Everyone looks like Condoleezza Rice until you fall in love with them.

01 January 2019 [link youtube]

Including Nina and Randa. And Based Zeus. And you, yes you, whoever you are watching this video. This is part of the longest-running playlist on the channel, "Advice Nobody Wants to Hear". #NinaAndRanda #BasedZeus #AntiPUA

Youtube Automatic Transcription

do you think marriage is natural that's
a loaded question I think that marriage can be natural absolutely people always want to say is monogamy more natural is polyamory being having multiple partners at the same time or natural I also don't like the example of well in the hunter-gatherer days we did this and we do that I'm like you weren't there yeah men it's not gonna happen no no but this is just women this isn't just men who say this there's a girl I've met girls that cheat on their boyfriends and they're like well you know monogamy is just not natural I'm like no you're just be like you and so you're trying to say oh it's not natural like no I'm sorry you made a poor decision and hurt someone's feelings like I don't want to be like 30 or 40 alone where all the pickings are slim no guys I want to be married by the time I'm 30 okay number one the wife trick this one is easy when you meet a girl or are talking to her all you need to do is jokingly say that she's your wife doing this is perfect because it sets you up with a perfect way of teasing and flirting with her you have a funny and light inside joke that you can refer back to throughout all of your interactions and you can get away with being more flirty and touchy by framing it as a joke and making her feel more comfortable this is a good way of framing and pacing the interaction because it allows her to see that you're a fun guy and not a weirdo who's gonna kidnap her in your minivan it allows her to open up and be more comfortable with you throughout all of your interactions you can even push this further by making up ridiculous and funny imaginary scenarios about how you guys are gonna have like 10 kids and name them all really funny names or how you'll have a cottage together in the South of France this is literally the technique I've been using with practically every new girl I talked to and it's worked wonders for me so make sure you try it out another good line I like to use to open up conversations is I bet I'm more interesting than your phone 99% of the time a girl is on her phone so this line applies almost always and it's the perfect way to show your confidence and godliness being honest about your intentions and relationship with a girl from start our an easy way to build attraction points with a girl and the fact is when you're ballsy and confident enough to be authentic with a girl it builds instant respect for you and attraction on the spot back in the day I feel like just a few years ago if I had a crush on someone I would be so embarrassed yeah I it was like embarrassing at the thought of them knowing that I had a crush on them I was like I can't speak to them they can't know like and then I'm like almost like this like mouse version of myself and I can't speak what would you do now but I would do now I would just slide into those d-ends literally I do not care if you don't like me if you don't like me literally we only care that you don't like us once you've led us on a bus when you leave me on and you've been at the ice you make me think that you're in love with me and then it's like that's what's hard but like if I just slide into those DMS yeah it's just a crushed guy's ear if they don't respond or you know you say hi they don't wave back whatever you write back where you started and if you see a cute guide you have a mutual friend whether you're at a party literally just go up wall and pretend like he's your friend I would say my best advice to myself until you guys is to treat everyone like they're your friend and then you can actually be yourself right who gave you that advice you did this is part of the video where I try to say something other than face palming and shouting at the camera that this advice is unbelievably awful to many of you that'll be self-evident I also do not want to say exactly the same thing again that I've said before in response to the relationship advice from both the Honorable base deuce and the Honorable Nina and Randa I've actually done commentaries on both of them on this on the stop before multiple times on this channel in fact great great source inspiration for me um you know one of the late motifs that's come up again again again I don't want to get into too deeply here is this idea of using sympathy as an analytical tool what if your positions were reversed the genders are different being a man approaching a woman is different from being one approach you man but it's not that different okay homie you can relate whether you're a man watching this or a woman if a member of the opposite sex walked up to you at a party at a Sara Lee a party at a at a work function and some kind of at the library and just starts acting like they're already your friend are you gonna respond to that positively are you gonna respond to that negatively are you just gonna be you don't know me like that back off you don't know me like that why would you respond positively and look in your mind's eye if you were imagining this being a fantastically attractive woman um just think of like any