there's this kind of idea that we've like we've stolen everything off them and that's how we got wealthy nope we were we were the wealthiest um area on earth before we went out branched out and built all these massive ships and went out and uh conquered the areas so anyway yeah uh we're just fed up of being told that the only reason white people are wealthy is because they're bad people and that all their ancestors were bad people and now we have to pay in foreign aid in welfare by giving our countries up uh by giving our citizenships up to um people from third world countries and then the force diversification the neighborhoods but bear in mind we're all the same do you want to talk about that as well um yeah it's like you know i i've heard i i don't know if this is conspiracy or what but i've heard that obama has a plan to force diversify neighborhoods in america that are what you would call lily white in america which is basically their upper class uh white pretty much white only neighborhoods that have extraordinarily low crime rates obviously um think wet parts of westchester new york for example um and i hear that that obama has a plan i believe that it's going to be uh carried over if hillary becomes president that she's got somebody from obama's team that's working with her uh it's like his legacy sort of thing where they're going to force diversify these neighborhoods where the government's going to buy up houses in these neighborhoods and put low-income ethnically diverse families into them including people that are known violent criminals into these neighborhoods to force and to inject diversity again these are people who claim that we're all the same then why use the word diversity you [ __ ] [ __ ] you know that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense hypocrisy much but the point is they're going to force diversify neighborhoods so that all neighborhoods are forced uh and basically by doing this it would also also prevent white flight because um which is something that does occur historically because where the [ __ ] are you gonna go if all neighborhoods are ending are gonna be ending up uh being force diverse diversified you know that's that's uh so like obviously they're trying to counter the potential of white flight as well which does historically happen it even happened in the south bronx uh if i'm not mistaken uh was once a um a very white neighborhood and that it's basically fallen into become a [ __ ] essentially because when the uh ethnic diversity began to come into that neighborhood the whites [ __ ] off and and basically left them um the neighborhoods fell in disrepair because the the locals um that are that are remain there just don't take care of the neighborhoods they don't keep them up yeah i think we all know this intuitively i mean everyone's driven through a really crap area and being like oh why this is a really crap barrier and it's like oh it's it's populated by ethnics i wonder why it's the kind of areas that the area that me and a friend of mine jokingly say like when you go when you pass through these if you end up in one uh hold on to your wallet yeah like we all we all intuitively know that there are certain groups of people who have a higher crime rate who are [ __ ] at doing anything who can't turn up on time to places who are extremely unreliable and make mistakes all the time and expect to get bailed out for it um and but yet we're told that to have this pattern recognition ability is to create a stereotype and creating stereotype is wrong and evil and you shouldn't do that i mean i i've on on my own channel i've had uh people you know come out and attack me like try to shame me name call things like that because because of of tara you know my girlfriend and because i'm friends with the golden one so they and and these idiots don't know what a nazi is so they they say but did you know the golden one's a nazi it's like no i didn't know he was a national socialist you know i just thought he was a nationalist you know i didn't know he was a national socialist in fact i thought he was kind of he didn't really agree with socialism these [ __ ] idiots have no idea they throw the word nazi around like they don't even know what it means you know it's that's the thing about the leftists they don't even have a [ __ ] clue and uh i think they actually just use nazi as synonymous with nationals yeah yeah they call people literally hitler you know i didn't give a [ __ ] if they call me racist i don't give a [ __ ] i'm just for me i don't really care they can call i've been called that have been called worse but the thing is is that it's stupid and i can't handle stupid stupid [ __ ] things up for the rest of us that's the problem with stupid low iq's [ __ ] things up for the rest of us um yeah so um if if you wonder why these correlations are happening it's because of physiological reasons brain differences hormonal differences yeah uh we are very different we built we look very different on the outside and we are very different on the inside evolution doesn't just happen on the surface races and gender we're all different you know you know it's absurd to say we're all the same we're not the same but you know that's just how it is you know it's not racist to state the facts but these leftists want to live in a little rainbow colored world where roses and rainbows and everything smell sweet and everything tastes good and everyone is [ __ ] equal that's not the case yeah it's a bit of a better a better pill to swallow uh when you realize that people are born with a genetic cap on their iq yeah you know some people who are born they're never going to have an iq higher than 85. yeah whatever you do give them treat them like a prince and they will and the thing about that is is that so you know you were i know you can't help being born under in a specific country with a specific you