Meeting John Sakars I.R.L. (Vegan Steez)

17 August 2019 [link youtube]

And if you don't know who John Sakars is, you will, in fact, find out in this selfsame video, in less than two minutes. My impression was, throughout the event, that (i) he knew who I was, and (ii) he was terrified to talk to me (or even make eye-contact with me)… but it's possible he acts that way around everyone. #vegan #vegans #veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

what up John recording YouTube video you
want to jump in this John sack ours off-camera I kid you not Google we're talking about activism men bathrooms I can't help you yeah my viewers gonna think I was making that up [Music] [Music] [Music] on YouTube okay I enjoyed that video so much I watched it over and over again I'm not kidding he's a good guy means well he means well yeah okay okay he's rebelling against the side he is in a lot of ways he's okay and and he definitely dances to the beat of his own drummer yeah and tell because he doesn't to beat but yeah I respect that this is him saying you know what you play your game I'll play my game my game is made these funny videos and and if you think think about the courage that it takes