appointee II from the Bill Clinton administration look you know what okay okay let's get George Bush on this Condoleezza Rice if Condoleezza Rice walks up on me in a university library at work or at a cocktail party and just starts talking to me real familiar like that starts following this advice if Condoleezza Rice walks up to me at a public function and start saying hey you're my husband we're gonna have ten kids together and we're gonna need one of them ringo after ringo starr if she actually walked up on me and started playing game with this and be like who are parking up the wrong tree right now and my point is not the Condoleezza Rice is ugly it's not that me obviously you got a Google her back when she was in her prime or something Condoleezza Rice is like most people if you haven't already fallen in love with her she's not that attractive she's not gonna get a starring role in a romantic comedy she's not gonna be employed in a fancy shoe commercial um you know however there's nothing wrong with her you know she's not you know horribly disabled or obese or disfigured doesn't have a contagious skin illness Condoleezza Rice is also a highly intelligent highly accomplished person I assume we have nothing in common politically but nevertheless there's a lot to respect there if you met her in some other situation and got to know her you care about woman being a person SOB's I can totally imagine falling in love with Condoleezza Rice and once you got some kind of connection and some kind of mutual respect and you know intellect to intellect communication of course of course you'd find Condoleezza Rice attractive she could be the love of your life sure man there's nothing wrong with her you get over it you would get over it and that's what 99% of humanity is doing 99% of the time you watching this video are Condoleezza Rice in the eyes of complete strangers who have not yet fallen in love with you and you know what if those people got to know you weren't at a connection with you people probably would find you attractive but for the vast majority of us the last period of time if there wasn't some other kind of basis for a connection you're not gonna make progress just walking up to a complete stranger and laying it on the line which is what all these videos seem to you know try to make their living telling you to do you know shout out to Nina Aranda that probably the most mature video I've ever seen from them where they just acknowledge the reality that open relationships and polyamory exist and they all they openly acknowledge the reality that they're switching up their game and just straight up sliding into people's DMS laying it on the line because they feel that big number the number 30 getting closer and closer you know I can respect you know the the realness of that and it certainly is an abrupt contrast to the total unreality of this cartoon supervillain based Zeus and I noticed he doesn't even really have the courage to lie to you he tells you he's been using this technique of rolling up on women complete strangers and telling complete strangers that he wants to get married to them at have kids with him great and there is not one anecdote here about that backfiring he doesn't even give you one anecdote of it going well like step by step telling you a story of how this turned out well and yeah that is that is hard for me to imagine it's hard for me to imagine with the woman of substance it's hard for me to imagine with a complete bimbo like evening bimbos gonna respond what if you walk up to a woman and say this you know she's a conservative traditional religious woman that is what she's looking for what if you happen to use those on someone who really wants who's ready to settle down and have kids have nine kids and named them after Ringo Starr then too terrible idea at every stage you know it's also it's also a contrast he says repeatedly you should be authentic and honest with people about what you really want well you what do you want you want to get a complete stranger pregnant you want to say what is this you can't be authentic an artist and and open their relationship with a lie and what and what's the truth yeah there's a less than 1% chance I'm gonna marry you all right look this is the other government I want to make this video I think Nina and Randa who are more than ever in this new video keeping it real there are a few other kind of telling moments in there um but they're they're living lives in Los Angeles that both most people can never live and that most people shouldn't aspire to live I think in the 21st century now more than ever people need more advice from small towns from the periphery because most of us most of us do in effect live in a small town and I'll tell you why Nina Aranda they don't just live in Los Angeles they live on Instagram and they live in a situation where you know the faceless masses of available men can at any time be replaced right now nevertheless they're struggling they're still single they want to get married by 30 bla bla bla you know the rules your waking it still isn't working for them but you know living in the big city and living in those circumstances the big city it trains you to treat other human beings as disposable and a lot of people who just went to a big high school in a big city come out of high school with that attitude like Oh next semester there's gonna be 30 new hot