know a specific race or a specific iq or whatever you know but the thing is like let's say you're born with an 85 iq just like somebody who's born with a two-inch dick it's like i'm sorry you got the [ __ ] of the stick i mean what you can't really do anything about it but you know just make the best of what you got i guess but you know to go around saying that everyone is equal when there are inherent differences um even amongst you know whites there are inherent differences you know there are some whites that you know i meet that that are so low in iq and i and i'm just like i can't even talk to these people i can't have a reasonable conversation with them it's it's just ridiculous you know there's just inherent differences you know nobody is that we're all different you know there are people there's always going to be someone smarter someone less intelligent someone who's got a bigger dick someone's got a smaller dick somebody who's more talented in a given area somebody who's less talented somebody has no [ __ ] talents you know there's always going to be differences there are differences we're not all the same and it's absurd to try to say that we're all the same when the differences are smack you in the face obvious yeah you know and it's a little bit just [ __ ] look too observe try to demonize people for exercising basic pattern recognition abilities okay you know there are patterns based on what happens within ethnic groups and people will say it's cultural and oh it's just how they were brought up etc but no i believe that culture is um secondary to genetics so if people are like violent have violent tendencies in their culture it's normally secondary to genetic physiological biological reasons you know um in white society we have a high trust culture but this is after like thousands and thousands of years of killing off the people who are criminals you know because we used to kill them we used to just get rid of them get them out of a gene pool whereas in africa it's literally like the most violent man gets the most women you know in these kind of situations um so they just have not evolved in the same way that we have and that comes down to the whole arc our selected case selected thing as well which is another difference we're not all the same you know so um yeah we've um we have different genes i i i sympathize with nothing corey says here nothing it's the thing but um the one thing i can say is is apparel for my own life is that i know what it's like for me not to be able to get a job because i'm not christian um especially back when i openly identified as buddhist back when i was a buddhist involved in humanitarian work and a lot of the humanitarian sector is dominated by christian charities and those guys you know would not talk with me and would not deal with me i do think that corey is setting himself up in a situation in life where his extreme political beliefs will prevent him from getting work will prevent him from leading a normal life and um as we all know it's certainly possible to be vegan and be right-wing it's certainly possible to be vegan and racist it is possible to vegan and to be a fascist it is possible to be vegan and to believe all the things that corey is going to explain to you he believes here it's possible but you will certainly be very harshly judged by your fellow vegans and cory goes on a great length to explain what an intellectually is how his beliefs are rational and based on facts are not based on hatred etc corey man i i hope i hope one day in the future you can look back on this and laugh i hope one day in the future you've really changed i hope one day i delete this video because you've changed because you become a different man i hope i hope so man um but before you could ever get to that stage you'd have to fundamentally have enough intellectual respect for the people who disagree with you that you'd really listen to them that you've really listened to the facts they have to present that you really listen to the moral arguments they have to present that are in such uh stark country distinction to your own view of the world in fact one of cory's good good friends is a black guy yeah very intelligent guy you know this is why i'm saying i i a racist would blanketly for no good reason just hate a group of people if because the color of the skin or for whatever reason like for instance johnny would be a racist because johnny hates all blacks but why does johnny hate blacks well they're black you know he doesn't there's no real good reason for it it's completely unjustified now facts like this is what i would keep we keep saying what we're talking about facts can't be racist it's not racist to say that you know blacks are committing more crime facts can't be racist but try telling out the leftists leftists are these [ __ ] dumb pukes who when they can't win an argument they instead try to shame or name call you know or or you know make you look bad or get your job taken away from you or whatever it is they try to ruin your life it's because they're too [ __ ] dumb to actually [ __ ] argue with facts this stuff i mean look my first video i'm not repeating any of the material this is the second video i've made addressing these issues uh so the material from corey in the first video is not repeated here so i recommend you see that i also recommend you take a look at my earlier video on the golden one i do want to make the disclaimer that the original video they uploaded was 48 minutes long it was completely unedited it was one continuous take so any edits you see in this video are edits of my own making however i have tried to be fair i mean i haven't been taking little snippets out of context you get a pretty good sense of the flow of the argument as he presents it i said you get to evaluate his view on his own terms hey i tried ah and that's a lot more than corey's ever gonna do