guys for me to choose from a wrong you know then high school ends and guess what even if you got a new job every semester which is very unlikely most likely you're stuck in the same job forever and ever with the same circle friends forever and ever the 30 new guys at your work 29 of them are married and you probably don't want Steve the photocopy guy anyway you know the one guy who isn't married your office everybody everybody worth having as being had yeah till I you know I don't want to roll too many thoughts in this video my girlfriend and I both watched recently a documentary about polyamory and was based in Portland Oregon to mean you know if it were described vaguely and poetically could sound great and then you see it in HDMI made-for-tv documentary and you're like this is horrifying the the devil is in the details and I don't just mean that the people are ugly they are I mean the psychological details you know the neediness and the excuse making and the self justification and everything else it's it's sad and it's sick and it's bad and it's wrong does that mean monogamy is good no does that mean monogamy is even an option for you wherever you are watching this no it may not even be for for Anita and Randa but I mean I think in a lot of ways the emergence of some of these other dating and meeting and family making strategies is people struggling with the reality of being alone in a crowded society that even if you live in a big city in 2019 first time mentioning the new year on this channel you know it's most likely that you do in effect live in a small town of the number of people you have any human connections with that you're isolated with just a few dozen people who ever say to you more than a sentence more than the price of something when you buy something at a at a grocery store and those barriers you know the barriers that divide strangers from other strangers interestingly in the 21st century they seem to be more insuperable than ever and I feel bad some of the people who reach out to me a complete stranger I'm in a totally friendly Jen gesture but just now at the train station tried to toast the New Year with me and I reacted like he was trying to mug me now what who you know were you talking to him but a nice couple of who were having a picnic on the beach this is six months ago or something you know we were in France they had their kid on the beach we had our kid in the beach and they invite us over we're trying to chat with us that happened twice same beach two different couples and you know they're eating meat and drinking alcohol and we have nothing in common and there's no you know it's hard it's are these are situations where there's no possible romance involve by the way none of these people were trying to get laid with me that on the surface as far as I know no so of course when there's when there's when there's romance involved it's it's harder and look what none of these people want to want to face up to in giving this kind of advice is when you think about these scenarios all of them only work only seem appealing in the mind's eye if you're imagining a situation where secretly and implicitly each of the parties desires the other right like so this stranger at the office walks up on you and uses this terrible line a better more interesting than your phone [ __ ] you Oh a little bit of soup just what do you think I'm writing on my phone I could be doing anything I'll be writing my mom I could be you know whatever making plans for a funeral I could be doing something related to my research and language study yeah I could have my Chinese flashcard program oh but I'm doing so much you have no idea it's such terrible one unless I mean this is the fantasy unless I'm like already secretly in love with you or less like this already been this boiling romance that only now is coming to fruition with this corny terrible line but it's still a terrible way to start a relationship yeah it's tough so look guys I mean you know 21st century it's it's a new it's a new medieval era and maybe you know what the internet leads us back to is facing up to the brutal reality that we're isolated in our crowds in the city and that we have to learn things from the community building you know skill set that to some extent people may have struggling in isolation in small towns in some cultures somewhere there's somebody who is lying to teach you about how to build a viable community a social circle that really works a unit of people larger than two you know I saw that in places like Laos and Cambodia and some other cultures have lived and obviously I've seen situation was where it really is the whole village that raises a child or the whole tribe you have intact tribal structures including tribal authority in any paradise but those those people have more face-to-face friends in real life than I have Facebook friends who are not my friend real life you know what I mean I've seen those you keep working you know units a social organization may not be your family may not be your small town may not be you where you're from but probably it's it's a little bit toxic for all of us that the people giving advice the internet are people like Nina Aranda who aren't just in the big city part of the most privileged to either experience the most warped by social media in overcoming that isolation that all of us are like it or not sterling with [Music]